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Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - Cannon - 06-23-2010

YEAH has been sanctioned for breaking the following rules:
Quote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

You have to role play. One line of "die smelly outcasts" is not role play. Stop the out of character chat in system.

Because this is your third sanction you have been fined all guns, credits, cargo and equipment and your ship jailed for 7 days.

Next time you'll be banned.

Admin link:

Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - YEAH - 06-23-2010


On my previous sanction admins posted:
Quote:"You've got to role play before attacking somebody. Say something role play like even if it is only "You stinky outcast, time to meet your maker".

And i believe i might used OOC chat to reply to someone, am i correct?
is it possible to see the screenshot?

So i agree with my previous sanctions, since i broke the rules in a careless way.
But this time i have to diseagree, since i acted by your rules (quoted). and it will be the third time i have to get money to buy all my equipment again, witch it's getting annoying.

Ive seen many players breaking the rules too, i don't come here to fill out reports tough, since i believe we can sort things out in game, as long as players know the rules.
And since some players, for personal reasons, cant tolerate 2 or 3 sentences of OOC chat, as they rush out here to fill reports, i believe admins should understand: that after all this is a game, and we are all here for fun, and a little tolerance won't hurt anyone.

Anyway, i'm enjoying playing freelancer, but i would like to see this matter cleared up, specially the quoted sentence. And i will really aprecciate that i can return to my normal game, or i am being forced to join other server.

Hope hearing from you soon

Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - Dragonslayer - 06-23-2010

I didnt write a report about you but I did see you sneak up on people and then surprise-kill them a few times. Apart from talking oorp most of the time.

About your request for tolerance, maybe you will get more tolerance if you stop flying around and doing that. Lots of oepople told you repeatedly to cut it out but you chose not to, so you request for tolerance is kinda funny.

Quote:Anyway, i'm enjoying playing freelancer, but i would like to see this matter cleared up, specially the quoted sentence. And i will really aprecciate that i can return to my normal game, or i am being forced to join other server.
Going to another server might actually not be a bad idea. The Berlin server is a non RP server, so maybe you would enjoy playing there more if you dont liek to RP. There are other servers with more relaxed rules about RP like the PTC "relaxed server". Maybe try one of those?

Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - YEAH - 06-23-2010

I said at least "smelly outcast time to die!" 30 seconds before i attacked.
But if you have a screenshot of the contrary i will be very interested taking a look at it.

I can try to explain what happened but it would be "bla bla bla"...
Can you prove that i sneak attack someone?

And do you have a screenshot of me talking more than 2 or 3 sentences in OOC chat?

Anyway, this is the best discovery server i played, it's allways with lots of players doing missions or trade, and i still got lots of things in game i would like to discover.
Obviously if im playing on this server, and im here trying to explain myself, is because i like the server, and because i want to keep playing on this server.

I believe these little reports and these little discussions leaves admin's heads full, and makes them jump into rush conclusions.
I know the rules now, and i didn't break them intentionally.

If i got you anger in game for something, talk to me and we settle things, we dont need this.
Why are we here on this topic anyway?
Because i said "got to go. bye" on chat or something?


Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-23-2010

Unfortunately, if you have an issue with someone - you do not say in system chat //Hey, follow the rules. System chat is to be in character always. We've said on here before that only legitimate emergencies - //Gotta go, grease fire (which happened not too long ago) or something similar are when OOC is allowed in system chat.

One thing that confuses people is that there USED to be a rule that you could put '//' in front of your comments and that would be acceptable. That stopped being the case about a year ago or so, IIRC. Also, remember that /l for local chat is STILL considered system chat.

Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - YEAH - 06-24-2010

So, if i saw someone breaking a rule...
I don't warn him,
I should consider he is a veteran on this server, and i don't explain to him that he is breaking a rule.

In your opinion, i take 3 or 4 screenshots and come here to report?


Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-24-2010

If you see someone breaking a rule, you should do what we have said here many, many times in the past. You send them a nice PM in game about the issue that is not threatening in any way about your concern and if they don't listen, then you screenshot it.

Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-24-2010

No disrespect mate, but you have 2 ships set up completely the same. Neither is for mining or trading, and
I bet not for discovering either.
All three of your 'situations' have occurred in the same system, so I'm guessing not a lot of roleplay was
on your mind, more like just a bit of pew pew ... And being this is actually still a roleplay server, I would
suggest you move on and diversify a little, otherwise I suspect this won't be the last time we see your
name here.
Common sense is the name of the game, not black and white rule lawyering.

Admin Notice: Player sanctioned - YEAH - 06-25-2010

I probably said that while being attacked by the rule breaker,
Witch would make it hard to set private chat without getting killed.
Quote:Common sense is the name of the game, not black and white rule lawyering.
...common sense?

Quote:No disrespect mate, but you have 2 ships set up completely the same. Neither is for mining or trading, and
I bet not for discovering either.
All three of your 'situations' have occurred in the same system, so I'm guessing not a lot of roleplay was
on your mind, more like just a bit of pew pew ... And being this is actually still a roleplay server, I would
suggest you move on and diversify a little, otherwise I suspect this won't be the last time we see your
name here.

Every player has its way of roleplaying, but i will explain it to you.

I said: "//follow the rules" on chat,

I Attacked someone by saying "time to die smelly outcast" after admins instructed me:
Quote:"You've got to role play before attacking somebody. Say something role play like even if it is only "You stinky outcast, time to meet your maker".

With this, i got santioned and lost all my weapons and money twice.
One char is prisoned, so i had to create a new char...
If i didn't got this sanctions i would probablly have a gunboat by now but since i did,
im doing my money the fastest way i know, witch obviously justifies the repeated role play.

But if you do have an advice for me and if we will be discussing my roleplay, i will be glad to hear how i should make money Hoodlum.

...but i do believe its more in the topic if someone explains to me why i got this sanction:

Quote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

Otherwise this topic doesn't make any sense at all...?
And by the way as you already seen i got a new character and im moving on, so...
