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Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Printable Version

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Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Dieter Schprokets - 10-26-2007

The Mandalorean Mercenaries are now recruiting!

What do you get out of it?

-$15 mill starting bonus. (You take our money and run, we kill you.)

-The chance to join an up-and-coming merc faction. Committed players only.

(Note: People who already know myself, Yuri, Flo, or Sn!p3r well might be able to skip the formalities below. Just PM the guy you know, or me.)

Read about us here : (Note, not quite up to date, but close)

Mandalorean Mercs Faction status Page

And goto here to answer the 10 questions below:

Mandalorean Mercs Webpage

Click on Mandalorean Recruitment, post your Name in the topic, and a little bit about yourself in the post and why you wanna join, and answer the following questions:

1. Forum name, and which time zone you are in(Reference to GMT please)

2. Desired Character Name: (Must end in [M], and it would be preferred if you provided 2 English words to be translated into Mandalorean. It's Yuri's thing.)

3. Why do you want to join the Mandalorean Mercs?

4. How long have you been playing on Discovery? How long on other servers?

5. How would you rate your piloting skills on a scale of 1 to 10? (Be honest. We'll figure it out anyway)

6. How would you rate your RP skills on a scale of 1 to 10? (Again, be honest please)

7. What is the basic difference between a Mercenary and a Bounty Hunter?

8. Name the most significant House Military Factions on the Discovery RP Server.

9. Name the most significant Unlawful Factions on the Discovery RP Server.

10. Essay Question (Yah, I'm serious. Short, but thorough please):

Pick four of the rules from the Discovery RP Server Rules, which you feel are most important and/or controversial. Describe why they are important or controversial.

Do the above, and we will try to let you know ASAP what we think, and then meet you online to check you out "in person"

Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Juan_Arquero - 10-26-2007

Wow! I found a recruitment thread in the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 Server forum. This must be the only player faction on the server that's recruiting, since nobody else is recruiting in that forum. On the other hand, maybe not!:nono:

Did you think that there might be a place where factions recruit? That would be the Discovery RP Factions forum. There is even an Employment Office forum where you can offer your services as mercenaries to other players and factions.

In the future you might want to look at what forums are available before you start a thread which is so obviously in the wrong place.:rtfm:


Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Dieter Schprokets - 10-26-2007

Yah, sorry, sarcasm unneeded

Fixed. Better?

Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - sn!p3r - 10-26-2007

yea seriously lower the sarcasm he made a mistake dont flip out about it

Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Juan_Arquero - 10-26-2007

' Wrote:Yah, sorry, sarcasm unneeded

Fixed. Better?
Yes -- better because you posted your Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread in the correct place.

' Wrote:yea seriously lower the sarcasm he made a mistake dont flip out about it
Too late!:$

Where's the flipping icon?:crazy:

I'll admit that he caught me on a bad day -- actually, after a long, bad day and several hours of dealing with a toothache and headache that won't go away!:wacko:

OK -- He made a mistake, but I think it was a mistake that he shouldn't have made. He's been here two months longer than me, but he didn't know where the recruitment threads are posted. He probably spent hours writing his recruitment thread, but he couldn't take five minutes to find out where to post it. That's the kind of "stuff" (word used to avoid a flame) that pushes my Sarcasm button!

Sarcasm comes naturally to me. You might think that's because I'm a taxi driver, since cabbies are usually known for their sarcasm (note that most truck drivers are even more sarcastic and cynical than most taxi drivers). However, the real reason is that my family is from Uruguay (where sarcasm is a common hobby) and Argentina (where sarcasm is a national pastime right behind soccer). If you don't believe me that Argentines are known for their sarcasm, ask Korrd. As an Argentine, he should be able to confirm what I've said. The English are known for their dry wits, but the Argentines should be known for their sarcastic senses of humor.


Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Dieter Schprokets - 10-26-2007

I have no idea why, but I'm Laughing my A## off and you made my day!

Its too late...

Mandalorean Mercenaries Recruitment Thread - Juan_Arquero - 10-26-2007

' Wrote:I have no idea why, but I'm Laughing my A## off and you made my day!

Its too late...
Thanks. As you've noticed, I'm very capable of making fun of myself, too.:crazy:
