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Yakuza Assassination Board - Printable Version

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Yakuza Assassination Board - aerelm - 06-30-2010

- Incoming Transmission
[color=#33CC00]- From:
- To: The Yakuza
- Opening Message
Guten Tag Hogoshans,

Through One ov mein Corzair Friends, I vas directed to zis Channel. Although I see zere are no many
targets on zis board, but I fur sure, foresee a perfect opportunity through zis Board. Und although you
might have heard about me before, But I am a Mercenary. Formerly directing a small Company Called
"Aesir Private Security" which, fur various reasons got disbanded. After zat, I decided to move on and
work on mein own, as an individual... Und from zat time, I've been mainly working with Corzairs, und I
am az vell Registered on ze Kusari Imperial Board. Also, My standing with Corzairs iz friendly enough
so zey grant me use of zeir Fine Weaponry... What I use to gear mein Ship, which is also granted by
ze Colonial Government fur the number ov Outcasts I've taken out in Taus region.

I believe zat gives you enough view about who I am, but if you vant to know more, I'll gladly answer.

'Attachment 01' Wrote:
[font=Palatino Linotype]Your name: Gullveig
[color=#FFCC66]Your exact call-sign:
Your vessel: Colonial "Nyx" Very Heavy Fighter
Your current equipment: Fully Equipped with Corsairs-built Armament
Previous employment: Corsairs Board, Kusari Imperial Contracts
Proof of allegiance: <Access Datalink>

[font=agency fb]Danke,
Callsign "Gullveig"
- End of Message
[color=#33CC00]- Transmission Complete

- Disconnecting from Channel

Yakuza Assassination Board - Oyabun - 06-30-2010

Connection Establishing...
[color=#C0C0C0]Connection Initialized...

Transmitting Message...

Save yourself some time Colonial lapdog and cancel your registration.

We do not want your kind here.

For the rest of you, do not be discouraged by the lack of targets.

More will be added as time passes.

But please take note, this is an Assassination Board.

Only specific targets we consider a good investment of our money will be added.

Transmission Terminated...
Connection Lost...

Yakuza Assassination Board - aerelm - 06-30-2010

[font=agency fb]- Incoming Transmission
[color=#33CC00]- From:
- To: The Yakuza
- Opening Message
Guten Tag Again,
I Do understand zat zis is Your Board und You are the one who decide ze ones you employ.
Ze problem is, I see your decision as a more 'Emotional' one, zan a Logical... Und just fur your info,
I've never worked directly fur Colonials, nor shot a Hogoshan, a member of Yakuza or else, und ze
Ship was granted solely az a 'reward' fur ze Outcasts I shot down in Taus, und on ze other hand,
If you ask your volks in Corsairs Council, you'll notice I've been 'useful' enough fur zeir cause to let
me work fur zem, und even fly by zeir side, in ze ship I'm currently flying!
So, I'm afraid ze term you're trying to refer me az, "Colonial lapdog", iz not valid, no matter if you
admit it or not. Even though you tried to offend me, but some childlike aggressions won't affect me.
My stance toward Hogosha stays ze same, und vill be ready to aid zem in Fight or other situations,
even though, You, as part of ze Hogosha, try to picture me az vat you call 'Baka'.

Auf Wiedersehen,
Callsign "Gullveig"
- End of Message
- Transmission Complete
- Disconnecting from Channel

Yakuza Assassination Board - Oyabun - 06-30-2010

Connection Establishing...
[color=#C0C0C0]Connection Initialized...

Transmitting Message...

Due to the increased attacks conducted by the Colonial Remnants towards our vessels we have very little tolerance for those who have worked with them in the past.

The fact that you also fly a vessel that belongs to them makes your relationship with their group far more stronger than expected.

If you wish to have any chance to enter this board you must remove the Nyx that you are currently flying as a sign of trust and willingness to abandon your former ties with the Colonials in order to work for a new organization.

Your past work for the Corsairs might be commendable but does not warrant enough security for us to completely trust a man who has been working for sides that are deemed hostile by our family.

If you decline this offer then the decision remains the same.

Transmission Terminated...
Connection Lost...

Yakuza Assassination Board - aerelm - 06-30-2010

[font=agency fb]- Incoming Transmission
[color=#33CC00]- From:
- To: The Yakuza
- Opening Message
Not everyone are ze same Mein herr, Nor one should judge zem from 'ze Look ov zeir Ships'.
You can consider mein request fur zis board "Canceled"... fur now. But ze fact zat you might
be wrong on your various decision in life vill be proven to you sooner or later!

