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The Confession - Razr - 10-13-2007

((This topic is a story in progress, DO NOT post here unless invited))

3 Days Ago.............

A young man stood outside a building shuffling nervously, he had light brown hair, green eyes, and was about 6'1" tall. Had someone who knew him saw him at this moment they would have trouble reconizing him, because of the lack of his over confidence. People generally refered to him as good looking, but he tended to disregard it, think that people were mainly sucking up to him because of his relations. He hesistated towards the oak door that read 'debriefing' he stopped just short as he heard voices.

"I must say, I'm shocked Ivan actually shot something down." Zehn said in a mocking tone.

The sound of glass hitting the door resounds through the building, and laughter can be heard from the room.

"He must have been watching the recordings of me in my bomber downing those blood dragon scum. I've just been sitting here on Verde to allow some of our less 'experienced couples' get some practice.

Nikolai looks in Ivan's and Sonja's direction as he finishes the statement, more glass can be heard breaking, and Ares's deep laugh can be heard throughout the station.

"C'mon guys, get off Ivan's back, he actually did his job instead of running like some coward, but can we hurry up with the debriefing? I'd like to get back to Cadiz, I hate this damn station! I don't trust the guys flying outside, if it were up to me they'd all be dead by now. Also, I have some traitors to continue entertaining.

Zehn seems intrigued by Ares's statement and sends a toothy grin in his direction, Zehn also seems to be eying the door.

"Well then Commander, I'm glad it's not up to you, otherwise our pretty little home would be very vulnerable, also I think you'll all be interested to know we have a visitor. I think someone should let him in, as his listening in is beginning to annoy me, and he doesn't want that. Also, Ivan, if you throw anymore glass I will bring a firing squad to your room, and this time the fight won't end with my hands around your throat, boy."

Ivan looks across the table staring at the man with the cold blue eyes, his expression is blank and the smile he wears shows no hint of delight.

Zehn motions for Anya, Nikolai, and Sonja to leave the table. They slowly remove themselves from the table, but fast enough not to annoy Zehn further. Zehn then shoots an even colder look in the direction of Gustov.

Now little man, I heard about that incident in New London, obviously I'm not impressed. If I see another performance like that on your record, you won't even make it to Verde alive to be shot. Sadly, you need to take lessons from your younger sister, because as I hate to admit it I'm impressed. As for our uninvited guest why the hell hasn't he been let in!

The young man behind the door recoils as three coalition officers step out, a man and two women each looking at him with little interest. A guard sticks his head out and motions for the young man to step in, reluctantly the command is followed.

Ivan looks the boy up and down and begins to think were he may have seen this child before, as his face looks very familiar. He looks a lot like.... Razr! That can't be, Ivan knows Razr only has a 3 year old daughter and someone else that Ivan can't remember.... it must be Aralie's son.

He doesn't look all that special to me, I could easily crush his head with my hand. Not to mention he smells of alliance filth. Why was he allowed in here anyways? Ares said smugly.

Aralyn: "I've come to join the coalition!"

Ivan and Ares look at the kid, mouths open, but Zehn simply begins to laugh.

Well I've heard many interesting rumors regarding you. I'll give you one chance, what you have to do is destroy a Bretonian convey on it's way here. The force consist of two destroyers four gunboats and six fighters. I will only send you Sonja, Nikolai, and Ivan as backup, and due to Voronov's actions as of late Kerensky is in charge. She will leave a full report on my desk after a successful mission, because if it is not successful three coalition personnel will have found their graves.

As Ivan couldnt talk, he scribbled something down on a paper.

Actually Dieter, I do have a comment or two.

Zehn's brow reached high at the mention of his first name, and he grunted as to hint to Ivan to show a bit more respect.

Something to say Voronov? Came Zehns voice from across the table.

Youre putting the mission under the command of that kid? I hate to say it, but it might even be safer under your control. I choose the hot headed fool over the inexperienced girl any day.

As Ivan sat back down Zehn pressed a button that sent of volts through Ivan's body. Zehn continued to press the button until the smell of flesh was fresh in the room.

I thought after your demotion you may need your punishments made a bit more creatively. Zehn seems to be feeding off Ivans pain, gaining pleasure with every spasm of the twitching youth.

Ivan began writing on the paper again.

