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How to get Zoner Guard ID - Printable Version

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How to get Zoner Guard ID - simeon7417 - 06-23-2010

Hello i am all the way green with the Zoner friends - GMG and The Order. I have Zoner ID, but i can't get the Zoner Guard ID. In fact i am neutral (minus 3 bars) with them. Can someone help me or sign me how to get ZG ID ? Thanks

How to get Zoner Guard ID - Elvin - 06-23-2010

Well, I would go to Freeport 6, dock, undock, shoot depots (Not NPCs! Just the depots), all of them, should get you fully hostile to Zoners (you have to be -0.9!), then you die (without docking anywhere) and you respawn inside the FP 6. There you get double(or triple, if you have the patience)-Zoner Bribe, and voila, you should have full Zoner and Zoner Guard rep.

If you want to try it, the don't forget to dock there before shooting the depos, then die WITHOUT docking anywhere. You'll have to relog and travel from bar to dealrs and back a few times to get the bribes.

How to get Zoner Guard ID - simeon7417 - 06-23-2010

Ok i see most of that i ll try it. I am missing a bit of the double and triple bribes. I don't understand what this is. but i ll try it. Thank you!

How to get Zoner Guard ID - Elvin - 06-23-2010

' Wrote:Ok i see most of that i ll try it. I am missing a bit of the double and triple bribes. I don't understand what this is. but i ll try it. Thank you!
Oh, that's important part tho.
Once you get the Zoners hostile to you, get killed (so don't forget to have no cargo, unmounted equipment and so) and respawn back inside, you go to the bar and check the bartender. You will have to log out and back in up till the point he will offer you to pay him 950'000 for "hacking your Zoner reputation". Don't accept it yet tho, now travel between the bar and equipment dear up till the point when one other NPC sitting in the bar starts offering you the same thing as the bartender (950'000 for getting you better reputation with Zoners)... Once at least 2 (bartender and one other) NPCs offer you that, accept both, and it's done. But remember, don't accept anything, up till the point where at least 2 NPCs offering you the bribing, or your reps will get screwed pretty bad.

How to get Zoner Guard ID - simeon7417 - 06-23-2010

Ok i think i got it. I am going to try it now. Thank you very much!

How to get Zoner Guard ID - aerelm - 06-23-2010

The Quick instruction by Dab:
  1. New character -> Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania.
  2. Get quad bribe. -> Fly to Omega-3, dock Freeport 1.
  3. Use /droprep. Relog. Undock, shoot Zoner depots until Zoner rep is at -0.2
    (two bars left of middle). -> Fly to Gran Canaria, Omega-49. Dock,
  4. BHG bribe, Corsair bribe, then triple Zoner bribe.
  5. -> Corinth Research Station, Omicron-74. Buy Guard ID.
  6. Get Hessian bribe in bar (single). -> Sparta Station, get Outcast bribe.
Done, with decent reputation except with Rheinland (they don't like us much anyway).
And also about Double/Triple/Quad Bribes, this is how you do it:
  1. Go to the Bar and make sure the Bartender is offering Zoners Bribe.
    - If not, F1 -> Select New Character -> And Select the Same char again, Go to the Bar and see if he offers Zoner Bribe. If not, Repeat.
  2. Don't Take the Bribe, Switch to Equipment Dealer instead and return to Bar without doing anything.
  3. Check the other NPCs in the Bar to see if they are offering the same bribe as well.
    - Repeat the last two steps a few times until you get the number of Bribes you want. Although this might take a few tries.
  4. After you have the number of Bribes you want, Take all of them and undock.
Also, Note that this might not work in some stations, but will in the ones mentioned above.

This way, You can get the Bribes to get full Zoner Guard Rep, then Buy the ID and also, have a 'Clean' Zoner Reputation which would make you neutral with most of the non-guard factions.
Also, You'll most probably get normal Zoner IFF after this. You can do a /droprep to get Zoners Guard IFF if you want.

Good Luck;)

How to get Zoner Guard ID - Elvin - 06-23-2010

' Wrote:The Quick instruction by Dab:

And also about Double/Triple/Quad Bribes, this is how you do it:
  1. Go to the Bar and make sure the Bartender is offering Zoners Bribe.
    - If not, F1 -> Select New Character -> And Select the Same char again, Go to the Bar and see if he offers Zoner Bribe. If not, Repeat.
  2. Don't Take the Bribe, Switch to Equipment Dealer instead and return to Bar without doing anything.
  3. Check the other NPCs in the Bar to see if they are offering the same bribe as well.
    - Repeat the last two steps a few times until you get the number of Bribes you want. Although this might take a few tries.
  4. After you have the number of Bribes you want, Take all of them and undock.
Also, Note that this might not work in some stations, but will in the ones mentioned above.

This way, You can get the Bribes to get full Zoner Guard Rep, then Buy the ID and also, have a 'Clean' Zoner Reputation which would make you neutral with most of the non-guard factions.
Also, You'll most probably get normal Zoner IFF after this. You can do a /droprep to get Zoners Guard IFF if you want.

Good Luck;)

... I say my way's faster and simplier, and propably the only one (which can be done within reasonable amount of time) with already existing characters. Might be just opinion. But works even with new characters, just gotta do two or three bribes at NY first, and everything is neutral, except for Xenos. Yay, haha. I don't know why people say getting the ZG is terrible, it takes like 20 mins and 4 millions.

How to get Zoner Guard ID - aerelm - 06-23-2010

Sure thing! Getting Zoner Guard ID (Which is what your posts are all about) is piece of cake, and maybe the hardest part is just getting through the Minefield in o74... But getting a Clean Zoner Reputation, so not even one Non-Guard NPC would shoot you? Yeh, You sure can do that with just Zoner Bribes and 'two or three bribes at NY'!

And it doesn't take long. First time I did it, it took me only 1:30 Hours, not more. The next times were even faster.

How to get Zoner Guard ID - Elvin - 06-23-2010

Well, in my case, I'm leaving guard reps be, if you won't get shot by them, the players owning the systems will fix it, haha.