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Buff low-lvl NPCs - Printable Version

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Buff low-lvl NPCs - Dart - 06-20-2010

seriously, all of these legionaries, daggers, and other low-level light fighters only shoot CDs and float around the enemy. they serve no purpose but to piss people off..

PLEASE Buff these NPCs so they start attacking (full force) players. this way people can start hitting them.

why does it have to be that fighting a middle level ship is easier than a low-level? when i started disco in 4.86 Edit i meant 4.85!, attacking low-levels took me many many minutes. while with the same hardware i would be able to kill higher level opponents because they didn't zig-zag trying to run away from hits.

either buff their attack, or remove their ability to use cruise disruptors please.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - atlantis2112 - 06-20-2010

Just get rid of them.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - Rudo - 06-20-2010

' Wrote:Remember newbies start out hostile to Rogues. If you buff them to werewolfs there will be hilarity.


Honestly, I'd say we should also buff newbies while we're at it. Start everybody off at the same approximate level of gear as the NPCs in Ontario.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - Shush Muppet - 06-20-2010

Or we could try making more NPCs flee in terror from you if your gear is good enough. You know, the ones that are just a bit higher than the level 2 ones, yet still think they can take on your Rhineland BS if they spawn eight at a time?

The same ones that can't even dent your shield regeneration rate, yet continue to ram-spin and CD-spam you until you end their pathetic lives out of annoyance?

The same ones that once you shoot them, clutter your ore drops with useless crap that they had in their cargo hold?

The same ones that are extremely hard to hit because they fly LFs and EK like crazy and have a respawn rate similar to rabbits?

Detecting a pattern yet?

Buff low-lvl NPCs - bobby - 06-20-2010

' Wrote:when i started disco in 4.86,

Doctor Who is a good mate, I assume.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - tyro - 06-20-2010

' Wrote:Remember newbies start out hostile to Rogues. If you buff them to werewolfs there will be Q_Q.

Also, search is your friend.

there is /restart command, which makes you neutral to Rogues.

at least we can leave npcs in Penn like they are now, but in other systems low-level npcs should be buffed or removed.
they were balanced for vanilla freelancer, where all those bloodhounds, daggers, centurions, startrackers and piranhas were enough danger, but now they are just ridiculous.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - Dart - 06-20-2010

' Wrote:Remember newbies start out hostile to Rogues. If you buff them to werewolfs there will be Q_Q.

Also, search is your friend.
werewolves aren't blood hounds.. and even then those ships are big enough to manage.

also whats the point of searching when this is a rant?

@Soldier's Requiem
the higher level NPCs don't constantly fidget and run around, they actually engage. this makes then fightable.

' Wrote:Doctor Who is a good mate, I assume.
LOL thanks for pointing that out:Pill fix it

Buff low-lvl NPCs - aerelm - 06-20-2010

' Wrote:also whats the point of searching when this is a rant?
So You'd see there are more "Get Rid of NPCs" Threads than "Buff them!" ones...
And, Also, You'd see that general answer to threads similar to this - to put it short and simple - was No.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - Sturmwind - 06-20-2010

If you're at it, don't forget the KSP Drakes.

Most. Annoying. NPC. Ship. Ever.

Buff low-lvl NPCs - Wuselkobold - 06-20-2010

' Wrote:If you're at it, don't forget the KSP Drakes.

Most. Annoying. NPC. Ship. Ever.

Lies! The RFP NPCs are much more annoying!