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Sirius Research Institute - SRI - 06-20-2010

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Name: [color=#FF0000]Sirius Research Institute [SRI]

Home base: [color=#000000]Cambridge Research Station

Focused on: [color=#000000]General research

Specialization: [color=#000000]Biological and chemical materials

SRI Leader: Dr. Charles Richardson

Sirius Research Institute was set up in 800 A.S. by Zoners for Nomadresearch in Omicons. At the beginning SRI was very small company, but in 808 A.S. SRI was propositioned by government of Bretonia, more precisely from the Cambridge researchers for general research in Sirius behalf. SRI had great, hard working scientists and very advanced research technologies for successful and safe research.

The founder of the SRI was Doctor Salle Rodrigez. He was small, old and very clever man with specialization on Nomad technologies. The idea of the strong research company for whole Sirius was strong inspiration for him and he got idea about new research organization: Sirius Research Institute. Doctor Rodrigez took the offer, and moved his company to the Cambridge. All was going good so far. Rodrigez found new place for his research technologies and scientists in a research hall at planet Cambridge. After some years in year 811 A.S. Rodrigezs Research Company was on the top of the success, but nothing is without end. Bretonia got new government and new policy. The new Bretonians policy did not approve Rodrigezs proposal for new research organization for Sirius SRI. He was compelled to break all research works in his new research company and promptly move his research and scientists under Cambridge research institute. This situation stopped all plans about creation Sirius Research Institute and chance to create organization for whole Sirius was destroyed. Nobody knows why the project SRI was stopped. Rodrigezs research team started new work for the Cambridge research institute, but the people werent happy. They did not enjoy the research of weapon for fighter aircraft class VHF. Workers begun to loose pace of work. Doctor Rodrigez try to move out his research team, but he signed official contract with Bretonians research ministry. According to the contract, he with his research team had to be working for Bretonians research institut for 5 years. The team has been working there for 3 years - so two more years. Dr. Rodrigez could not do anything. His research team was continuing in weapon research and he was working in small office for Bretonians research ministry, but this job wasnt for him. He was Nomad technology researcher and no office worker. That time was for him and his team really dark era. Rodrigez was old and his energy vanished. He hoped that is only horrible dream, but it was not. That wasnt horrible dream that was horrible time.

After two years the Bretonians government and new policy was changed again. Maybe that was chance for Rodrigezs research team. Doctort Rodrigez was very old, and he didnt have any more power to lead his research team. So he established as new research team leader his student and the best friend: Doctor Charles Richardson. He was strong, young and hard working man. His responsibility for Rodrigezs research team was great. He had good place between the scientists, and they were happy for their new leader. A dealing between Rodrigezs, now Richardons team and new Bretonian research institute begun. This new government was very intelligent and competent. People of the Bretony were again happy with new national system and Richardsons proposal for his new Sirius research institute had big chance to succeed The negotiations with new government took for long time. Many things were difficult, but on the good way to be managed. After two months Richardsons research team got permission to create new research organization named: Sirius Research Institute. The Bretonia, the Rheinland, the Kusari and the Liberty ratified this new research institute for the Sirius. Company SRI got financial grant from the Rheinland and the Kusari and new luxury ship Liner class Enterprisefrom the Liberty for transport the research materials. The Bretony offered them new working place and research help from the Cambridge research institute at the planet Cambridge.

Finally Sirius Research Institute was created and Rodrigezs idea had great success. In 817 A.S. the SRI has been fully ready for research in the Sirius. Doctor Rodrigez retired and was awarded for his success and got big house in planet New London from the Bretonians research institute. Doctor Richardson got post as SRI leader and started with his scientists team first new research as Sirius Research Institute. The new research career for the Sirius begun! The scientists were happy again. They had new interested research plan and their assignment was back. Sirius Research Institute is the best research company in the Sirius. The best research technologies and hard working scientists bring the SRI to the top of popular.

SRI ships:

[Image: Enterprise-s.png]
Main research ship:

[Image: Gull-s.png]

[Image: Eagle-s.png]

- [color=#FFFF00][color=#FFFF00]SRI research material database

[color=#33CC00]- Sirius Research Institute is searching strong sponsors for our research!! Do you want to help? Check the SRI [color=#FFFF00][color=#FFFF00]Grant office.