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4.86 Event Two Thread - Printable Version

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4.86 Event Two Thread - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-18-2010

The 'script' behind this event is pretty simple. The BHG|Core has amassed a fleet to overwhelm and kick the Order out of Minor. They're supposed to succeed in this. And then a complication sets in - one that's blue.

The /givecash and /drawcash commands will be disabled for this event.

Combat is restricted to Omicron Minor / Omicron Lost and the area between the Minor / Lost jumpholes in Delta. No Order raids on Daba or Nomad territory. No BHG raids into Nomad territory or past Minor. (That means that even in the middle of the night, when most people are asleep, you keep to where you're supposed to fight. If this doesn't happen, the server will be shut down during the overnight period - which is unfair for the ANZLAG players.)
Server is at the same spot as before. For those of you who do not have this in your shortcut:

Use this in your command line like this:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe"

At the beginning of the event, the restart ships available will ONLY be BHG and Order, and the CameraShip. Restart commands will be: BHGHammerhead, BHGManta, BHGBomber, BHGOrca, BHGThresher, BHGBullhead, BHGMako and OrderNepthys, OrderBastet, OrderSekhmet, OrderHathor, OrderResheph, OrderGeb, <strike>OrderOsiris</strike>, and Cameraship.

Ship naming conventions will be: BHGxxxxxx and ORDxxxxxx. Official faction members ONLY may use the |Core or |Order suffix.

Cameraships shall NOT have a faction affiliation, nor shall the cameraships be part of any group.

Fleet leaders will have limited admin rights to be able to .beam people if needed. We'd really rather that they not have to use it very much - don't invest too much time in your ships, since these are, after all, disposable.

Admins WILL be on the server, maybe not in their admin ships but playing, and they will have full admin rights and authority no matter WHAT ship they're flying. (Primarily so they can use the CONSOLE and tell people to knock off the OOC chatter - which I expect to happen a few times.) Faction Leaders should have the ability to .beam people if need be.

Remember, relaxed rules will be in effect. That applies to rules 5.2, 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8. All of rule 3 is fully in effect - no cursing, keep your ships names in RP, and no OOC chatter in system.

Event server is up and running.

[color=#ffff33]Load out restrictions for the Order ships still apply. If you have more than 2 Nomad weapons, you are violating the rules. (6.2) It is still possible to be sanctioned on the main server due to your behavior on this, the event server.

In keeping with the script of things, and to inject a note of desperation for one side and victory for the other - at this time, the Order shipyards have run out of parts necessary to make new Ossies. The /restart OrderOsiris command has been disabled.

Just in time to mess with the whole thoughts of the Bounty Hunters Guild - [color=blue]the Nomads are now available

For those of you who don't know, you'll take the lower trade lane out of the base, and then cruise to the JH in Delta, which is just above F6. Nomad ships should have the JH on their maps now - but watch that minefield!

On the fiscal side of things, a monetary crisis in Sirius ended up taxing hundreds of millions of credits from anyone with more than 300 million credits in their account. These funds will be used to create the Widows and Orphans Fund for Deceased Human pilots. (/Restart server - don't sell your ships and trade the money - that's why /givecash was disabled from the start...)

--> Nomad Marduk and Voidrunner are now available as restart ships. Event will end with a special appearance and happening about 2000 (or so) GMT Sunday.


4.86 Event Two Thread - Sebastian Wolfe - 06-18-2010

' Wrote:Event will start tomorrow and continue through the weekend.


Uh, when the Nomads show up, does that mean the Order will be gone, as in no 3-way Order/BHG/Nomad fights?

Also, who canonically wins outright, the BHG, Order or Nomads? We know the BHG beats Order, but not whether they hold their ground to the Nomads when they show up, lose to them or to a rejuvenated Order fleet.

4.86 Event Two Thread - aerelm - 06-18-2010

' Wrote:Ship naming conventions will be: BHGxxxxxx and ORDxxxxxx. Official faction members ONLY may use the |Core or |Order suffix.

Sorry for spaming this thread but this one is bugging me a bit. Why should we do this?
Wouldn't it be better and closer to main server's naming conventions that Indies use BHG- and Order- and members of Official faction use Order| and BHG|Core-/BHG|Moray-/whatever?

Afterall, /fi ord and /fi bhg will invite All the Order/BHG players, no matter if they are BHG-blahblah|Core or BHG|Core-blahblah... And IMHO BHG-Name|Core looks really... y'know! >.> (Not to mention ORD-Name|Order <.<)

4.86 Event Two Thread - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 06-18-2010

' Wrote:Sorry for spaming this thread but this one is bugging me a bit. Why should we do this?
Wouldn't it be better and closer to main server's naming conventions that Indies use BHG- and Order- and members of Official faction use Order| and BHG|Core-/BHG|Moray-/whatever?

Afterall, /fi ord and /fi bhg will invite All the Order/BHG players, no matter if they are BHG-blahblah|Core or BHG|Core-blahblah... And IMHO BHG-Name|Core looks really... y'know! >.> (Not to mention ORD-Name|Order <.<)
I think that Agmen meant the suffix added to the prefix...

I.E. Official faction members can name their ships like this :

That will allow you to either include non faction members in your group with /fi BHG or /fi ORD, or exclude them with /fi BHG|Core and /fi ORD|Order.

Although why you want to exclude them is beyond me. They are still fighting on your side.

A & L Guy

4.86 Event Two Thread - Marcus Lindberg - 06-18-2010

I have to add in a ' -dx' on my shortcut since I have a widescreen monitor, so should I just add in the '' after the ' -dx' or do I have to create another shortcut and stick with a wierd resolution?

4.86 Event Two Thread - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-18-2010

' Wrote:I have to add in a ' -dx' on my shortcut since I have a widescreen monitor, so should I just add in the '' after the ' -dx' or do I have to create another shortcut and stick with a wierd resolution?

Just slap it in anywhere. My command line looks like this:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -w -newplayer -dptplayer -logchat -logtime -logappend

4.86 Event Two Thread - Marko111 - 06-18-2010

I have one big problem about this event.
I would like to joint this, but i have some error with entering " ".

This is message that pops up when i try apply it:[Image: captureiu.jpg]

I have Windows 7, I dont know is that source of any problem here. Please help me to solve this damn problem.

Thanks to all...

4.86 Event Two Thread - Alex. - 06-18-2010

Runkle, make sure you have the path to the file (excluding the - entries) enclosed in " marks.

Quote:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe

Should become:

Quote:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe"

4.86 Event Two Thread - HurricaneX - 06-18-2010

Can we have a limited amount of battleships or caps online at a time? Because at the momment about 5-10 ossies are ganking about 2 makos and some cruisers.
I dont think Im gonna use the server again anyway though. Much too laggy for me.

4.86 Event Two Thread - Tommeh - 06-18-2010

5 minutes ago there was 5,6 makos spaming Minor, so it's not unexpected, these things will happen. No suprise there. People want to satisfy their wishes for flying Order and BHG caps.