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The "Silent" Diary - Printable Version

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The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 06-11-2010

Given Name: Leiko
Family Name: Shimizudani
Call sign: "Shiro Otonashi" - lit. "White Silence"
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Blood Type: AB
Height: 158cm
Weight: 62kg

[Image: LeikoMedium.png]
Used as a human punching bag for her mother and father whenever things in their lives got to the point where they despaired, Leiko was an only child, at first she was loved and cared for by both her parents, but when the mother and fathers company slowly began to go under during the harshest times of the Kusari Bretonian conflict Leiko took the frustration of her parents to the full extent.

Both parents decided to keep their activities a secret, Leiko forbidden from leaving the house, her schooling was home taught and she was locked into a warm damp room with no windows where She would be "taught" to never make mistakes in her life, to never disobey her parents. At first she screamed and thrashed, she fought back as much as her little body could, screaming for her parents even though they were beating her the entire time.

9 years wore on... Leikos mind and soul were extinguished, she had closed her heart completely, she stopped thrashing, she stopped resisting, the teachings of her parents became more and more extreme, Leiko no longer spoke. Just as her parents had wished, she became an obedient doll. Forbidden to move without commands, forbidden to speak without consent, Forbidden to see the light of day unless by the will of her parents.

Leiko was 17. Slowly her parents lost interest in her, abandoning her in the empty shell of their old home, the gas, electric and water all had been cut off. They took everything they could and bought a ship, but decided to leave Leiko behind, Leiko didnt understand why her parents didnt come back, she blamed herself. Malnourished, dehydrated, and cold Leiko collapsed inside her black room, found by a salesman who had come to air out the property and make it ready for resale.

Leiko was rushed to the nearest hospital, and was placed in full medical care, there was a uproar about this across the local community, people came to see her, cameras flashing, people asking for statements, nobody ever so much as asked her if she was alright.

Leiko had forgotten what people were like, she said nothing to anybody, after she was discharged from the hospital she was moved into child care, however she wouldn't socialise with the other teenagers there, she eventually became along again. Worried staff attempted to get her to talk, they tried reasoning with her, consoling her, tried making her laugh or smile, they even threatened her. One staff member raised their hand as if to hit her, Leiko just looked up at them, not flinching nor speaking then blinking slowly she would stand up and walk away.

Now 20 years old, Leiko is still as unsociable as ever, by the age of 16 the stress of her childhood replaced her jet black hair, with flowing glacial white hair, her skin was marked almost completely in scars, burns, deep cuts and stitched wounds. Her parents never marked her face permanently nor her hands, this was more to save their own skin than for the care of their daughter.

Unspeakable trauma's together with being forced into silence for 12 years, Leiko has forgotten how to speak, she sometimes tries but is overcome with a programmed ahorrent fear that comes with the sound of her voice. Instead Leiko relies on body language and a small PDA to talk to people via text, she emits beauty, calm, grace and gentleness from afar however upfront she will appear, rude, selfish distant and uncaring, pushing people away so that she cannot be hurt.

Leiko will also violently object to any physical contact she receives without consent, instinctively. Normally with the aid of her Tachyon Bolt Driver sidearm which is always at her side.

Leiko is slowly becoming warmer, but still almost refuses to speak to anybody she does not know, her heart and mind will most likley never heal completely through all she has suffered, however Leiko has found companionship within her ranks of Kaizoku, and became fond of Aiji Ishikawa, finding out his feelings were mutual they began dating, she is very defensive of her relationship with Aiji.

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 06-12-2010

//anything with "::" before and after it is text message

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0001
Date: 10/06/818

::its restless out... Kyushu is restless... Traders pass without a word... hoping I dont say a word... they hope not to meet anybody in the void... I can feel it... each day my Arrow's ship log grows... more and more traders pass.... wishing that I do not speak to them...::

::well they can consider their wish granted... the fools...::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 06-13-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0002
Date: 12/06/818

::Kyushu... guess its home now... not that anywhere is any different at its core... restless...::

::recieved new orders, looks like im going to Liberty today... "you will be on your own" Yuka-san said... I wondered how that was different to most other days...being with other people... only ends in pain...::

::If all goes well, they will never even know I was there::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 06-14-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0003
Date: 13/06/818

::what is wrong with my body! it wont listen to me and does what ever it likes, my eyes just water and the mear touch of another person on my skin... Kaito-san, Tenshi-san.. its all the same::

::she tried to tell me we arent all alone, she told me she was a weapon..."we are both dolls" I told her... destined to be thrown away and alone after a while, she disagreed... saying "we are part of a group"..then I saw her harming Yuki-san only a few moments later... I was right after all, even in a group we are all... still just alone... contact with others is meaningless... the end result is always... always the same...::

