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A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - LegendOfTheWolf - 06-16-2010


I've been saving up for a cruiser, but now that I have enough to buy one, I'm struggling to find a Cruiser I want.

I want a faction / area which has good RP when the right people are around, while having PvP Raids and such. I don't want to be a LNS due to the number of caps they already have. I can't RP as a Rheinlander ( I just can't Its like eating your own head.. Impossible for me ). I was thinking about buying an Outcast Cruiser, or Corsair, but I don't know how the RP is.

Anyone care to help make my choice ?

- Legend

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - masternerdguy - 06-16-2010

' Wrote:Greetings,

I've been saving up for a cruiser, but now that I have enough to buy one, I'm struggling to find a Cruiser I want.

I want a faction / area which has good RP when the right people are around, while having PvP Raids and such. I don't want to be a LNS due to the number of caps they already have. I can't RP as a Rheinlander ( I just can't Its like eating your own head.. Impossible for me ). I was thinking about buying an Outcast Cruiser, or Corsair, but I don't know how the RP is.

Anyone care to help make my choice ?

- Legend

the order have excellent RP both internal and external.

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - Osilon - 06-16-2010

If you want a good ship for RP AND combat, i suggest the Resheph. The order is one of the most fun RP i've seen so far.

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - Catbert - 06-16-2010

Soon you'll have a chance to test the Order's capital ships. My advice is to wait for this opportunity first. Even in such massive events there usually is a good RP part.

Since I've never had a chance to fly a capship (apart from that KNF-GRN event), I'll say about the Order RP in general. I can say that the Order is a good place for RP, especially if you know how to get it. The RP I got in the Order was so far one of the best I've seen (especially when it involved interrogation of the former LSF pilot).

As for the capships... The problem is, your ZoI will be quite restricted, and you will only be faced with the BHG, the Nomads and occasional LNS ships. Maybe Aoi Isejin as well, but I think they use fighters mostly. No doubt, there will be special operations, but I don't know of them.

[font=Arial Black]Notice, it's only how I see it. Ask those people who fly Order capital ships about the details, they know better.

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - Dashiell - 06-16-2010

I owned a Reseph for a while. The rp you can have with it is fun. and since it's a recon cruiser, it has more freedom in rp than, let's say, a Geb or Ossie.

And it can do its pvp quite well if you know how to use the Reseph.

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - n00bl3t - 06-16-2010

I too would recommend the ORC.

A lot of RP potential and as a part of The Order, PVP is just around the corner really.

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - jxie93 - 06-16-2010

Popular community answer - "lolcaps are rubbish at pvp rofl get a fighter"

My answer - go with your heart, also note that a good balance between RP and PVP is difficult to achieve. However, I might have some suggestions, I'd try to avoid overcrowded factions and Liberty in general.

Red Hessians
Rheinland Military
Royal Gallic Navy (action comes in .86)

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - tansytansey - 06-17-2010

Don't choose a ship and then fly that faction, choose a faction and then take whatever ship they have.

You'll have more fun RPing if you do it this way. No point buying an expensive ship for a faction you don't enjoy, you'll never fly.

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - Ceoran - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Popular community answer - "lolcaps are rubbish at pvp rofl get a fighter"

Rheinland Military

Wrong. That answer is applied to people who are brand new to the server, have been powertrading and just want to buy a big and powerful ship.
This guy however is playing for about a year already and is asking for a ship he can RP with. Furthermore he already said that he doesn't like to RP in Rheinland.

For the OC-Dessie: Outcast RP doesn't allow very much use for capital ships except for the wars in the omicrons and Taus. RP in the Taus is pretty low these days and the war against the corsairs isn't very attractive right now. This also means that there isn't so much use for the corsair praefect, even though hessians and bhg seem to be more active enemies. I suggest to look out for something else.

Another option might be a BAF cruiser since they are going to face the GRN in the next mod. And of course the gallic white <strike>flags</strike> ships too.

edit: Ashes, I don't think he was asking about performance details on the cruisers to figure out which is the most pwnsome. I've read it as "Where can I have RP and PVP with a cruiser?"

A Good RP / PvP Capital Ship - Chenzo- - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Greetings,

I've been saving up for a cruiser, but now that I have enough to buy one, I'm struggling to find a Cruiser I want.

I want a faction / area which has good RP when the right people are around, while having PvP Raids and such. I don't want to be a LNS due to the number of caps they already have. I can't RP as a Rheinlander ( I just can't Its like eating your own head.. Impossible for me ). I was thinking about buying an Outcast Cruiser, or Corsair, but I don't know how the RP is.

Anyone care to help make my choice ?

- Legend

Most of my time is spent in Maltese space.(Alpha) Outcasts....

the RP when you have "the right people" around is awesome in this area, touches from the 101st and a whole host of factions that fly through alpha make it a awesome place to be most of the time.

Raids.. well, i no longer conduct the raids of old ( summing almost 1/4 the server sometimes on both sides) Raids nowerdays seem to be smaller, but...every now and then... we get a good one going.

RPing in a capital is actually in your favor for all the pvpwhores out there a Cap isant your friend. A cap will die easily and quickly.. so.. PVP is something you want to keep as a last resort.

If you are more enclined for PVP, the Corsair cruiser is a much easier ship to fly, plus looks lush. From personal experience there arent too many things that happen in corsair space.. so.. RP is lacking there for me personally.

Also, if Disco has taught me anything about how to spend cash... it's on fighters/bombers. Make a sizeable bank.. sit back and make fighters everywhere. Really.. it's in your interests for the long run. Much more fun.