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The Maiden Voyage of The Pegasus - Printable Version

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The Maiden Voyage of The Pegasus - jxie93 - 06-27-2010

//This is a standalone perspective report on the maiden voyage of the Pegasus

## Uplink Established ##
[color=#ffffff]## Data Decrypted ##

Signal Origin - Lividia Shipyard, Omicron 74, Edge Worlds

## Streaming Data ##

[color=#333333]Greetings my fellow Consortians,


[color=#333333]This is an official report in which I intend to illustrate the events of today involving the grand commission ceremony of the Pegasus, my newly refurbished home, and the thrilling adventure which followed soon afterwards.

[color=#333333]The Ceremony

[color=#333333]After weeks of busy preparation and organisation, the Pegasus is finally considered fit for launch by the engineers at Lividia Shipyards. A grand ceremony was held at the shipyards for this monumental moment in time for the Consortium. Several Consortians were present, including Charles M Burns, James Ferguson, Shane Maddox, Dankien Moebus, Johann Boll and Jake Connors.


[color=#333333]Before officially declaring the commission of the Pegasus, I broadcasted a poignant speech regarding the late AngelWing, the Pegasus's predecessor and her valiant crew. The contents were as follows


[color=#333333]"My dear friends and colleagues, we are gathered here today to celebrate the launch of the Pegasus, my new exploration vessel. However, even in this joyous occasion, we shall remember the honourable sacrifices made to preserve our lives and ensure our safety by the late AngelWing, my one and only home before I joined the Consortium, and some of her courageous crew.


[color=#333333]As you may recall, the Consortium attempted to rescue one of our research ships, the Volantis, stranded in uncharted space a while ago. A rescue effort including the AngelWing was dispatched to the system, where we were ambushed and overwhelmed by superior alien hostile forces.


[color=#333333]We were pushed back and forced to retreat and the AngelWing was badly damaged. In desperation, I ordered a ship-wide evacuation. But some crew members chose to remain onboard and provide cover for the escape pods. The AngelWing was eventually engulfed in a blazing flame and the crew were brutally vaporised along with her.


[color=#333333]That is why, gentlemen, I wish to ask you to observe a minute of silence as a sign of respect and remembrance for all those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives so that we can meet here today, unscathed."


[color=#333333]All Consortians remained silent and paid their tributes towards their valiant colleagues who made their survival and safety from the operation possible. Interestingly, the crew from a DHC tagged vessel in the system at the time also broke from their processes and observed the silence. I thanked them all, in my heart.


[color=#333333]After the silence, I continued


[color=#333333]"Thank you very much for that respectful gesture gentlemen. Let us ensure that those who have lost their lives for ours shall never be forgotten, as they will always be in our hearts.


[color=#333333]Now, let us look towards the bright future as I present to you the official commission of this beautiful Corvo class exploration cruiser, the Pegasus!"


[color=#333333]Deafening cheers and shouts drowned every channel as the Pegasus was gently pushed out of the warm cradle of the dry docks by her refurbished ion engines. This marked the infant steps of my new beloved home.


[color=#333333]All members at the ceremony were then invited to a small party hosted onboard the Pegasus, in the newly decorated conference room fit for a board director meeting. One after the other, the Consortians gave their blessings. In return, I gladly accepted their well wishes and thanked them all. The air was filled with happiness and warmth. The fellow Consortians were also invited to a tour of the new ship to explore her new features. However, due to time constraints, they all politely refused and decided to attend at a later date.

[color=#333333]The Pegasus at Lividia Shipyards dry dock

[color=#333333]The launch of the Pegasus


[color=#333333]The Maiden Voyage


[color=#333333]Shortly after the ceremony, we decided to embark on a mission involving the Pegasus, a perfect opportunity for a maiden voyage. The task was to retrieve and escort the Leonardo, one of the Consortium's research/command ships, from the Order's Evora Shipyards in Omicron 100 back to Omicron 74.


[color=#333333]A group was formed for the mission after a short brief on our objective. The Pegasus was assigned to the command/recon vessel for the duration of the operation while others acted as scouts and escorts.


[color=#333333]Omicron Kappa


[color=#333333]The journey through Omicron Kappa was relatively trouble-free as we were only harassed by stray alien fighters which only posed little threat to our well organised convoy. With our experienced fighter pilots and additional support from the Pegasus's improved weapons systems, the aliens were quickly taken care of and their remains were collected for research back at the Consortium's research facilities.

[color=#333333]The ZTC group and alien fighters


[color=#333333]The Skirmish of Omicron Delta


[color=#333333]However, it was in the Omicron Delta system where problems began to arise. When we arrived at Freeport 11, we found a small gathering containing all sorts of Edge Worlds factions. There were Corsair, Order and Bounty Hunter capital ships which parked right beside the biodomes as well as a couple of alien fighters as well a three unidentified pilots who appeared to be in harmony with the aliens. Strangely, the aliens showed no hostile intents and therefore we disregarded them as threats, a foolish decision which was only realised soon after.


[color=#333333]The three pilots were later identified as Kate Miller, Kazinsal Goldsmith and Ramiel Matani. After a thorough scan by Hailey, our chief of science onboard the Pegasus, the pilots appeared to be infested and under alien influences. We tried, to the best of our abilities, to communicate with these pilots. Hailey in particular, focused on Ramiel and attempted to convince her to come back to our research facilities for treatment as preliminary biometric scans showed that her condition were only at its first stages, thus a reversal of her infestation was possible.


[color=#333333]Despite our efforts, the pilots promptly refused our negotiations and were becoming more and more agitated. Meanwhile, transmissions flooded every channel in the system as the ZTC group aimed to persuade the sworn enemies around the Freeport not to resort to violence. Tension around the Freeport grew at an increasingly alarming rate. Amidst all the confusion, an unexpected burst of antimatter energy appeared out of nowhere and the Pegasus took a direct impact.


[color=#333333]As soon as the Pegasus's hull integrity was down by twenty percent and energy conduit ruptures were reported across multiple decks, it suddenly became apparent that the aliens took the advantage of disorganised human communication and initiated an attack. I immediately ordered an emergency communiqu? to be sent across the ZTC channel


[color=#333333]"The aliens have opened fire on the Pegasus! All ships assume tactical combat formation and engage in a retaliation strike with extreme prejudice!"


[color=#333333]Charles replied,


[color=#333333]"Nobody messes with the Pegasus; I'll make sure they understand what a big mistake they just made. All fighters scramble and fire at will!


[color=#333333]All fighters from the group scattered swiftly and engaged in a brutal dog fight with the aliens, who now wanted nothing short of the utter destruction of every Consortian at the Freeport.


[color=#333333]Chris, the helmsman, utilised the recently installed auxiliary manoeuvring thrusters on the Pegasus and pulled the most extreme evasive manoeuvres. The aliens initially targeted my vessel until they were met by Consortium fighters. Against all odds, the Consortium group quickly gained the upper hand in the skirmish by disabling Ramiel's ship. The rest of the aliens were in retreat now, our fighters relentlessly pursued and expelled the remaining hostiles until the No Fire Zone around the Freeport was clear.


[color=#333333]A remark was made by Johann,


[color=#333333]"This, gentlemen, is how we enforce the No Fire Zone."


[color=#333333]Everyone applauded at our efforts and thanked us for relieving the anxiety which shrouded the Freeport earlier.


[color=#333333]A quick battle damage assessment from Julian indicated that the Pegasus has sustained light damage to the outer hull but aside from that, most of the ship's vital systems were intact.

[color=#333333]Contacts near Freeport 11

Shots fired

[color=#333333]Skirmish 1 - Taking fire

Skirmish 2 - Pegasus's return fire
Skirmish 3 - Energy shields depleted


Omicron Minor & Omicron 100

[color=#333333]The trip through both Omicron Minor and Omicron 100 systems was a sail through a calm sea in a clear day. The group announced our arrival and reached Evora Shipyards without a hitch. After the finishing touches being done by the Order engineers, the Leonardo was free from the dry docks and proceeded to join the group.

[color=#333333]The ZTC group in Omicron Minor

The Leonardo at Evora Shipyards


[color=#333333]The Homecoming


[color=#333333]The return back to Lividia Shipyards in Omicron 74 with the Leonardo was again a breeze compared to the earlier hostile encounters. However, we dared not to stop for chatter and concentrated on completing the mission.


[color=#333333]Stray alien fighters, only minor inconveniences, were encountered and dealt with swiftly as before. They did very little more than disrupting our cruise engines and brought the wrath of the group upon them.


[color=#333333]Finally, we have returned to the safety of Omicron 74, our home system. The Leonardo was taken to Lividia Shipyards for further analysis. A short debrief, which did not do the mission justice, was carried out. After that, the group was disbanded as each Consortian proceeded to their other tasks and the Pegasus returned to the Lividia Shipyards for repair.

Return with the Leonardo
More stray aliens

[font=Book][color=#333333]This concludes my log entry
<div align="right][color=#333333]- Captain Marco Cabulb

[color=#ffffff]## Uplink Terminated ##
##Have A Nice Day##