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Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - pipishere - 07-03-2010

Apologies if this isn't in the right place, please could someone move it if it is.

Anywho, i've been playing Disco for about 2 or so months now and have a few chars and explored quite a bit. I'd like to consider myself somewhat informed when it comes to the rules of the server and the roleplay expected of players, but i have a little quandry i'd like someone to clarify for me.

Earlier i was on one of my Chars in Leeds, Armed Forces, when i encountrered a Kusari Gunboat no less sneaking past and entering the trade lane to New London. As one would expect i asked them to halt etc but was ignored. I persued this vessel, which also had a KNF ident in it's name (The vessels name escapes me btu was level 81), to which they only halted mid lane to southampton, returned to Leeds then diverted to Magellan through the JH, this following me requesting them to return to where they came etc...all in roleplay.

Then i engaged in a rather heated debate with the vessel which was all out of character. They said they were eating a sandwich/ice-cream, told me to shut up and then when i explained the rules of roleplay and that a Kusari Gunboat travelling to Conneticut....which is where his final destination was to be....via Bretonia was sure to raise eyebrows and possibly conflict, he completely rejected the thought.

Now i didn't engage him as i wasn't sure if i'd be sanctoned or something given the circumstances. What should i have done in that situation? Was i right to not engage and attempt to advise?

I'm a tad frustrated and hope those more experienced out there could shine some light on it for me.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - aerelm - 07-03-2010

You did nothing wrong there, and you also had the right to Engage him.

He was the one being the "lolwut". Going to Connie is an ooRP move, and even more ooRP if you do it through Hostile territory... So, Those who want to move ships to connie must at least bother flying Above/Below plane, or from a route that doesn't attract attention. If they cba to do that and even use Lanes in Home system of the House they're at war with, that shows how much they respect RP. I wouldn't argue with even ganking them 10 on 1 in such situation.
And well, telling you ooRP to shut up just cause they're having sandwich and Ice cream and moving to Connie, makes it even worse.

So, Although what you tried to do (to talk to them instead of using guns, and try to point out what they're doing wrong) was a nice move, but you wouldn't have gotten in any trouble even if you had killed him... If thats what you're asking.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - Govedo13 - 07-03-2010

Goodday you met a jurk/rule-lawyer.
It happens no everybody is the same, not everybody try to stay in RP.My advice to you by such encounters stay in RP - attack/kill him as your character will do. He still can go to Conn after that anyway, then use /ignore command when he whines.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - pipishere - 07-03-2010

Well given their attitude i did say i'll engage him if i see them again (RP of course).

Thanks chaps, appreciated.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - Unseelie - 07-03-2010

Please, in the future, blow up Kusari while on your BAF.
Cause there's a war. And they're the enemy.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - Athenian - 07-03-2010


You should have bedecked his foul and worthless trunk with a hefty dose of antimatter. The intruding imbecile! The mischievous miscreant!

It is your duty as a member of Her Majesty's Most Handsome Armed Forces to perpetrate genocide in a piecemeal fashion upon these crafty Kusaris who coyly creep through Her Majesty's fair demesne seeking to peep about her petticoats in hope of extracting information advantageous to the doomed Kusari war effort.

These morse-tappers warrant as much mercy as a mouse can muster for a miniature meal. Have at them!

[font=Times New Roman]
<strike>Brinkley</strike> A Ranking Officer in Her Majesty's Forces

//If someone wants to go to Connecticutt, it's fair to let them pass but not required. Some would say it is kind of pointless on a roleplay server to allow someone do something like this. His route sounds odd. He should have been less obvious in doing something like that. This doesn't mean that you should be unaccomodating to another player who wishes to do something like this. Rules violations that harm no one are not worth thinking about.

If they refuse to communicate with you in or out of character, they are simply refusing to play. By all means do as your character would.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - kramer - 07-03-2010

sometimes it happened to me to move a Rheinland char to Connecticut I simply contacted a LN member and asked for diplomatic status during my venture to Conn.
I got a nice escort and we had some entertaining RP.

I'm pretty sure that Lotek will not be amused about this behaviour of s Samurai.
By the way moving through Kepler would be more smart and less stressful and that ice cream sandwich meal would have tasted much better.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - tansytansey - 07-04-2010

If you're going to conn, it's a good idea to mention that to any enemies you pass by with a simple /l //going to conn.

They'll likely understand.

Clarification if someone would be so kind?! - pipishere - 07-04-2010

Well that's the thing, there was no explanation or anything and in any other instance i would have blown the who-har out of them.

Guess i aired on the side of caution a little too much. :S