You..*breath* are a sick...*breath* bastard, and know something is going to happen soon whether it be my life or yours. You've destroyed everything I thought the coalition once stood for, and that fool Britinov just watches and pets you while saying 'good job captain'..*breath* I'm not going to sit by and watch this anymore, now if you excuse me I have a mission to report for.

Ivan left the room followed by Aralyn who seemed intent on watching every side of him. Zehn was obviously delighted by his fear of everyone in the facility, it'd make him that much easier to tame if he turned out to be coalition material.

Now for our next deliberation I'll need everyone in here except for our three departing, the next discussion is what we do with Ivan.....

Ivan, due to his demotion, wasnt qualified to lead the mission. To his displeasure, it was given to Sonja Kerensky. Ivan wasnt as skilled as Sonja...anyways it was only a matter of time. Ivan had been outclassed his entire career in the SCRA. Ivan tried training all the time, but he never improved. Sonja was beaming and obviously getting some kind of internal pleasure, from being able to tell Ivan to kamikaze into a planet if she wanted. Zehn wondered if she would try to kill him, but he was doubtful.

Zehn could see what most of the coalition couldnt. Ivan and Sonja probably couldnt see it...but they were slowly getting closer and closer. Zehn didnt know if this would bring pity Ivans way from Sonja, but he was interested in what something like that could do for Ivans performance and his attitude

The Confession - Razr - 10-13-2007

Present day....

Ivan awoke in the hospital on Cape Verde in a daze, the room was slowly coming into focus. Ivan could see Nikolai standing by the door and Sonja sitting on the edge of his bed. Sonja was too busy rubbing Ivan's hair back to notice his eyes had opened. Ivan tried his best to recall how he had ended up in a hospital bed, but his memory was just too elusive. Ivan tried sitting up next, but he had almost no control over his body it just trembled and he laid back down flatly on the bed.

Nikolai on the other hand was smiling as he said "Ivan youre finally awake, you were out for three days straight! This whole time Sonja has only been out of your company what? Five hours maybe. at that moment Ivan felt water hitting his forehead, then he looked up and realized it was Sonja crying.

The Confession - Sonja - 10-14-2007

Sonja continued to organise Ivan's hair even as she looked into Ivan's eyes. His face betrayed a look of shock as he saw Sonja again being nice. She started to talk, as Nikolai stood at the door, almost like a guard.

"So, out for three days. Ivan, you know, i've always wanted to tell you somthing, ever since I met you. I know i've been sucking up..."

*Yeah, you got that right* Nikolai interupted

"Shutup Nikolai! Anyway, I know i've been sucking up, but i've always wanted to tell you somthing Ivan. From the first day I saw you, that height, and those eyes, I loved you. I could never show it, as command hates your guts, but I swear its true."

The Confession - Razr - 10-15-2007

After Sonja's little outburst, Nikolai sat there in the corner mouth hung open. Ivan however seemed perplexed, but smiled wiping Sonja's tears from her face. Afterwards Ivan pulled her smooth, long, black hair back so he could clearly see her face. Ivan carefully examined the watery green pools that were her eyes, before saying "Sonja I think you use those words a bit loosely and misunderstand the value of what you have just said."

Ivan looked as shocked as Sonja at the sound of his voice. Sonja quickly took advantage of his shock " I'll prove it" she said, looking into Ivan's light brown eyes moving closer.
Ivan was looking into Sonja's eyes too for a moment he felt uneasy, and then their lips met, Ivan felt as if he were on fire and everything cease to exist. Ivan remembered this feeling well and started to question whether he felt the same way about Sonja, even so Ivan couldnt tell her. Anyone who had ever gotten close to Ivan had died or changed, and Ivan couldnt bear another moment of sustaining the kiss that could ruin the young womans life.

After Ivan broke the kiss, it wasnt hard to see Sonja was flustered. She had moved away from the bed and was now hugging herself in a corner. Nikolai seemed to have stopped paying attention. Sonja appeared to be lost in her own thoughts, still scarlet in the face giving away her embarrassment. That bad was it Ivan? I didnt think youd take offense guess I lost control.

Ivan motioned for Sonja to move back towards his bed, she complied but seemed reluctant to do so. Sonja sat next to Ivan, at the same time she seemed to be doing her best to avoid his eyes that appeared to see right into her thoughts. This didnt bother Ivan he knew once he began speaking shed be listening. Sonja, I dont think..