Callsign "Gullveig"
- End of Message
- Transmission Complete
- Disconnecting from Channel

Yakuza Assassination Board - Johnny_Walker - 06-30-2010


...::: [color=#FFFF66]SOURCE:
Planet New Tokyo , NT :::...

...::: TRANSMITTER ID: Johnny Walker :::...

Greetings .

Your name: Johnny_Walker
Your exact call-sign: Johnny_Walker
Your vessel: Raven's Talon VHF / Falcata Bomber
Your current equipment: 4 Heimdals , 1MR , Nuclear Miner / EMPs 1 SNAC 1 TACD / Au8 on Both
Previous employment: Termination of Liberty Capitals-Ship
Proof of allegiance: [Image: semttuloqeh.jpg]

>>> [color=#FFFF66]END OF TRANSMISSION <<<

Yakuza Assassination Board - Oyabun - 06-30-2010

Connection Establishing...
[color=#C0C0C0]Connection Initialized...

Transmitting Message...

Johnny Walker. Everything seems to be in order regarding your information blanket.

However, we have heard that you have had a minor conflict with the Artisan Farmers Alliance, them being our closest ally makes me question the fact whether or not I should take the risk of allowing you to work with our board.

Fortunately in your case, one of my most dedicated assassins, Hideki, have spoken in favor of you. According to him, you have assisted him in the time of need on two separate occasions. This personal vouch from a most esteemed Yakuza member and in conjunction with your good natured status towards the Hogosha, will grant you the access to these boards.

But I want you to be clear on that you shall remain respectful towards the AFA and any other official body that is operating within Kusari, this includes the Kaizoku. I do not want to hear any future complaints landing on my table regarding you.

You are free to collect any bounties presented on the hit-list.

Get to work hunter.

Transmission Terminated...
Connection Lost...

Yakuza Assassination Board - Heraklion - 07-01-2010

[font=agency fb]>>> INCOMING TRANSMISSION <<<

[color=#FFFFFF][font=agency fb]vessel:
[font=agency fb]location: New Tokyo
[font=agency fb]to: Yakuza
[font=agency fb]comm ID:

[Image: twinsign.png]

Konnichiwa honord Yakuza!

The Kaizoku would like to assist you in exterminating these vermins. Therefor i'm sending you our information.

Quote:Your name: The Kaizoku Gang
Your exact call-sign: Kaizoku|
Your vessel: Imperators / Black Dragons / Mamoru's / Civilian craft
Your current equipment: Tizona del Cids / Colada del Cids / Drakes / civilian weaponry
Previous employment: Corsairs (still employed)
Proof of allegiance:
[Image: 2q33dhx.jpg]

I believe that is everything you need. I shall look forward to your reply.

*takes a small bow*

::: Yuka Kaizoku, Aijin of the Kaizoku

[font=agency fb] [color=#FFFFFF]<<< ENDING TRANSMISSION >>>

Yakuza Assassination Board - Oyabun - 07-01-2010

Connection Establishing...
[color=#C0C0C0]Connection Initialized...

Transmitting Message...

Ah, the Kaizoku Gang.

I have heard many great things about you, both from my allies and from the members of my own Family.

It is a sheer honor to accept you into our board, welcome and good luck on your missions to come.

Keep an eye on this channel from time to time, new bounties may arrive. If anything major should occur a separate message will announce the situation.

Transmission Terminated...
Connection Lost...

Yakuza Assassination Board - Foochow - 07-01-2010

>> Incoming Transmission
>> Encryption:: [color=#000000]Low
Comm ID: [color=#33CC00]Elizabeth Taylor
Source: [color=#FFFFFF]Kabukicho Depot
>> Subject: [color=#FFFFFF]Application for Yakuza Hit-List
>> Target: [color=#FFFFFF]Yakuza

Your name: Elizabeth.Taylor
Your exact call-sign: Ellizabeth.Taylor
Your vessel: Eagle VHF
Your current equipment: 2x Imp.Debbilator Mk II, 2x DELUSION, 2x IRON HAMMER
Previous employment: Destroying Liberty Navy Capitals
Proof of allegiance:
[Image: screen178.jpg]

>>End Of Transmission