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A cold-blooded friend - Kubotan - 07-04-2010

Deer hunting

[color=#00AA88]"Target is on my scope."

[color=#00DD88]"Distance is eight-hundred meters. Wind strength is nine-point-seven mph. Twenty-six degrees angle position. This is a hard one."

"It's always a hard one, Hayate."

"Optimize the telescope and mind the recoil."


"On my mark. Fire in three... two... one."

The nose of the sniper rifle lifted upwards as the bullet pierced through the air. Sound-waves of the blast echoed through the woods and just like that, it suddenly stopped.

"We got him Hayate, we got the bastard!"

Hayate grabbed my right arm and lifted me up. "Come on, there is no time, we have to leave - now!"

Through bushes and twigs, jumping over logs and stones, we made our way towards the checkpoint. The night was still young and the darkness was on our side. At this pace they would never manage to track us down.

Or so we thought.

My eyes widened. "Watch out!" I grabbed ahold of Hayate and threw us both towards the side of a large boulder.

"Don't. Say. A. Word. Someone is here." I whispered to him.

I searched for my knife and gently dragged it out from its holster. I slowly lifted my head up to try see if anyone was there, but my fear of the unknown suddenly transformed into laughter.

"What's so damn funny Hideki?"

"It's just a deer."

"Couldn't your acute hearing tell the difference between a deer and a human?" Hayate asked with a sarcastic tone.

"I require to be inside an isolated environment to be able to do that."

"Isolated environment?"

"Hai. Like a house or a small building."

"What about women? They have an isolated environment as well."

"Aren't you a comedian? Let's go now."

When we had finally reached our designated checkpoint a small transport craft was waiting for our arrival. The pilot flied us straight back to Kabukicho Depot for debriefing. We didn't even manage to take one step down the hangar before someone came to us and said that the Oyabun requested our attention.

The door was opened. This room, I had been in this room so many times now that it almost felt like it was my second home. The Oyabun didn't waste a single second with pleasantries and moved straight onto business.

"Did you accomplish your task?"

"Hai, father."

"So is he dead?"

"Hai, father."

"Excellent! You may leave to your private quarters now."

"Thank you, father." We bowed once more before we exited the room.

Hayate leaned against the wall and sighed. "Well, that's that then."

"I guess so. Well I'm starving so I will go grab something to eat." I started walking before Hayate could even respond.

"Hey Hideki wait up, I will tag along!" He shouted across the hall.

"Well you better get moving then, haha!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming... idiot." He muttered to himself.

"Hey I heard that!"

"I don't care, now shut your mouth and let's go eat."

A cold-blooded friend - Kubotan - 07-06-2010

Passionate secret

Eyes opened.

Each fist that smashed against the outer door produced a sharp short-lived sound that penetrated into my ears and left me alone to deal with the headache.

I threw the bed sheets to the side and lifted my head up. [color=#00AA88]"WHAAAAT?"

A familiar voice suddenly emerged. [color=#00DD88]"Time to wake up you moron!"

I sighed and slowly dragged myself up from the bed. As I twisted my body at all directions, stretching my muscles I finally answered Hayate. "What is it now? Just give me my gun and lets get this over with."

"You truly are stupid Hideki, I swear that foreign mistress of yours is messing with your head."

I gasped for air. How the hell did he find out about Samantha? "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Hahaha. Don't play stupid, don't you think I have seen the way you have changed lately. Are you going all soft on me huh? Loverboy."

I rushed towards the door, opened it and dragged Hayate into my room. I grabbed his jacket with both of my hands and slammed him against the wardrobe. "I don't know when or how you found about this and I don't care. You better zip your mouth or I swear I will cut your throat."

Hayate grinned back. "Now that's the spirit!"

I responded with a serious expression on my face.

"Yes, yes. Don't worry, we are pals right? I promise you I won't tell a single soul but damn, you aren't exactly good at hiding it."

I let loose of him. "Whatever, now what did you want?"

"Oh I was just going to ask if you wanted to go and grab a bite with me."

I fell down to the floor. "You woke me up for this?"

Hayate gave off a devilish smile. "What?"

"You are such an bastard you know that?"

"Depends on who you ask."

"Ye-ye. Save it. Now that I'm already awake we might as well go."

"I knew it!"

"One more word and I will force you into a wheelchair for the rest of your life."