Sonja had turned to look at Ivan as he spoke, but he stopped in mid-sentence. He was once again confronted by Sonjas emerald eyes. It was easy to see her eyes didnt portray their usual look of admiration for command, or the look of malice she normally looked at Ivan with. There was really only one conclusion Ivan could gain from her eyes, that she had been telling him the truth the entire time.

Ivan didnt want to finish the statement he was about to make, instead he tried thinking of all that had happened before. Zehn had sent Nikolai,Aralyn, Sonja, and himself on a mission against two bretonian battle groups. He remembered Aralyn had tipped them off and it had become three battle groups. Then Aralyn surprised Ivan by quickly taking his shield and firing a nova into his hull. Ivan also recalled ejecting, but Aralyn grazed his pod just as Sonja tractored him causing himself to black out. Ivan desperate to change the situation looked towards the door and asked Nikolai to fill him in.

The Confession - desecrator - 10-15-2007

Sonja began to cry again as Ivan asked what had happened in the battle,

“Sonja, sit down…” Nikolai said, stepping in.

Sonja moved over to Ivan to lay down and close her eyes.

“The battle was a bit rough, but came through.” Nikolai began. “When we entered New London from Poole, the two expected Battlegroups were there. But that dumbass Arayln tipped them off and 3 showed up instead: 3 Battleships, 6 Crusiers, and 8 fighters… Way past what we expected”

Ivan began looking a little strange, as if his memory was coming back.

Nikolai continued, “The second the battlegroups were in range, Arayln destroyed your ship and tried getting to your pod… I couldn’t do anything, two of the Cruisers were blocking my way. Lucky enough, Sonja made it to your pod just as Arayln missed. She blasted him and brought him in to her hold, though she was badly damaged and couldn’t continue the fight.”

Ivan, looking confused, said, “How the hell did you two get out of there!?”

Nikolai smiled and said “We didn’t. I kept at it and called for whatever help we could get. Although, because my transmitter was damaged, I had no idea if our signal went out. I was fighting alone as Sonja tried to run for safety, took out a Cruiser hoping to distract the group. It worked, slightly… Luckily two friendly comm signatures came up, Bai in her Bomber, and Dimitri in his gunboat.”

Ivan was looking intrigued with the story, Nikolai carried on.

“Sonja passed Arayln's and your pods to Dimitri, he covered her, and she made it out to Cambridge and flew her way back here. Dimitri took out all the fighters, Bai and I destroyed 3 more of the Cruisers. But those damn battleships were doing to much damage. We moved all our fire onto one of the battleships and we destroyed the bastard! But we were to low on resources to take out the rest. Two of Dimitri’s turrets were gone, Bai lost a Nova Cannon, I lost both my Tizonas. We couldn’t do it anymore. We pulled back to Verde. “

The look on Ivan’s face compounded both fear and pleasure…

Nikolai carried on with, “We came back here to find you in that bed with Sonja beside you. And Arayln in a jail cell.”

Sonja began to open her eyes again. Ivan looked at her and then asked Nikolai, “Where is Dimitri?”

“Let me call him.”, Replied Nikolai.

The Confession - Razr - 10-21-2007

Ivan, although he liked Dimitri wasnt in the mood for more company. No need, he can see me tomorrow Im a bit tired and would like my own bed. Ivan said barely more audible than a whisper.

Ivan tried to remove the sheets and crawl out of bed, which he failed miserably at. He almost fell on the floor, but was just barely held up by Sonja. "Ivan you shouldn't push it your hurt pretty badly. Also if you keep trying some of your injuries may not heal, let me help you to your room."
Ivan panted as Nikolai rushed over and helped Sonja pull him off the floor. Ivan still unfamiliar with his voice as hed just regained it practiced mouthing the words before speaking.
Sonja Nikolai mind helping me to my room, I believe theres something in there that should help me.
Ivan leaned on Sonja and Nikolai as they balanced him through a porcelain tiled hallway. It wasnt until now seeing Sonjas face, Ivan could tell shed been awake the entire three days. When they finally reached the door with Ivans name on it Sonja looked as if she was going to pass out. They carried Ivan to the bed and helped him onto it, then Ivan pointed to the canister on his dresser. Nikolai grabbed the Canister and handed it to Ivan Its something Dieter gave me for my 20th birthday two years ago.

