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Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-30-2010

Three times crossing our desks from three different members indicates that you don't have a firm grasp on rules. Your faction is hereby jailed until you figure them out. I want posts here from each faction member indicating that you have read and understand the rules here - not just empty comments (I have read and understand the rules) but an actual statement regarding following the rules.

Since you're all the same group of players, both faction groups are jailed.

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - tutuna - 06-30-2010

i am in bastile because i am in (FW) clan. but i was going to change name. but i had 1 problem. when i join (FW) clan i rename my name and i can not change name again 1 week. but i was going to change name. what must i do to be in other system ( not in bastile)

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - tutuna - 06-30-2010

i do not want to be in bastile... help me anybody.... however....

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - Laowai - 06-30-2010

' Wrote:I want posts here from each faction member indicating that you have read and understand the rules here - not just empty comments (I have read and understand the rules) but an actual statement regarding following the rules.

I believe the above states what is needed to be done.

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - tutuna - 06-30-2010

i be.lieve too

and sorry abut it i wont do it again.

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - plenty10 - 06-30-2010

all the members must somehow prove that they read the ruels?

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - tutuna - 06-30-2010

i read the rules.

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - (MERC-BANK) - 06-30-2010

im sorry for what has happened i read the rules faction leader i have spoken to them about what they did wrong before and i also told some of them to memorise rules.i do not wish to cause any trouble and is extremely sorry for what (FW)/{GRH} have done apologies.have read and understand the rules


Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - tutuna - 07-01-2010

i am (FW)*argo*

Admin Notice: Faction Jailed - tutuna - 07-01-2010

hey admin... when will i be in other system? i do not want to be in bastile. please help us however... and whhy are not you checking ? help us and enter here and write what are we writing...

i wrote here in 30.06.20010 and iam still in bastile. help us and ckeck this topics please.