Hayate tried his best to restrain himself from bursting into laughter.

Half-way towards the dining room a person stopped us. A youngster, who obviously had been running because his shirt was soaked with sweat which could only mean one thing. Messenger. The Oyabun required us yet again.

The recruit bowed to express his respect. "Konnichiwa, the Oyabun wants you to report to his office immediately."

"I see. Thank you for the notice. We will go right away."

I pushed out a small amount of air with my mouth. "Fantastic. Not only did you make me lose twenty-minutes of good sleep, but now we are going to have to eat synth-paste as well. Because I bet this will be yet another mission where we will have to travel across the whole damn Kusari."

"Oh quit whining, loverboy!"

I muttered some swearwords as we kept moving towards the Oyabun's office. We entered together the same old familiar room. The walls were filled with different pictures enclosed with gold frames. Most of them were family photos or pictures of former Oyabuns. There was actually almost no furnitures in the Oyabun's office. You had a small beige-colored couch to the right that could only fit a maximum of two people. Then you also had the most centered object of the room which was the dark-brown tinted oak table coupled with three chairs. One which was dedicated to the Oyabun, and two were placed opposite of the table that were meant to be seated by guests.

"Konnichiwa assassins. I have a new mission for you two..."

A cold-blooded friend - Kubotan - 07-11-2010

Water can be soft and hard

"Okinawa." I said to myself. "Are we really going after a Golden Chrysanthemum inside Okinawa?"

I leaned forward.

[color=#00AA88]"Most respectful Father, are you aware of the Legend of Okinawa?"

Hayate raised his eyebrows and looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

[color=#339944]"Legend? No, please tell me."
The Oyabun asked, feeling as much confused as Hayate.

Hideki cleared his throat and continued. "It speaks of an unknown beast that dwells deep within the Karatsu clouds. Something so powerful and terrifying that no man has ever entered it and returned alive."

The Oyabun quickly retorted with an angry tone. "That is complete and utter nonsense! We may have only managed to confirm that there are Golden Chrysanthemums patrolling inside that cloud but that doesn't mean some monster exists with the sole purpose of devouring our vessels. And by the way..."

As the family father kept rambling on, explaining how this fabricated fairy-tale was the works of the Golden Chrysanthemums in an attempt to scare away possible intruders, Hayate suddenly nudged my left leg. "You are gonna get ourselves killed moron." He whispered whilst still keeping his head aimed towards the Oyabun, pretending to be listening.

My only response was in the form of subtly stomping his right foot. Hayate tried his best to contain the pain.

"...Anyways. As I said earlier, I want you to track down and eliminate this Golden Chrysanthemum transport which carries the call-sign Inari. Our scouts report that it is currently making its way towards the Okinawa system carrying a large amount of cardamine. Get to that system in time and intercept the transport before it manages to reach a safe location.

Do not fail me."

Both of us bowed and quickly made our ways towards our Black Dragons.

"The Legend of Okinawa, who in his right mind would ever tell the Oyabun something as stupid as that?"

"Hey he seemed pretty interested if you ask me."

Hayate chuckled. "Yeah right! The man was almost having a heart-attack."

"Whatever. I know I'm right. I can just feel it, something is out there in the Karatsu clouds and it will be the end of us if we do not respect its presence."

"The end of us? Oh man you should listen to yourself. First you start going all romantic with this foreigner and now you are scared of fairy-tales? You are really becoming soft aren't you?"

I formed a fist with my right hand and performed a quick punch towards his stomach causing Hayate to fall down to the floor trying to gasp for air. "How is that for soft?"

"Ugh... cheap-shots are so unfair."

Hideki grinned as he kept walking towards his vessel, leaving Hayate behind.

"Hey, where are you going?"

A cold-blooded friend - Kubotan - 07-16-2010


[color=#66CCBB]"This is Patrol Leader Isayama, please cut your engines."

[color=#00AA88]"This can't be good..."

"Just stay quiet and let them do their routine scan."

"When was the last time you got checked up on a routine scan in the middle of a trade-lane?"

"Hmm, you are right about that but there is nothing we can do right now."

"Konbanwa, gentlemen."

"Is something wrong Officer?"



"We have received reports that two members of the Yakuza family are heading to the Okinawa system. We happen to suspect they are up to something of a more... criminal nature. You two don't happen to know anything about that now?"