Ivan explained seeing the wondering look on Nikolais face. Sonja also gave a slightly disturbing high pitched squeal at the mention of the captains first name. Disregarding their reactions Ivan continued explaining. A couple years ago coalition medical officials were working on what they believed to be the ultimate medicine. Honestly they have succeeded, but we dont have the resources it takes to mass produce, and even if we could find more itd be outrageously priced. Zehn got a few canisters for helping with testing, and as I said gave me one as a gift a couple years ago. Tomorrow I should be near 100 percent in health again. Now I think I need to rest soon or Ill pass out in front of you all.

Sonja sat next to Ivan on his bed and asked him So all this time why were you so hateful towards me all this time.
For a while Ivan only looked at her, he seemed to be carefully thinking of an answer, meanwhile Nikolai had left and closed the door. Sonja the reason Ive been so hard on you is because of your idolizing command. Its not a good thing, this place has ruined the closest thing I ever had to a brother. Honestly I was trying to break you from it, because I still see good in you. Now I can see your tired, why dont you sleep with me tonight?

Sonja at first seemed shocked at what she heard and didnt move, but Ivan nodded as to reassure her. Sonja slowly crawled up next to Ivan and laid down. Sonja? Ivan murmured Sonja looked at Ivan again.
I love you too.

Ivans thought he heard Sonja saying something, but he was too tired he let sleep take him without resistance.

The Confession - Sonja - 10-22-2007

Sonja awoke feeling refreshed; after not sleeping for three and a half straight days, any sleep was welcomed. She rolled over to look at Ivan, but where he had slept the previous night was vacant. Sonja was a bit surprised, as Ivan wasn't supposed to be able to move for another 48 hours. Sonja got out of bed and thought for a second, the only place Ivan could be was on his way to the dungeon. On his way to confront Aralyn.

Sonja, got out of bed, and ran out of the door, and down the long corridor. While running around a corner she bumped something and stumbled backwards, falling to the floor with a dull thud. As she opened her eyes and recovered her senses, a tall figure was standing in front of her with an outstretched hand; she reached out and grabbed it, while she was staring the owner of the hand in the face. "Better watch your step there, could've hurt yourself."

Sonja only caught a brief amount of what Ivan had said, she was too focused on figuring out what to do next.

"Your going to see him, aren't you?" Sonja asked in a nervous tone.

Ivan gave a small nod, and began walking back down the corridor, but Sonja grabbed his hand and said "don't!"

Now Ivan was watching her with a bit of interest. Her expression gave away many missed hours of sleep and above that, fear that she couldn't seem to hold back. She was finding it hard to concentrate, it was a bit unlike Ivan not to argue his point. "Something wrong, Sonja?" Ivan said, snapping Sonja back to reality.

"Ivan, I don't think you should go see Aralyn, I don't want your ego to get you in deep. If you try to fight the guy and slip, you will die. Just let me get Ares to take care of it, okay?" Sonja said with desperate tone to her voice.

Ivan turned around and continued walking towards the dungeon, but as he reached to open the entrance, Sonja's hand closed it back. "Ivan your so selfish! Why can't you let it go? I'm sorry I let you think it was ok to come down here, but now I know it was a bad idea. Just stop, think about the people who care for you. Think about the empty satisfaction you can gain from killing him, it's not worth it!" Sonja was pleading desperately now.

She could see Ivan was unmoved, and felt anger build up like it never had. Before she realized what she was doing her hand rebounded off Ivan's face. He ignored it and continued to his intended destination, Sonja fell on to her hands and knees and she began to cry. Her hand reached out to Ivan in an insignificant attempt to stop him once again, but as Ivan got further away, Sonja collapsed on the floor, tears pouring from her eyes.

The Confession - Razr - 10-25-2007

Ivan stepped into the cold, dank dungeon where the Coalition kept their prisoners. The smell was awful and the moans of the imprisoned could not be escaped. It was hard to avoid looking at some of they as you passed by, some would make noises so disturbing you couldn't help but look. Ivan finally found the cell he was looking for, he unlocked the gate and sat a chair down.

Ivan was now face to face with the young man whom had tried to take his life. Aralyn was bound by rope to a chair, but Ivan could sense something it wasn't fear, nor regret, but pride. This kid was here and knew his situation, he didn't fear death he welcomed it.

"So Aralyn do I get to find out why you tried to kill me, or are you going to sit there with that foolish pride all day." Ivan muttered sleepily.

