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Star infocard inconsistencies - Printable Version

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Star infocard inconsistencies - Tenacity - 06-10-2010

So, I'm taking an astronomy class in college this semester, and just got finished learning about stars - particularly how you can tell what temperature and material a star is made out of by it's visible appearance (aka color).

I thought I'd apply this to freelancer with some exploration/research RP for my order character, particularly in mapping the new systems that will be introduced with 4.86... so thinking about that while I flew around tonight, I noticed that many of the stars in the mod do not have proper infocards.

Here are two examples, both of these are from the trio of stars in omicron delta:

[Image: fucmtl.jpg]

[Image: 32zt45y.jpg]

The particular point that's wrong in these is the temperature. In the first image, we have a Medium Red, and in the second a Medium white.

The problem is that the infocard shows that both stars have a temperature of 5,000 degrees Kelvin. 5000K is the temperature a -yellow- star must be, but for a star to be red it has to have a temperature of less than 4000 degrees (with 4000 being more orange and true red being around 2500 degrees). A white star needs a temperature of around 7000-8000 Kelvin.

Since both of them are 'medium' stars, the luminosity of 4 makes sense, anything from about 0.5 to 50 luminosity would qualify for a medium sized star. Dwarf stars need a luminosity of 0.01 to 0.0001, while giants need al uminosity of 100-10,000, in solar units.

Also forgot to mention that the classification ("Type" in the infocards) is also wrong. On the star color scale, going from Blue to white to yellow to red, star classifications are O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. The "Type: G8" on these would signify a yellow-orange star.//

I know it's a minor detail, but just thought it was interesting is all, not sure if anyone really has the time to fix it since it has no real effect on the gameplay. I'm guessing that nearly every star put into non-vanilla systems is going to have the same problems, since it looks like the infocards were copy/pasted from the originals. Most of the vanilla systems I've checked so far are more or less 'correct' in these stats.

Star infocard inconsistencies - Durandal - 06-10-2010

There are no green stars IRL. It's rather evident that the devs simply didn't care.

Star infocard inconsistencies - Tenacity - 06-10-2010

' Wrote:There are no green stars IRL. It's rather evident that the devs simply didn't care.

yea, that's true... stars transition to white between blue and yellow, so no green. No purple either. The only way for a green star to exist is if it contained copper, and a star will either go supernova or collapse on itself by the time it's core converts to iron - before copper can even be reached.

Star infocard inconsistencies - bobby - 06-10-2010

' Wrote:It's rather evident that the devs simply didn't care.
I think that's echoed in most peoples thoughts.

But hell, I'm sure will complain if you fix them all.:D

Star infocard inconsistencies - Seth Karlo - 06-10-2010

Added to my ToDo list.

Can you provide me with a table saying temperatures and relative colours/Sizes please?


Star infocard inconsistencies - Exile - 06-10-2010

Three words.

Sound. In. Space.

Star infocard inconsistencies - jxie93 - 06-10-2010

Change them yourself for the mod if they annoy you. I personally am not too bothered.

Star infocard inconsistencies - ErikssonJeny - 06-10-2010

I like it...people can learn proper astronomy now!

Star infocard inconsistencies - Thexare - 06-11-2010

' Wrote:Three words.

Sound. In. Space.
Come on. That one's easy. Your ship has sensors that pick up what's going on around you and create sounds based on that, to aid in survival and just not going crazy from the silence.

I'm not the only one here that's played Tyrian, am I? :unsure:

Star infocard inconsistencies - Horon - 06-11-2010

Real world science? In MY Freelancer?

Get a free Real World Science check now!