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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - rayne - 07-03-2010

Set for October release, I played the first one and cant wait for this game. Anyone else getting it?

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - sean24 - 07-03-2010

Been looking a little at this game. Will buy if I have the spare cash.

Hopefully it will be good for PC, I heard the first one on PC was a bad port. But- I also heard the first one is great on consoles so this one will probably deliver aswell.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - rayne - 07-09-2010

First one on PC was awful, it locked up frequently and took years to load. I played it originally on xbox 360 but that console decided a RRoD would be a good thing. Tried it on my pc after, and my pc is not slow by any stretch of the imagination and this game was a slide show half the time and the controls terrible.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Tommeh - 07-09-2010

Hmm, I don't have console, so I played first part on PC. But it was all good to me, probably cause PC is almost new. Bought last year. Loading was nice and smooth, and graphics amazing. Yea can't wait second part, I finished first one like 3,4 times. No locking and problems with controls. Just a one mistake, I needed to press shift+ some croatian letters to switch menus in escape menu.
Everything else was good.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - TFinnegan - 07-20-2010

-Link sent to me by wife
Told her not to pull it out unless she intends to use it! (buy it!)
Still, cool wife. I got a guitar for her.
Good trade huh?

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Mounteblanc - 07-20-2010

If they don't implement lightsaber realism, I will raeg. Very much raeg.

And you're a failed clone. Thin plot is thin?

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Tommeh - 10-28-2010

Just downloaded it this night, and finished 1,2 missions today, awesome game. Lot's of new enemies, new combos in fighting, dual lightsabers, graphics amazing, so far I have no complaints :D

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - schlurbi - 10-28-2010

Sounds good, it'll be released tomorrow in Germany. Totally gonna get it. never had a Chance to play the Demo, because I can't find the Demo :@

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Cond0r - 10-28-2010

I played it for a couple of hours, and I have to say, I'm quite disappointed. I don't like the story, there is no depth. It is definitely a step backwards from the first game. They just added a few new fighting moves, one new lightsaber and fancy graphics.

Even though the first part wasn't -that- good, this game lacks the depth and story that made the first game worth playing. If you're considering about buying it, trust me, you're far better off saving your cash. Its a big disappointment, and by reading some of the reviews, you'll see that I ain't the only one that thinks this way. If you're a die hard Star Wars <strike>freak</strike> fan, and if you're just looking for something to shut off your brain for a few hours, you'll probably find some joy here. But if you're looking for something more, don't get your hopes up.

Edit: Oh and, having said "by a few hours", I wasn't exaggerating. The game lasts 4-5 hours at most, and that applies if you walk through it instead of running.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Tommeh - 10-28-2010

-.- you already finished it? In just few hours? doh
Well, true, story just adds on on first part, and you are kinda moving on with it. But I like that, I like that parts are connected, not just new part new story thingy. It doesn't have the depth cause it's add on on story from first part, so there isn't much unknown about it, although true is they could have add something new which would be unexpected.
Anyway, I like it so far, although I was never much of a critic, I wasn't paying attention to every minor details, nor comparing it with first part, it's amazing to play with nice graphics with all the smashing around, which is more then enough to be enjoyable for me. Plus I like the story, and I expected that it will just continue on first part.