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A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Serpentis - 06-12-2010

Alright, a couple of days ago, while working on a written log for my SCRA, I went: Screw this..

And decided to try something new, so, I dusted of my old mic and downloaded some audio programs.

And there I was, doing an audio log, from the perspective of Ivan Rasputin.

I love doing it, and I was hoping for some feedback on this.

Link to story

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Slartibartfast - 06-12-2010

Swedish Russian dialect ftw. xD

Anyway, better than I'd expect something like that to pan out, I guess.

Although You have to ask yourself, how many people will really bother going through all of it? I mean the con here is that You can't skim the content.

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Korny - 06-12-2010

Heh, the dialect is indeed awesome, as an compliment, of course.;)I really like that idea with recording your actual voice, but as Slartibartfast said, there will be people who ignore it since it's "only" voice. Me in my case love the idea and the result is great. I'll look forward to this.

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Magoo! - 06-12-2010

It allows for most excellent multi-tasking. Don't have to sit there reading walls of text if you can just listen to it while you do other stuff.

Serp has WinRAR.

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Sprolf - 06-12-2010

I've always wanted to do something like this (though not SCRA, my Russian accent is... poor), but you've beat me to it - and in a very well-done manner. It's really quite interesting, good job at it. You manage to tell your story without being cliche (which is something that plagues the Coalition, actually). Nicely done.

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Serpentis - 06-12-2010

Thanks, and well, I intend for the 3rd part to add images as well so that one looks trough the images and the texts on them while listening.

And I know people can't skim trough them, but if they arent interested then im fine with that:)

Anyhow, thanks for the comments ^^

Oh and posted the second log

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Cond0r - 06-12-2010

I like them. They are fun to listen to and, you are doing an awesome job of telling the story in a random way. Keep doing them, ye

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - chovynz - 06-12-2010

I love it!
Having the computer acknowledge you is a nice touch.
The whole thing is creative! Good work!

More volume!
Equalise the sounds. Computer acknowledgements is hard to hear. People can't see you, so it's no prob to be visually messy, as long as the sound is clear. Make your recording, then edit it in Audacity or something, to manually add the computer acknowledgments with good voluming. Post-processing. Then you can also probably add other thigns too.

Be your character, sometimes it sounds like you are reading a script (which you probably are) but for audio stuff, it's important to sound like you ARE Ivan Rasputin. If you can get into a position e.g. if angry, stand up. If relaxed sit down.

Your posture comes through the audio.
If you can manage it, I'd suggest you get either a head-mic, or a long extension cord so that you can act physically while reading your scripts.

Suggestion : if you don't already, write down your stuff.

#3 Make your audio logs short. To the point. A mind adrift, at the moment certainly, is adrift. Shorten your focus, if you understand what I mean.

#4243 It sounds like you are in a giant room, with the reverb happening there. Is there any way you can make it not so echoey?


Good work dude.
I'm looking forward to more.

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - Serpentis - 06-12-2010

Hehe thanks.

Well, I will see about getting another program, so far im using freeware, which means, BAD:P

Anyhow, Im just starting out, so I dont expect it being great.

But as time goes on im sure it will be better xD

A mind adrift, personal logs of a SCRA soldier - bobby - 06-13-2010

Heh, this is awesome.
I like the slow pace, feels more real, than as if you were reading text.
Were you making it up as you went along?

Anyway, really cool work, keep it up.