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Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Printable Version

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Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Thexare - 06-22-2010

Are you a freelance pirate hunter that ended up neutral to the Rogues for shooting a bunch of Xenos? Or perhaps the Corsairs have forgotten that you killed a few of their friends because you got swarmed by Daggers in Liberty? Bribed the Junkers, but the Hessians are still supposed to want you seperated from your cargo?


/hostile <faction> sets the faction to full-red hostile without affecting any other rep. Perfect for minor repfixing and practically impossible to abuse.

At least, as far as I can tell.

And there's more to it than making NPCs shoot you - it's also helpful as a quick indicator of whether or not the player in front of you might try to kill you. (hint: he will.)

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - .:Mongoose:. - 06-22-2010

Good Idea

My Gaian is forever becoming neutrla with various factions I should be hostile with and It would save me the job of having to pop into Dublin and shoot up load of Mollys because I have killed just enough Bretonia Police to make them like me.

On another note is the Gaian ID not repninja thingy ma bobbed?

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - corvious - 06-22-2010

Hmm, interesting idea.

Though I suppose if you're too lazy to just shoot their npc's...

Although I could see this command being useful for setting other people hostile to a faction.

Say /set [player name] hostile [faction]

If given to a select few people in official factions they could set certain people hostile to them

All the unaffiliated mercs that are shooting lawlful or unlawful pilots while maintaining their neutrality. They could change it so they are no longer simply neutral.


Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Thexare - 06-22-2010

' Wrote:Hmm, interesting idea.

Though I suppose if you're too lazy to just shoot their npc's...
That could screw up your rep with other factions, though, and is really hard if there's 185 people online.

Say you've ticked off the Rogues, and only the Rogues. Somehow, no one else cares. Shoot the Rogues and you'll have the Hackers, Mollys, Outcasts, and maybe Hessians after you. /hostile Rogues and you only make the Rogues hostile.

Also useful for odd cases like Aquila Defense Systems, my unofficial pirate shipbuilder. The Rogues and Mollys are not to shoot at us for RP reasons, but it's not a deal any of their allies know about, so we'll still have issues with the Hackers and Hessians.

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Zeb Harley - 06-22-2010

I would like the command quite a lot.

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - ryeguy146 - 06-22-2010

I'd really like to see this. It would encourage players to fix their IFF system to fit their role play.

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Ceoran - 06-22-2010

perfect. I'd go /hostile Freelancers on all my Chars immediately. Spares me a lot of time of waiting for their NPCs:yes:

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Cond0r - 06-22-2010

' Wrote:Say /set [player name] hostile [faction]

If given to a select few people in official factions they could set certain people hostile to them

All the unaffiliated mercs that are shooting lawlful or unlawful pilots while maintaining their neutrality. They could change it so they are no longer simply neutral.

Ever heard of Faction Right 5 my boy?

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - hribek - 06-22-2010

Guard rep would become easy to get. Whether you think it's good or bad, it's a side effect that you should reckon with.

@Willis: That sort of idea has been proposed and subsequently shot down in the past, because of concerns about abuse potential. Some of the people around here are kids and er ... you get the idea.

Another Command Idea! - /hostile - Ash - 06-22-2010

Bek's got a point. But on the other hand, it would make setting up a vigilante or terrorist alot easier.