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Admin Notice: Player Banned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Banned - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-02-2010

I think you can figure why you're banned for now. Any comments in your defense, or do we just make it permanent?

Admin Notice: Player Banned - (MERC-BANK) - 07-02-2010

' Wrote:I think you can figure why you're banned for now. Any comments in your defense, or do we just make it permanent?

i think i know why im banned,its for the nazi thing...i didnt really know im not allowed to use names like that but it looks like i just found out.i will change the name as soon as i get back on again and i wont use names like that ever truly sorry for anyone i offended and for what i have done...

Admin Notice: Player Banned - (MERC-BANK) - 07-03-2010

please can u unban me...u can rename,strip,jail or even delete this ship if u want but i really wan to get back playing the best space game ever.the ship was 2 mill and i think there is a few mill cash on there so deleting it will be a good punishment so please i want to play again please reply soon as i am waiting 2 days for this

Admin Notice: Player Banned - (MERC-BANK) - 07-06-2010

ADMINS pealse reply...ive been banned for 6 days now!i know u have other players to jail and sanction and stuff but still how can u guys not reply for 6 days cmon.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-06-2010

And on the 7th day shall you be unbanned, hopefully having learned your lesson.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-07-2010

You no longer have the inappropriate tag - ship has been renamed. The ship that was in Bastille now has an Independant Trader ID, not a Researcher ID. You have been charged a small amount to cover the ID and name changes, and should be unbanned now.