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Legion des Damnes - sable - 06-17-2010

500 millions can be found and taken on +LE+La.Banque

Legion des Damnes

[Image: lesuper.png]

[color=#FF0000]Basic Information
[color=#FFFFFF]The LE is a military group thats based off the Gallic Royal Navy. While it became famous in the last few years, the Legion is nearly as ancient as the Navy itself. Being the elite group of the Navy, its mainly deployed against the most dangerous enemies of the throne, at the Gallic Borders. While it is led independently by the Lord Mareshal, he still responds to the King and the Legion can also be deployed against threats in the core worlds. Their base of operation is basically whole Gallia, and the Lord Mareshal only takes orders from the King himself.

Although until now, no attacks against Sirian people were made, King Charles XI regards the Legion as his ace against anyone, anytime, anywhere. The men and women who have the luck to be a part of the Legion are handpicked by the highest members from all over Gallia and are generally considered to be one of the best pilots, having both excellent physical as well as mental skills.

As the Gallic Borders have been recently opened by the Council, the King needed more backup and thus has elected a new, more-capable Lord Mareshal. Although hes younger than most of his predecessors, the King sees him as the Chosen One of Gallia. His name is Enzo du Sable.

[color=#FF0000]History of the Legion of the Damned

[color=#FFFFFF]As mentioned before, the Legion was based off the original Gallic Navy, but was founded later in 99 A.G.S., 13 years after the landing on New Paris. To understand why it was even founded we must take a look at the situation going on at that time. Millions of Gallic people of all classes were trying to build a new life on a never before seen or known planet. They were all depressed and disappointed by their former Alliance partners who made them not worthy of having an own sleeper ship. Thus, many conflicts began to raid between the people and the crime rate increased dramatically. Each day new rogue groups were founded to unleash terror upon humble citizens. It was that time of chaos when Queen Madeleine chose one man out of his people to solve this situation once and for all. He was known as Comte Andre Le Benevole (Lord Andre the Helper). It was during those darkest times when the first ideology and principes of the Legion were created. Andre believed that every man and woman has to be valued by what he/she can do for a certain purpose, no matter what origins or beliefs he/she has. And so, he made up a small squad of loyal men, and the fundament for the Legion has been set. He and his men were travelling from town to town, from village to village and from fields to fields to unite the people to believe in Gallia and the Queen. Those who did not agree to this were simply executed infront of everyone. Thats how he managed to unite even rogues with merchants and humble citizens to create the perfect population, although under heavy military surveillance. After their great success on New Paris, the Queen ordered them to the recently colonized Planet Lyonnais, where under-paid workers were striking and damaging the whole colonization process.Back then, they were called "The Damned Ones", as most men in this squad were damned to death. So, they arrived and, with most of the workers back to their contruction sites, within 3 months the colonization could start again. Queen Madeleine was so delighted by their success that she finally created The Damned Legion. However, one day before the official foundation of the Legion, Andre was murdered silently and thus a new leader had to be elected. It was a man named Leon du Sable, one of the very early relatives of the current leader Enzo. A great nubmer of people, from every part of Gallia joined, and it really became a Legion. Most of them were simple commoners, but a great number of former prisoners and criminals have also been recruit by Leon, in accordance with the main ideology of the Legion. Those men have either been damned to death in their former life, or are now damned to death (again), as they would be sent to the most dangerous missions, also "suicide-missions", long time before the Navy would finally arrive, if it even arrives.

The exact date of the foundation of the Legion was 104 A.G.S. After the death of the Queen, the newly-ascended King Josef grants the Legion pure independence as military group (they still have to respond to the King). The goal has been finally reached, and Leon started a total overhaul of the Legion, including ranks and members, and those rules by him have hardly changed even until our date today. As time passed on and new planets were discovered and inhabitated, the Legion stepped more and more into the shadows, finally becoming unknown to the majority of the Gaulois. During the Golden Age they completely vanished from the surface, heavily operating in the background. Everything was running perfectly for Gallia: The cities were flourishing, the wealth was rising, the population was happy, politicians were fair and crime and corruption was too low to be dangerous. And all that while the Legion was controlling from the background, undetected by their clever methods: Members of the Legion could not be percieved as law-enforcers; they were dressed as usual citizens, did the same as usual citizens and acted like them. People all around Gallia didnt notice those hidden agents around them, so that they acted as they were not under surveillance, and exactly that was the source of the Legions success. If incidents amongst civilians happened, they reacted quickly as law-enforcers; much more quickly than the actual police, solved the problem and then stepped back into the shadows before the police even reached the location. Of course this was not always the case, but it was enough to keep greater incidents from happening and rogues from uniting to a bigger group. That was the real secret behind the Golden Age of Gallia.

In the Dark Ages however, things were starting to get worse, as some politicians started to get corrupt and throw critics at the King. Most of these politicians were liberal, and most of them were those who would later join the Council. As it was much harder to hide the murdering of greater numbers of politicians, the Legion tried to place their agents to keep the majority of Gallics from listening to the Liberals, leaving the actual assassination a matter of the Royal Assassins. But as they failed, the politicians gained more and more admirers and later finally created the Council (720 A.S.). This was the time when the Legion has first suffered a loss in over 700 years; it was their first and last loss. King Louis IV disbanded the Legion and called all members into the Navy to aid for the upcoming civil war. With the Council gaining more and more influence over the Gallic population, their power was finally so big that they declared war in 794 A.S. The war started and the Council gained control of the two border system, Champagne and Languedoc. When the Council finished their way through the minefield to Orkney and thus opening Gallia to whole Sirius, King Louis V. needed a new ace in his hands to eliminate any remaining traitors. He knew his only hope to ban these unworthy scum was to recreate the Legion, which was disbanded from 720-816 A.S.

King Charles XI called in the only descendant of Leon du Sable, the man who had the most success wtih the Legion and made it so papoular that it was engraved in the Gallic history.
The last du Sable was a young man named Enzo who, when the Royal Searchers found him, was in a club in the Gallic underground on New Paris, living the life of a street gang leader. Thats how the leader of a small mobster gang became Lord Mareshal. When Enzo asked the King why he chose him over his most feared Lords, he answered: It was a du Sable who made the Legion what it was, and it will be a du Sable who will make the Legion os the Damned what it will be. Enzo swore infinte allegiance to the crown and the King and was finally granted the highest rank of the Legion. Before the King gave him orders, he passed him the Bible of the Legion and the Blade of the Legion. As the nomination finally ended, the King published his orders to the Legion:.


[color=#FFFFFF]+ Deploy a large amount of forces against Gallic unlwafuls (Council, Maquis, Brigands, pirates...) at the borders and eliminate their presence. Furhermore, the Legion has to deploy hidden agents in the rank of the Junkers as the King still has doubts about their intentions in Gallia.

+ Protect Gallia with every effort possible and eliminate any Gallic enemies of the throne
+ Eliminate any Sirians wanting to damage Gallia in any way and keep Gallia clean of Sirian influences
+ Actively be ready to hunt down Sirians when the order will be given
+ Maintain an outer-Gallic presence all the time to ensure the ultimate safety of Gallia from Sirian attacks, when the order will be given

[color=#FFFFFF]After Enzo read the Legions Bible, he gave their main ideology a new sense. The most important rule of the Legion is: Every man and woman has to be valued by what he/she can do for a certain purpose, no matter what origins or beliefs he/she has.

This is why most Legionnaires are former criminals/prisoners. Most of them simply join the Legion because else, they would be executed. Of course, as Legionnaires they are also damned to death, but not at a fixed date. Most of them choose this way because they can live on, regardless of the fact that it's a very brutal and hard life. This is why, in the Legionnaire Initiation Ritual, a small portion of unknown poison is injected onto the body. Technically it serves as a substance to locate the Legionnaires, whereever they are, as some of them could turn their backs on the Navy and become criminal again, so it's a security method. But the primary sense of this injection is the acceptance of death. Who does not accept that will be killed on spot. Of course, not many survive the poison and die aswell, but those who do survive become true Legionnaires, that have already faced death and don't have to worry about dying "again".

Currently the Legion is composed of:
+ 1% Nobles
+ 4% Fallen Nobles
+ 15% Former Navy
+ 30% Commoners
+ 40% Former Prisoners/Criminals

all that at a survival rate of the Initiation Ritual at an average of 69 per cent.

"First in, last out"

Legionnaires would go right into the battle, before the Gallic troops came, holding the position for as long as possible and taking all the fire. If the Gallic troops faced a loss, the Legionnaires would secure their retreat with every effort possible, even sacrificing their own life, as they should not face a loss of honour in any way, because they are damned to death.

The 9 Commandments of a Legionnaire

[color=#FFFFFF]+ Never question the will of the King or the Lord Mareshal
+ Never show mercy for your enemies, as they do not deserve it
+ Anywhere you go, always keep the Gallic morals and those of the Legion, regardless what you were in your life before joining us
+ Be neutral to everyone you encounter but only if youve never met them before
+ Always be suspicious of Sirians and never trust them, if any sign of treachery appera, kill them
+ Do not change yourself and your beliefs to Sirians ones, even if you have to leave Gallia for your whole life
+ Never bring shame over the Legion or decieve it, if you do, prepare for the worst punishments
+ Always aid the Royals or Gallic lawful organizations when they are under attack
+ Never be racist towards another Legion member, even if they are former criminals/prisoners, as the past does not count anymore and we are all brothers in arms and blood.


[color=#FFFFFF]LE being a royal navy group, the GRN are our allies. Assist them whenever they need help.

+ Gallic Royal Navy

As they are loyal to the crown, the LE trusts them. They are to be helped when they need it.

+ Gallic Police
+ Ile-de-France Shipping
+ Gallic Metal Services

While we have nothing serious against them, we are indeed a bit suspicious. Choose on your own if they are worth helping/destroying.

+ Junkers


+ all Sirian factions

Groups which have earned themselves the hostility of the LE are to be executed on sight.

+ Gallic Brigands
+ Maquis
+ Union Corse
+ Pirates
+ Sentient Machine Alliance [SMA]
+ Societe Militaire Privee [SMP]
+ Mandalorian Mercenaries [MM]

Death to the Council traitors! Burn them and their whole generation!

+ Gallic Council

Zone of influence

[color=#FF0000]Primary ZoI: Languedoc, stationed on Battleship Carcassonne and the Gallic Borders

Secondary ZoI: Rest of Royalist Gallia, most Legion troops are stationed on Battleship Grande Guillotine


[color=#009900]Military ranks

[color=#33FF33]Lower/Commander/Officer ranks

[Image: leranks1copy.png]
[Image: lerankscopy.png]

[color=#33FFFF]Flag / General ranks

[Image: lehigh1.png]

[color=#FFFFFF]Leader of the Legion - Supreme Commander Rank

[Image: lordm.png]

[color=#FF0000]Military Ranks Desriciption

[color=#FFFFFF]Lord Marechal: He has the supreme power over the Legion and only answers to the King. He is representing the Legion both militarily and politically, if needed. He can access all of the available Legion ships and is the captain of the Grande Guillotine, the Valor-class Flagship of the Legion.

General: The General of the Legion has the full power over his own fleet. The General is a Legionnaire who is the second, after the Lord Mareshal. Can use anything up to a Cruiser. If a General proves worthy enough, the Lord Mareshal can grant him the right to fly a Battleship, which would be a symbol for ultimate honour.

Colonel: They are the right hands of the General of the Legion, and they are 3 high ranking commanders. Only the best and most dangerous pilots can become Colonel, and only if they are able to lead a large attack formation. They can use any ship up to a Cruiser.

Commandant: The various commanders of the Legion have shown their leader-skill many times, and thus can lead a mid-sized attack squad. They can use all ships up to a Gunboat.

Capitaine: A Capitaine was once an elite soldier, a Lieutenant, who got promoted because of his keen leading skills, even in the most extreme situations. They are usually seen leading a group of up to 4 people into high-classed missions. They can use any ship up to a VHF / bomber and also request the construction of a personal Perilous Gunboat.

Lieutenant: An elite soldier - these men have shown their over-average skill in a battle and thus have become Lieutenants. If no Capitain is around, one Lt. gains the temporary control over a small squad. They can use any ship up to a Bomber / VHF.

Sous-lieutenant: Usually a veteran soldier, they are the backbone of the Legion. They are still working hard to become Lt. and act as mentor for the Aspirantes and Cadetes. They can use everything up to a VHF / bomber.

Aspirant: The typical frontline-soldier of the Legion, able to obliterate any equally-armed enemy thanks to the secret Legion training. They can use ships up to VHF / Bombers.

Cadet: A typical recruit and rookie, these men have to undergo a test phase of 1 or 2 weeks, if they show remarkable skill they can even be promoted to Aspirant. They can only use the LF or HF.

Noble/Honorary titles

[Image: heroa.png]


[color=#FFFFFF]Hero of the Legion The most honourful title a Legionnaire can carry. Only one Hero of the Legion is written down in the history books, and it was Andre le Benevole himself, the grand-ancestor of the Legion. Since then, no-one has ever reached this ultimate rank of honour. But, who knows, maybe a Hero will step up from the current Legionnaires - the One will earn infinite honour and respect even after death.

Champion - Legionnaire: Those who wish to become a Champion Legionnaire have to go a long way. Chevalier, already marked by the hundreds of battles they were in, are dedicating their whole life just to reach this rank. Most of them fail. Only a handful of Champions have stepped out from the Legion. They are respected and seen as idols of the lower ranks.

Chevalier: Those that become Chevaliers have had many victorious battles behind them. In the Legion history books, there were 42 confirmed Chevaliers. Which indeed makes them also rare. A Chevalier is the sword and shield of the Legion. His body is the shield. His skill is the sword.

Current Roster of Legionnaires

Naming Convention

[color=#FFFFFF]General: Gen.
Colonel: Col.
Commandant: Cmd.
Capitaine: Cpt.
Lieutenant: Lt.
Sous-Lieutenant: Slt.
Aspirant: At.
Cadet: Ct.

For Fighters/Bombers: +LE+Rank.Name.Lastname
For Capital-Class vessels: +LE+Shipname


Other Links

[color=#FFFFFF]+ Wiki Page
+ LE reports & events
+ The Flagship of the Legion
+ Enzo du Sable, Lord Marechal of the LE

[color=#FF0000]For joining the Legion des Damnes:

[color=#FFFFFF]Transmission to the Lord Mareshall (//pm SebyDeeJay)
[color=#FFFFFF]Legion des Damnes Secure Comm Channel (//skype ID: sebydeejay)

[color=#FFFFFF]Then, add yourself to the database using the said form in the Database

[color=#FF0000]Legion of the Damned Registering Database


Light Fighters:

Caracal - XJ-1 Gallic Light Fighter
[Image: 254px-Caracal-s.png]

Moonbeam - UX-256 Gallic Civilian Light Fighter
[Image: 254px-Moonbeam-s.png]

Heavy Fighters:

Serval - XJ-2 Gallic Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Serval-s.png]

Sunbeam - UY -258 Gallic Civilian Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Sunbeam-s.png]

Very Heavy Fighter:

Lynx - XJ-3 Gallic Very Heavy Fighter
[Image: 254px-Lynx-s.png]


Cougar - BXJ-5 Gallic Royal Navy Bomber
[Image: 254px-Cougar-s.png]

Freighters/Transports: (used as Bank/supply ships/prison/diplomacy ships)

Aurochs - MCU-1 Gallic Freighter
[Image: 254px-Aurochs-s.png]

Repair Ship
[Image: 254px-RepairShip-s.png]

Vache - ME-UH Gallic Train
[Image: 254px-Vache-s.png]

Prison Liner
[Image: 254px-PrisonLiner-s.png]


Perilous - Gallic Royal Navy Gunboat
[Image: 254px-Perilous-GRN-s.png]

Capital Ships:

Obstinate - Gallic Royal Navy Cruiser
[Image: 254px-Obstinate-GRN-s.png]

Valor Battleship
[Image: 254px-Valor-GRN-s.png]

Grande Guillotine - Flagship
[Image: 254px-Valor-GRN-s.png]

Legion des Damnes - Elven - 06-17-2010

More GRN?
We need more criminals. |:

Legion des Damnes - Serpentis - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:More GRN?
We need more criminals. |:

What he said..