::we are alone... and there is nothing we can do to change it::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 06-15-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0004
Date: 15/06/818

::my body is changing, I can tell, there is a lot to take in, so much happened yesterday::

::I didnt know what to do, my body wouldnt listen to me, it kept shaking.. Kaito came after me, he said he wanted to be with me, I didnt understand, why would he want me instead of Yuki.. i get nervous around people, i get angry if people touch me, and most of all... i cant speak::

::If he ever saw my body, he would be gossed out, my scarred body, my disgusting body, nobody could love this person I am, nobody including me::

::still he talked to me, i tried to push him away, he wouldnt go, he came after me again, said he needed me, and that I was the one he wanted, I.. again i felt anxious, his ship approached on scanner, he talked to me for a long time, eventually he made me believe that i was needed, my body did what ever it wanted, Kaito brought me back to his place hes making food now, it smells nice.. Im nervous still, but its too late to run::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 07-02-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0005
Date: 02/07/818

::I have been betrayed again, I could feel the will of my mind to resist people, but no matter what, my body always ends up in control, deep inside i can feel the wrenching of my heart::

::Kaito-san was sombody i thought i could belong to, and be with, he wanted to stay with Yuki, he said she was going to die soon and didnt want to leave her alone, turns out that was just a lie to get away from me, I dont blame him for wanting to be with another, he saw my body, this disgusting scarred body, my lips that can move but not speak. I had longed so much for sombody to trust, sombody to love...::

::They say they love me as a friend... I dont know what to believe, i cant trust anybody it seems, Yuka said she would never hurt me, kaito said the same thing... ::

::I am not destined for love, I am destined for abandonment... to be alone again, in this endless void::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 07-05-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0006
Date: 05/07/818

::Freeport 9, this should do to lay low for a while, outcasts trying to chase me, they are fools, they wont catch me, and even if they do, i wont say a word to them, nothing...::

::Kaito wanted to talk, I had nothign to say to him, he asked if I was angry at him, I didnt know, and i still dont know, all i know is that I cant really believe in anybody now, im going to do my job and that will be that, this group is growing in size, I do not wish to take part in their "group" activities, they can do their own thing if it makes them happy, I will do my own::

::its the only way for everyone to be happy::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 07-06-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0007
Date: 06/07/818

::im back now, between the two stars, i thought about going to the Hinode, i thought about going to the Tengoku, i even thought about going to Saga... I dont feel like going to any of them, Freeport 9 wasnt so bad, i wonder what the other freeports are like, i may buy an appartment on Freeort 6, or freeport 2, if i do that then i can take my orders soley by message::

::there might be a fuss, but if he really cared, he wouldnt have left me for her... Yuka-dono's words play over and over in my mind, she said she would never hurt me, ever. when sombody says that to you and then they do it anyway... Its too risky::

:: im sure with the influx of new members Yuka-dono will have no time for a quiet person like me, and the rst wont even know i exist, which is for the best::

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 07-10-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0008
Date: 10/07/818

::I decided to go to Bretonia... find a few marks out there, didnt take long before i found 1, playing around all alone at the stokes lane, he immediatley retreated once he saw my presence, i flew above the plane, and came down behind the planet Leeds. The BAF fool approached me demanding that I leave, I had nothing I wanted to say to the moron, the more he shouted the more annoyed I became with him, his sheild didnt like the screamer mine I laid on him as a sign of my most utter contempt of him being near me, he started to attack me, we fought::

::I could hear Yuki and Kaito talking on the long range frequency, I turned off the radio, ||then a second BAF templar appeared, two against one||, they were no match for my Arrow, firing long fight my [color=#33CC00]||Cruise Disruptor detonated the mine behind the backup Templar ||
(Adama) ripping it apart without mercy, the first one (Hall) managed to ||flee with only 1% of his hull remaining||, his friend wasnt so fortunate, I didnt tell Yuka.. im not interested in claiming bounties particularly::

::Back home to Freeport 6, the quiet is nice but I decided to buy some music, the New Wave Kusarian Orchestra had released a new album... ::

//text between these markings || are guncam images

The "Silent" Diary - 75th Mosquitos - 07-24-2010

Personal [color=#33CC00]Data Assistant
Entry: 0009
Date: 24/07/818

::there isnt much to say... I enjoy my peace here on freeport 6, looking out into the asteroids glazed in a warm orange coat from the sun. im not sure its better than Kyushu's twins, but its close enough, and warm here too.::

::Yuka-dono will have a wedding soon, she already sent out invitations, she is getting married to another girl, Tenshi-san.. I thought it was a bit odd at first, for two girls to marry each other.::

::I still wonder if I should go, there will be too many people, I hope nobody notices me, I will leave early and return to my peace.::

<strike>::maybe I could... no.. nevermind::</strike>