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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-16-2010

.:j:.The.Maverick.IV has been sanctioned for:

Quote:5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.

Consequences: In case you're wondering, yes, we saw the 'apology'. We just don't believe it, as it was too incredibly convenient. Fined double the price of the cargo you had, plus the contents of your hold have been replaced with a sanction notice.

Admin Link to Report



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-16-2010

Now wait just a second..

Its your choice to believe me or not...And that's fine by me....

Its the truth though....

But I wont argue against it like what happened several months ago.....

I'll accept the charges placed on me....

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - snowdog1717 - 06-16-2010

I was personaly in on the call that crashed his computer. you should be more trusting to people as active in the Disco univers as the Maveric.IV. The skype call is what caused him to stay in system. No F1 was used.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Petitioner - 06-16-2010

Well he was in a Skype channel at the time and as he was jumping into Frankfurt, someone launched a conference call which caused his computer to freeze up. he can't even host a Skype call, going through the Frankfurt gate and being called at the same time would have crashed his computer.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-16-2010

In case anyone has been keeping score (like us) that's about 8 people sanctioned today for F1's. Including more than one attempted use of the jumphole trick. We're giving serious consideration to re-instituting the F1 loss of cargo again, this has gotten out of control.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Lobster - 06-17-2010

Indeed, many dumb people who think they can get away with F1ing do it. They are then sanctioned and proven wrong.

The Maverick however, is neither dumb or arrogant enough to F1 out of an encounter. I would also like to attest that he indeed does not have the most awesome computer and it is very plausible that his computer clonked out.

I would say this not a case of intentional rule breaking.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - HuggieSunrise - 06-17-2010

Agmen heres the facts as I came to know them.

Mav went through the hole to peruse the pirates in question after blowing up Myself and another hegemon. Mav is in a pilgrim and basicly has nothing to fear from two tiny transports.

Unless. In this case they where ram/shooting him. They ramm/shot me and flipped me and Pelts ship repeatedly until both of us died and RAN from Mav's pilgrim to sig 13.

they pull that routine on him in sig 13 ram ram shoot ram and he decides to leave when a skype call crashes him.

His pc does crash alot. I am vary upset that this is what it came to since the fight was in his favor in the first place with them running for it. Conspiracy.central and quasimodo's ramm shooting probably wouldn't have done anything to his pilgrim anyway.

In the months Ive known him I haven't seen mav f1 out of anything. As for the "epidemic" I dont feel the hat hand of vengeance applies here.

Mav crashes a lot and dies even more often. The two are exclusive things to his behavior and are not malicious int he spirit of sanction in the least.

Please reconsider.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - pipboy - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Agmen heres the facts as I came to know them.

Mav went through the hole to peruse the pirates in question after blowing up Myself and another hegemon. Mav is in a pilgrim and basicly has nothing to fear from two tiny transports.

Unless. In this case they where ram/shooting him. They ramm/shot me and flipped me and Pelts ship repeatedly until both of us died and RAN from Mav's pilgrim to sig 13.

they pull that routine on him in sig 13 ram ram shoot ram and he decides to leave when a skype call crashes him.
His pc does crash alot. I am vary upset that this is what it came to since the fight was in his favor in the first place with them running for it. Conspiracy.central and quasimodo's ramm shooting probably wouldn't have done anything to his pilgrim anyway.
In the months Ive known him I haven't seen mav f1 out of anything. As for the "epidemic" I dont feel the hat hand of vengeance applies here.

Mav crashes a lot and dies even more often. The two are exclusive things to his behavior and are not malicious int he spirit of sanction in the least.

Please reconsider.
Nonsense, care to see pictures of his ship right before the "crash"?

Do you really think the admins posted a sanction without evidence? Really?

As for the ramming you, it happened twice, on accident. The Behemoth is not exactly an agile ship. Then you said in system chat "Go ahead, ram me again, I dare you." So we did, repeatedly. It had nothing to do with the outcome of the fight, and absolutely nothing to do with this sanction. I "rammed" his liner maybe once in the fight where he fled, close quarter transport fights lead to a lot of ramming, it's pretty normal. They're giant fat ships that don't turn well.

We also didn't "run" from him out of fear, we left as our holds were full and he was calling in every ship in the system. I've said it already, if he really did crash the most convenient crash I've ever seen, then I'm sorry how this turned out. The admins took the evidence given, and made a ruling on it. Regardless of whether or not the "crash" was intentional, he did try and exploit the fact that it happened. That's a given. We were in system for a looooooooong time after his "crash", no effort was made to talk to us, and no thread was posted until after I had changed ships which was quite some time later. If I understand correctly, he even logged back in game during the time we were in system.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-17-2010

Lets clear one or two points up here ... Skype, computer age, and various other excuses for a lets say,
a 'disconnect', are not viable. Never have been, never will be ...
No excuses are accepted, especially ones which seem to be on the verge of happening at any time.
The second problem is, the ubiquitous "I'm sorry" post is not a 'Keep the contents of your hold, and get out
of jail free' card ... Like a sanction, it is the last resort, and no effort was made to contact the players in game
after logging back in.
Call us cynical, but I think we have seen just about enough 'disconnects' from badly damaged ships with full
cargo holds to last several lifetimes. The timing is always quite stunning ...
Rarely see a pirate get a disconnect mid mugging someone, and the rule of averages says the internet is a
fairly logical beast. Oh, but who would bother reporting that ?
We looked at the facts, and coupled with Mr Maverick's rather lame accusations of speed modding in system
chat, took the view, that after a disconnect of some sort, roleplay consequences were avoided by not making
contact with the other players involved, who were still quite clearly in game.
Now we are done here gentlemen.