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[Need Support] Problem with Transfer Money - Printable Version

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[Need Support] Problem with Transfer Money - haroXX - 07-06-2010

Hello Administators,

before a short time i have transfer a Money of 90 Million $ to my Friend, on the next second they was calles as Possible Cheating detected by my friend, and i lost my money. I wanted to help him for a fast grew up in Freelancer.

I have taken a picture from this problem.
Here the Chat-Cronical.
Thanks for Help.

Tobias Hein, Company Leader of NRWS, Captain of NRWS-Lambda

[Need Support] Problem with Transfer Money - haroXX - 07-08-2010

//push for reply,

admins, need help.....

[Need Support] Problem with Transfer Money - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 07-08-2010

After investigation it seems that Schroedingers Cat opened up a swiss bankaccount and put your 90 million in it. Since a quantumphysical cat who is feed regularly in sirius space, does not need neither bank accounts nor cash for cans of Whiskas, the money has been transferred back to NRWS-Lambda.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

A & L Guy