Aralyn inhaled then spat in Ivan's face, Ivan merely wiped his face with a towel and stared at Aralyn still waiting for a reply. Finally Aralyn's words came, but without the smug sound his looks gave away. "You know what you did! you were there on Freeport 2 the day my father was killed! I know it was you, probably trying to score big with your commanders!"
Ivan realized Aralyn was only saying words as fast as they would come to him. Ivan finally got tired of the kid's ranting and began to speak slowly, but calming just the same.

"Listen up kid, I was there that day I'll give you that. I'll also confess something to you. I wasn't there to kill your father, quite the opposite I was delivering important information. I knew Aralie was supposed to be meeting someone there, but I didn't know who. He was sitting at the table with his father and they seemed to be having a good time.

Anyways I was going to confide secret Coalition plans to your father, but I'm glad he was already busy with your uncle. Now I realize what a fool I was, his superiors would've used that information to wipe out an entire race. All because of my blind selfishness I almost killed my people. As you can see Aralyn living with regret is a hard thing."

Aralyn was sitting in his chair, but seemed to be listening atentivley to what Ivan was saying.Ivan could see tears welling up in the young man's eyes as he was told about the last moments of his Father's short life. After giving Aralyn a bit of time to regain his composure Ivan continued once more.
"Your father was a good man you know, he wouldn't want you to live a life a regrets and pain. He also wouldn't want you to waste your life doing things that will end your life quicker than his!"

Ivan aperantly had struck a nerve, because Aralyn was red in the face screaming. "You didn't know my father! You have no idea what I'm missing! You don't know what it's like to lose them all, you could never understand me!"

Aralyn finished the last bit, huffing and puffing, as if he hadn't breathe throughout the speech. This time Ivan began to smile.

"By 'them' I hope you don't mean your mother, father, and brother. Listen here boy! When I was five years old my Mother, Father, three sisters and two brothers were murdered. I was the only survivor, but a man you may now know as Dieter Zehn, his family took me in. Because of the murder I was traumatized, I didn't remember any of it. One day I overheard Dieter's parents talking about when they should tell me. for six years I had gone through life thinking my name was Ivan Zehn. Fun huh? Well if that isn't enough for you four years ago my wife and two year old daughter were also murdered."

Ivan stopped as he remembered his beautiful wife. Average height, dark green eyes, silky black hair. That's why Ivan was so attracted to Sonja he realized, she reminded him so much of his wife. She was usually what people considered cold hearted, but Ivan could see the warmth.

The Confession - Razr - 10-26-2007

Ivan grabbed a knife out of his back pocket. He walked slowly towards Aralyn who was sure this was the end. He would never breathe again, feel his heart beating against his chest he'd drift away into nothingness. Ivan carefully cut through the rope and Aralyn closed his eyes. "Get up."

Aralyn opened his eyes and realized Ivan had only cut his restraints. He stared blankly trying to think of a reason for his life to be spared by the man he tried to kill. Ivan repeated his request for Aralyn to follow him, on the way to the door Ivan looked at Aralyn and noticed he seemed to be having some kind of inner struggle. The two men walked briskly down the corridor, Ivan usually was excited on his way down to the shipyard. Today he wasnt going on a mission, or having fun, but helping a young man escape with his life.

Ivan wasnt really clear on why he was helping his would-be killer, he probably thought leaving him to die would be yet another regret in his life. Ivan was rubbing the golden bird, an Eagle. With a sigh he tossed Aralyn a key.

Take those, its to the Eagle over there a graduation present I got a while back. I havent touched her in a while, but she should still be running fine the boys here do a good job at maintenance. I can take you as far as the Cambridge Jump Hole in Omega-5, I need to be back before anyone realizes Im gone. Also theres a very high chance Sonja is quite literally going to kill me for this.

Aralyn took the keys and hopped in the cockpit of the fighter while taking all this in. He had given up a few minutes ago on trying to figure out what was going on, he just accepted the help he was given without question. Ivan hopped in his fighter as well, and set up the computer to undock them at a fixed time. Ivan eased into his seat as he felt the familiar rumble of his ship being shot out of Cape Verde at full velocity.

Just as he undocked Aralyn realized something, if Ivan had really thought so much of his father why hadnt he done anything? He was no better than the man who actually committed the deed. If anything he was just as guilty, and there was no way Aralyn could let this go unpunished.

Die Voronov, you dont deserve to live you cowardly traitor. Youd probably sacrifice Sonja next anyway!