"Yakuza? Oh no, you got it all wrong. We belong to the Hogosha society, hai, but we are not members of the Yakuza family. We are simply heading back home to Kamakura Base."

"Hmm. And what is your business there?"

"Oh we are engineers you see, we work there, on the hangar."

"I see, well. If you would happen to cross these two Black Dragons or something that would mark a pair flying in Hogosha colors, please let us know immediately."

"Of course Officer."

"Arigato. Have a good day now."

"To you as well Officer!"

We resumed the trade-lane sequence and reached the Okinawa jump-gate within minutes.

"Hideki. What the hell was that all about. How did they even know?"

"I have no idea. Someone has been ratting on us, what if the target knows we are after her?"

"The Oyabun will not accept failure. We must proceed."

"Hai. You are right. Let's go."

A vortex of energy opened up before us. Our Black Dragon vessels slowly drifted into it and suddenly we flung ourselves into a swirling hole flying in a speed calculated up to a gigalight-year.

I gazed in amazement. "Here we are."

"The Okinawa system."

"Well... head for that purple-looking nebula."

"You mean the fearful Karatsu Cloud?" Hayate stated with a mocking tone.

"Yes the fearful Karatsu Cloud." I replied knowingly.

"The cloud with the beast, hai?" He continued, remaining sarcastic.

"Yes the cloud with the beast."

"The most legendary-"

"I get it. Just shut the hell up and let's get this over with."

You could hear Hayate crackling up over the comms.

After flying aimlessly for over twenty minutes, Hayate suddenly broke the deadly silence.

[Image: HayateHideki.png]

"We are lost in this nebula. Our sensors hardly work, how are we even supposed to find this damn vessel without any tracking abilities?"

"Hmm. Perhaps the vessel isn't even here."

"What, so you mean we are in the wrong system or something?"

"No but look at this way. Why would a smuggling transport carrying cardamine be flying in a sensor-damaging nebula? What if it suddenly ended up crashing into an object, how can it even reach its location for that matter. It would be impossible inside here, not to mention the dangers lurking around."

"So what you suggest we do?"

"We should head towards the north of this system. Towards the edge of this nebula. I believe we will find it drifting in that area."

"You better be right about this. I can't stand this synth-paste food."

Our mission dragged on for several hours. Not a single soul in sight. Once we finally were reaching closer towards the end of the nebula we suddenly caught something on our radars.

"Hey Hayate, got something beeping here!"

"I see it!"

"It's reaching closer. Hold on..."

"Got it locked. Nine-clicks towards the north-west. Go, go, go!"

The cruise engines were lit and fired up with full burst. We were dead-set on that target, for almost half a day we had been searching for it, hunting it. Now the prey was close at hand. This was our chance!

"Hey, hey! Hayate, I got a second one!"

"Damn that's probably an escort. Looks like this is going to end up rough. Warm those weapons!"

A Blossom Fighter suddenly killed its cruise engines and changed its flight-mode to thrusters only, the smuggling transport quickly followed up.

"They are in battle-formation! Come on, focus on that escort first but keep an eye on that smuggling transport, it got some nasty equipment."

Four vessels. Two on each side, charging towards each other with guns blazing. Projectiles in all different colors flied everywhere in the open space.

"This damn woman is on me Hayate!"

Hayate did a quick loop and ended up behind the Blossom Fighter, he tried to keep the ship steady so the plasma guns would hit.

"This is what I think about your equal rights whores!"

He screamed with such ferocity that I for a second thought the sound-waves were causing the damage instead of those Drake D's.

We seemed to have gained the upper hand. The escort pilot was critically damaged thanks to Hayate's fast response. Suddenly three green bolts flashed through the cockpit of my vessel and hit my left-wing.

[Image: GCTarget3.png]

"No. SHI-!"


"My weaponry system. It's offline! Hayate, I'm defenseless!"

"What?! Hit your cruise engines, head back towards the New Tokyo jump-gate. I will keep them busy."

"No way I'm not leaving you here on your own."

"You idiot of course I won't stay. I lack the firepower to take down that smuggling transport single-handedly. But I'm not letting you die here. Just do as I say and I will follow up close!"

I sighed as I initiated my cruise engines once again. Disappointment mixed with anxiety kept my mind busy. Worrying about Hayate. Worrying about the Oyabun.

I had failed both.