Im sorry but.. I think most of the "story" is.. Something.. Not really.. True.. I mean, have you checked with Exile about this?

Hate to see you loose 500 mill like that..

Legion des Damnes - Exile - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:More GRN?
We need more criminals. |:
True. Very true. I suggested them that, but they seem bent on becoming GRN. As I have countless of times before, I'll say now that two navy factions serving the same ruler will not be able to function without a dominant faction ordering the less than dominant one around. In my eyes, anyway. The King won't have two Grand Marshalls doing two different things with two different armies, like I told you last night.

"Being the elite group of the Navy, its mainly deployed against the most dangerous enemies of the throne"
Elite. A delicate word. It's a word you earn, not a title given to yourself. "Hahahaha, we just completely ran over the most elite of Gallia" -Random Council member got killed by a GRN|- "What, I thought those other guys were the best they had? Impossible! CONSPIRACY?" If you catch my drift. I'd remove this word, and just call yourself a group within the navy.

"and the Lord Mareshal only takes orders from the King himself."
Read the first paragraph. Like we discussed last night.

"King Charles XI regards the Legion as his ace against anyone, anytime, anywhere."
No, he does not. He never said he did, I should know. He agreed to letting you blow stuff up in his name, but he never told you you were "the best he had to offer". See paragraph two.

When I thought we were on the same level, a lot of issues pop up. Shame.

Small edit : Not done yet, almost forgot Serpentis' point. He's right. Right now the story reads as if the Legion is the first and foremost power in Gallia. It is not. You're writing your own lore right there, and it doesn't match with that of Gallia. As I told you back when I saw the first unofficial draft when we first met.

If you read it, to me, in the end, it sounds like the Legion >> GRN|. The Gallic Royal Navy is the king's foremost, best, and only Navy. All soldiers are either a part of this, or the Council.

Every man and woman has to be valued by what he/she can do for a certain purpose, no matter what origins or beliefs he/she has.
This does not sound like Gallia. A lot. At all. Nobility, origins, it all does matter to the Royalists.

"+ Always be suspicious of Sirians and never trust them, if any sign of treachery appera, kill them"
Let me rephrase that.
"Always kill the Sirian wherever he pops into Gallia. If they annoy the Royals, kill them some more."

I'm sorry, but right now it's back at scare 1 in my eyes, even after our long talks. Scare 1 being "Does not fit into Gallia as it is now."

Legion des Damnes - Mao - 06-17-2010

No, Exile, it doesn't fit you. Live with it. It won't fit you... ever! It fits Gallia.

Edit: Gallia=/=Exile

Legion des Damnes - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-17-2010

SO your saying Exile that you don't want any sub-factions of the GRN?

Then what about The outcasts?...Take away the 101st?

Or the IMG?

What about the HF who are former member of the LN?

Or the Bretonian sub factions?

Or Rhienland?!

You want to take away a Idea that put up well right now....

And I have yet to see an event planned with the GRN aside from the Tau 23 event...

+LE+ have had Two events so far...

Oh and I support what Mao says....

Legion des Damnes - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:No, Exile, it doesn't fit you. Live with it. It won't fit you... ever! It fits Gallia.

Edit: Gallia=/=Exile

Well, you see, Mike RPs the King, and leads the only official GRN faction, ergo, what he says goes as far as royalist Gallia is concerned.

As for the main post, the lore is... well... meh. And constantly calling yourselves the "elite" of Gallia is not very endearing to other Gallic players, let alone the fact that it makes you sound extraordinarily arrogant (not a good thing for a new faction).

Also, why would you be flying civilian ships if you intend to be a Military faction? Do you see the LN/BAF/RM/KNF flying Eagles?

Legion des Damnes - Akura - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Royalists = Exile


' Wrote:SO your saying Exile that you don't want any sub-factions of the GRN?