Aralyn was screaming through a secure channel to Ivan. Ivan was already being shot at, by the time he had fully taken in the message. It was just like last time, but Ivan mustve self-consciously expected this as he began to dodge automatically. Aralyn obviously wasnt used to the speed of corsair weapons, which leveled the playing for Ivan a bit more.

Now sat two men twisting and diving for their lives, Ivan couldnt call for help even if he wanted, if word got out about what he was doing hed be killed anyway. Aralyn seemed to be adjusting fast, but he didnt expect Ivan to be so familiar with the weaknesses of the ship he was flying. Aralyn was getting desperate his hull being pounded time and again, while he could barely touch Ivan. This wasnt the same man hed blown up four days previously, he was fighting for a reason, but Aralyn didnt know what reason exactly.

Aralyn dropped a mine when he realized Ivan was behind him, just as Ivan was about to gun down the mine, Aralyn shot Ivans ship with a red beam causing his shield to leave him. The Nuke blew up both ships. While in his pod instead of making for the exit Aralyn seemed to be getting closer to Ivan, with the engines on his pod there was nothing he could do.

Well Ivan you Coalition types are a bit crude a self-destruct mechanism on your escape pods, very nice touch. Looks like well both go out with a bang sounds good dont you think?

Aralyn sounded truly mad, he had lost all sense and they showed no sign of coming back. Aralyn was only 900 meters away and closing, Ivan closed his eyes and calmly waited for death to take him. Aralyn was 400 meters away and closing before Ivans body felt like it was being vacuumed, he realized he was being tractor, by whom he didnt know. He knew almost instantly when he heard Sonjas voice, which was followed by rapid sounds of gun fire, and finally Aralyns screaming voice right before an explosion.

Sonja docked on Cape Verde and launched Ivan out of her cargo bay so that he hit the floor with a resounding thud. He looked quite unhappy, almost depressed. Sonja didnt feel bad for him this time, she had warned him and he left her there to worry.

Thanks, I guess you can go report now. Ivan muttered as he walked towards the door.

You wait Voronov! Came Sonjas voice, which carried a sweet, but definitive tone.

She walked up towards Ivan at the door. Sonja looked a bit stressed, and slightly less fatigued than the day before. She looked into Ivans eyes yet again and they stood there, face to face.

The Confession - Sonja - 11-07-2007

Youre a fool Ivan. I cant believe youd do something like that after I warned you. Your driving me crazy with worry like this! Sometimes I feel you thrive off of it, screamed the red faced Sonja.

Sonja, be a bit more realistic, you know that isnt true. I cant help that my every move worries you. This is what we signed up for. If you werent aware of this then maybe youre in the wrong place, Ivan answered back, but in a tone as serious as Sonjas.

Sonja felt like a child, also as if Ivan had slapped her in the face. Saying she shouldnt care. It was unfair to her. Out of frustration, she tried to run out of the door just behind her, but her body didnt move. Ivan had a vice-like grip on her wrist.

Sonja, no matter how uncomfortable this is for you, it wouldve happened anyway. Avoiding this talk wont remedy anything, you wanted my attention and now you have it so speak your mind.

Sonja seemed to be struggling for the right words to say, or waiting for a good opportunity to slap Ivan. She then turned around and began pacing around the room, too nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

SONJA! Ivan yelled.

She jumped at the sound of his voice, and her eyes appeared to leave their sockets if for only a second. Sonja then slowly took her place in front of Ivan, eye to eye. She was slightly half a foot shorter than Ivan, about the same height as Zehn, but a lot less masculine along the shoulder area.

Ivan, Im sorry for how Ive been handling this. I guess Im just scared. Im also a bit confused I guess. Ive never been loved or loved before. It's a totally new concept for me, so promise me something."

Sonja looked as if she was about to break down in front of Ivan, still full of worry and anxiety.
"Before you speak, think about it. I don't make promises I know I can't keep," Ivan interrupted.

"Ok. Ivan, what I want us to promise to each other is, to each provide trust and love for the other, so that we never have to face the darkness and loneliness again. As I Sonja Kerensky vow, so what say you Ivan?"

Ivan focused more on her eyes, which showed the same innocent hope his once had, many years ago.

"I Ivan Sameth Voronov promise to love Sonja Kerensky eternally as she loves me," Sonja heard as Ivan leaned over her ear and whispered.

"Shouldn't we be getting out of here, Sam?"

Ivan smiled, his parents used to call him that all the time. He grabbed Sonja's hand as they left the shipyard, and on to continue their lives as young coalition pilots, now lovers.