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Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - Printable Version

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Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - qwertypp7 - 07-01-2010

The idea for this faction is born out of 3 things...

1. I just bought a Blood Dragon Katana and only just realised that Chugoku and the systems around it is dead most of the time in my timezone and now I want an excuse to travel around to more populated areas with my new ship.

2. The idea of roaming 'Ronin' Samurai in ancient Japan (pretty loosely though).

3. The fact that mercenaries these days will do pretty much anything for money. There needs to be something to balance it out.

The idea is basically to have a mercenary company formed from dishonoured and disgraced Blood Dragons who have gone into a self imposed exile from the Dragons and now roam about Sirius righting wrongs and offering their services to those who need them in an attempt to regain their honour. They would use Blood Dragon ships (only the Katana, Tanto and Bomber mind you) but to justify the use of the ships the RP would limit them from simply flying about doing as they please. RP restrictions I was thinking about would be something like this:

1. Cannot ally with or work for Samura, Hogosha or Kusari lawful forces. They are still Blood Dragons after all. In terms of diplomacy they would probably be hostile to these factions.

2. Apart from initially setting up the character, they connot dock on any Blood Dragon base or enter Chugoku. They are in exile. Only the Taishogun could order them back to defend Kyoto from attack.

3. Although they fall under the category of mercenaries they must only take 'honourable' contracts, which would have to be assessed on a case to case basis by the player but would rule out working for drugs smugglers, slavers and some pirate and terrorist factions.

4. Bounties would be claimable but destroying bountied ships would have to have been for 'honourable' reasons e.g. they were a slaver, drug smuggler or murderer.

As for structure I was thinking simple:

1. No formal leader.

2. No ranks.

3. Pilots working mostly independantly with some teaming up to take on bigger jobs.

Ships I've already mentioned but since its probably going to be the trickiest bit to work out when it comes to rules and permissions I'll outline it in full:

Blood Dragon ships (LF, VHF and bomber only)

Blood Dragon or civilian weapons

Mercenary ID

Blood Dragon or Freelancer IFF

The RP justification for the ships would be the fact that Blood Dragon ships are family heirlooms and as such are inseperable from their pilots despite being in exile.


Put a little bit more thought into play style and came up with an idea about conduct.
Once an honourable contract has been agreed on these mercs MUST do everything in their power to make sure it happens. For example if they are paid to escort a trader they will fight to the death to defend him or allow him to escape even against superior force as running or failing to protect the employer would bring more dishonour upon them. In game this would basically mean seeing any fight through to its conclusion even if you're going to lose it.
Similarly if the contract is agreed upon and the employer betrays them by not paying them or otherwise decieving them, they will be branded as dishonourable and become a target for reprisals as a matter of honour.

I also realise I didn't make the area of operations entirely clear. These mercs will operate throughout Sirius although some areas like Kusari and Bretonia will obviously be a bit risky given their background and law enforcement elsewhere will probably be a bit suspicious of them as well. Hopefully it will all add up to some interesting RP in the end though.

Any feedback, suggestions or expressions of interest are very appreciated. Idealy I'd like some Blood Dragon players to give me their thoughts on it since it is linked to their faction and requires their permission to use the ships. Mercenaries as well since it will be more competition for them.
Name and tag are something I definately need help working out.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - Exsiled_one - 07-01-2010

Ronin exist. It's a group of the failed KNF warriors that have refused to do seppuku and have decided to live as outcasts (not the faction omg) and offer their services for money now.

some to redeem themselves others for the cash.. contact pipboy. i think.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - qwertypp7 - 07-01-2010

Is there a faction page or description for them?

I still intend to go through with this idea but if there are big similarities then I'll do something about making this group more distinct in RP and function. Although I'm pretty sure the main difference will be that this group operates all over Sirius rather than just within Kusari.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - aerelm - 07-01-2010

The Only Ronin I found on forums was an old one, which didn't end really well as it seems. But there is a currently active Mercenary Group with Ronin| Tag, who have a Contract with Kusari... Other than that, I couldn't find much more.

@Next Post: Zapp's Char, Miss Ookami was a Merc who used to work for the Dragons.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - Elven - 07-01-2010

Well, read one more time Katana & BD ships infocards and fix your idea a bit.
Blood Dragons don't have mercenaries, however in some cases they handle out some Katanas, like with Cheng Lo (played by Will Clayton).

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - qwertypp7 - 07-01-2010

The idea behind this group using Katanas and other BD ships is that they are Blood Dragons who have left the mainstream movement, not just run of the mill mercs. The merc ID is just there because it is the most fitting ID I can find for this idea (i.e. it allows them to be hired by other players and travel freely within the server rules).

They aren't mercenaries working for the Dragons, they are Dragons who live and work as sort of quasi-mercenaries if that makes sense.

And I did search for the Ronin faction but it only came up with that old one.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - Ceoran - 07-01-2010

Quote:Can fulfill bounty contracts,

that's from the Blood Dragon ID. No need for you to take the merc ID if you really want to fly with BD-tech.
Also, the current Ronin| are pro-government in Kusari, and as Ivan said, just lost their honour for one reason or another. But the No ranks/leader thing pretty much applies to them too.. And no, we don't have a faction page

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - qwertypp7 - 07-01-2010

The bounty contracts isn't what concerned me with the ID. It was more to do with being able to travel freely and hire services out to other players.

From the looks of it then this is going to turn out as an anti-Kusari government version of the Ronin mercs. Although hopefully the RP will keep the two groups distinctive from eachother. Their clients, goals, ships and RP should vary enough I think.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - Friday - 07-03-2010

Konnichiwa, this is Dragon Leader here.

We consider all 'indy' Dragons to be Ronin. They serve no master, but rather follow their own personal code of honour. The Dragons though, are not obliged to assist Ronin if doing so would hinder their own mission. We have warned factions like the Order that Ronin may still hold a grudge against them when they come to our space. The concept of Ronin also supports the Aoi Isejin RP to a limited extent.

In the past, some Dragons have RPed a desire to undergo a personal quest - to deliberately go Ronin. They are on their own if they take that path - but are not considered to be Outcast.

As long as you keep your own name - and dont take on a tag or rank - you are free to be a wandering Ronin wherever your Honour dictates (ie: where the rules allow).

Wear a Blood Dragon IFF and Merc ID - and wear it with pride! It is up to you to form your own local alliances, to grant you docking rights and access to logistical support.

Blood Dragon splinter faction idea - qwertypp7 - 07-03-2010

Ok then given that response I'm going to start trying out the idea on my character and see how it goes.
I take it from that then Friday that it would be ok for me to keep the Katana?