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Shooting game. - Corsair - 06-13-2010

I have changed my opinion on Player vs Player (abbreviated PvP) combat since my last Flood thread. Now, I frakkin' love it (thanks in large part to Connecticut, the system I would previously not be caught dead in) and it's.. Nostalgic.

Remember .84, when people saw an LPI IFF'd Rheinland Battleship sitting at Manhattan.. And nobody cared about his IFF/ID? Now, we see that and try to find some new way to hurt the guy for.. Clicking pixels. I already made a rant thread over overzealous withholding of pixels from people, and in light of the SRP closure (which should have been a community choice, or at least received a forewarning)

Constant nerfing of moneymaking processes discourages me from trading at all, which, in turn, dwindles my bank account, which forces me to trade an excruciatingly boring route for a handful of millions. Remember when one run got you thirty million? You're lucky if you get that in an hour now.

ONE. HOUR. Let's list things some things you can do with one hour instead of trading.

Bomb the crap out of a capital ship
Raid enemy territory
<strike>Ramble like a madman in New York</strike> Go to New York and gouge out your eyes.
Shoot off transport guns.
Work on forum stories
Rant on the forums
Troll the forums
Flood the forums.
Spam the forums.
Forum the forums.
Tell people to read the forums.
Examine the rules.
Q_Q where applicable

I would much rather be doing ANY of these things for one hour than spend it trading. You know what trading is? It's a grind. It's worse than a grind. Because our community size is so small. Freelancer wasn't built around trading. It was built around fighting, which we have turned into something new. A roleplay community. But with a community comes it's issues, which include, but are not limited to, people venting their frustration on us, people who can't comprehend how to function in a successful community, and finally, people who want to wreck a successful community.

People need to put aside their stupid little grudges and look at this as a big picture. We are a small community of a couple hundred people. If one part of our population decides to pack up and leave because things aren't going their way, we're all worse off. Eventually, all of our veterans will leave us, and then we would pretty much either fall apart or go through a nigh-anarchistic stage where we regroup ourselves and reform.

I say we simply change our thinking now, and avoid those problems altogether. Make the GAME less of a struggle. Less grind. Less rage. Less tight-minded restrictions. More openness (but within realistic bounds) with pixels. I don't want the good old days of LPI Battleships, I want a modern option that appeals to as many people as possible.

P.S, I don't want the "I just get on to fighter duel" folks to come in and troll. I want progress.
P.P.S We are the Discovery Gaming Community. Let's try some of that magic U-word.

Shooting game. - Shush Muppet - 06-13-2010

I am all for playing a game to have fun, rather than trying to live a second life that's just as stressful as my real one. After all, we play games to unwind, right?

Shooting game. - Senshi - 06-13-2010

Not exactly sure what you are asking actually, I kinda don't see a question...but, considering the amount of rant I take it you mainly think the income rates are too low?

Quite the contrary. Finally not everybody can just buy everything at his whim, really everybody has to look at his cash flow and has to check if he can afford that fancy new ship he is eager to have. Additionaly, people are forced to trade a bit more this way. Which is a good thing. More trade means more pirates which means more lawfuls. And vast opportunities for RP. Currently the trade system is incredibly well-balanced, and still you can generate 50mil in 2 hours. Which is not small bucks.

Shooting game. - Zapp - 06-13-2010

There's a lot of voices shouting for change and freedom, but little freedom in how they're shouting. Also, since this isn't a democracy that change is slow to come.

Of course, it's just a matter of time until those screaming for freedom outnumber those screaming for more 'realism' and restrictions.


I have fun playing the game either way (the one we all just lost).

Shooting game. - Blaze - 06-13-2010

Peeee Veeeeee Peeeeee is fun but it also gets boring if you do it 24x7

Shooting game. - Corsair - 06-13-2010

Of course it is. I just want to be able to
Quote:play games to unwind
and not have to worry if:

Tech x conflicts with ID y and square z.


If Tech x ends up as a white square, if owner of square z, whether or not they'll accept my request, based on personal bias or how colorful my post is.

Now, I'm not saying "Get anything from anybody", obviously the extremes would still be disallowed. But nothing needs to change in the mod except for people's mindsets. You can make a choice to not be so draconian.

Shooting game. - Elvin - 06-13-2010

If people had common sense... or hell, half a brain, we wouldn't need any rules at all. Sadly, lot of people lack that, as well as ability to read, or care to do so. So we have rules. So, more or less, I think the rules are allright, with all the limitations.

But I sure agree about the money-making... No, it's not about RP. It is NOT RP actually. One guy trades goods for ... years, then he goes "Whoa, done!" throws away the ship and buys a GB/Cruiser/BS or even sends the money to someone elses who does that. Not really... logical.

People who are jerks and want to get BS to " I pwn all luuul " will get it anway, people who want more expensive ships for RP purposes ... well... have to take long, rocky , non-RP road to do so.

Creating RP opportunities? I would argue about that. Forcing people who don't want to trade to do so and for a long time nontheless, just makes the game either annoying, boring, or who-knows-what. And I think it will be better to NOT mention what kind of "new" pirates I saw recently.

Simply not everyone likes trading, someone dislikes fighting on the other hand... And if you force them to do the oposite, the RP will always suffer. Difference between " I do this because I like to RP" and "I do this because I have to do it to RP someday later".

Shooting game. - mang109 - 06-13-2010


The only bit of Disco that I enjoy atm is the trading and the RP that comes with it. PVP is just boring imo. Dont kill my beloved trading:(

Shooting game. - Elvin - 06-13-2010

' Wrote:*cough*

The only bit of Disco that I enjoy atm is the trading and the RP that comes with it. PVP is just boring imo. Dont kill my beloved trading:(

Well, see, I just say, that as you like trading, some like other things, I find it bit harsh to force people who wish to RP doing what they dislike for long periods. I'm really glad trading and even mining are getting more complex, doing A>B, B>A, A>B ... repeat 50x ... is just dummy, but I'm not sure why "more complex" means hell-lot-slower. I kinda liked the If you want to fight, you have to trade a bit, if you want to trade, you'll have to fight a bit as well. Important part is the -bit-.

Shooting game. - jxie93 - 06-13-2010

Nerf pirates?

On a more serious note, fun is subjective. One can have fun while trading whilst others enjoy PVP. Changing the way people have fun can have drastic impact on some others' perception of fun.

You can never satisfy everybody, Discovery is on the constant edge to try to satisfy as many as possible.

A balanced diet between moneymaking and roleplaying can hit the spot. Everybody gets bored if they have to do the same task over and over again, that's why you should switch back and forth every so often.