Nah, he's saying there can't be two equal factions, one must rule over the other, and the GRN was here first, and has alot of establishd RP.

Legion des Damnes - Chenzo- - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:True. Very true. I suggested them that, but they seem bent on becoming GRN. As I have countless of times before, I'll say now that two navy factions serving the same ruler will not be able to function without a dominant faction ordering the less than dominant one around. In my eyes, anyway. The King won't have two Grand Marshalls doing two different things with two different armies, like I told you last night.

"Being the elite group of the Navy, its mainly deployed against the most dangerous enemies of the throne"
Elite. A delicate word. It's a word you earn, not a title given to yourself. "Hahahaha, we just completely ran over the most elite of Gallia" -Random Council member got killed by a GRN|- "What, I thought those other guys were the best they had? Impossible! CONSPIRACY?" If you catch my drift. I'd remove this word, and just call yourself a group within the navy.

"and the Lord Mareshal only takes orders from the King himself."
Read the first paragraph. Like we discussed last night.

"King Charles XI regards the Legion as his ace against anyone, anytime, anywhere."
No, he does not. He never said he did, I should know. He agreed to letting you blow stuff up in his name, but he never told you you were "the best he had to offer". See paragraph two.

When I thought we were on the same level, a lot of issues pop up. Shame.

Small edit : Not done yet, almost forgot Serpentis' point. He's right. Right now the story reads as if the Legion is the first and foremost power in Gallia. It is not. You're writing your own lore right there, and it doesn't match with that of Gallia. As I told you back when I saw the first unofficial draft when we first met.

If you read it, to me, in the end, it sounds like the Legion >> GRN|. The Gallic Royal Navy is the king's foremost, best, and only Navy. All soldiers are either a part of this, or the Council.

Every man and woman has to be valued by what he/she can do for a certain purpose, no matter what origins or beliefs he/she has.
This does not sound like Gallia. A lot. At all. Nobility, origins, it all does matter to the Royalists.

"+ Always be suspicious of Sirians and never trust them, if any sign of treachery appera, kill them"
Let me rephrase that.
"Always kill the Sirian wherever he pops into Gallia. If they annoy the Royals, kill them some more."

I'm sorry, but right now it's back at scare 1 in my eyes, even after our long talks. Scare 1 being "Does not fit into Gallia as it is now."

+LE+ is Not another GRN|. +LE+ is based on the gallic navy, but has much more to expand through than just the navy. +LE+ are to primeraly serve under the GRN| They are INRP a "elite group", Yes.

What you are confusing there in paragraph two is RP=/=/= INGAME. For this to be true ingame +LE+ would need ench.. or.. a way of cloaning many ench's and then sign the rostter. Just because something isant fully backed up, doesnt mean it can't be RP'd. and given this is a RP server, RP is predominantly more important i say.

+LE+ like to "kill" sirian's? well, to be frank i think this is just trying to expand the enemy list given that +LE+ are in gallia.. noone ele is? it's a foorm of rare interaction. This will most likly change when gallia becomes more populated, +LE+ will then haveso much more to offer.

If you nit-pick anything enough you will find loopholes. It' part of human error.

Finally, i'd like to saythis faction has an awesome ammount of potential that may exceed even your imagination Mike, Do you potentially want to kill a faction who's members dedication will allow this to happen ? Or.. Will you instead support it ? If you don't wish to support it, then please, at least don't throw the dog mess at it.

Legion des Damnes - Wolfs Ghost - 06-17-2010

GRN| has had events since back when Gallia first came out. The events died down because there were hardly any any Council/Maquis you name it in Gallia. So don't start with that.

Second, the Roleplay I saw last night was....well, I'll put bluntly, completely horrible. Sirian Codenames, and the best explanation you could give us was that they were produced in your Laboratories? Uhm...reality check, please? Sirian weapons produced in Gallia? Since when did Sirius Weapons = Gallic Weapons?

Sirius =/= Gallia


Should also mention, a Gallic faction that doesn't recognize the Son and Daughter of the King at first glance either, isn't good for roleplay.