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Still Confused About Rules - Printable Version

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Still Confused About Rules - davfra - 10-26-2007

I was on a mission for the Corsairs against the Bounty Hounters out of Crete. While I was fighting the Bounty Hunters, I suddenly started taking heavy damage. When I checked on the list of opponents, I realised it was a human.
I had to go after him because he was doing heavy damage. I enjoyed the fight - he was a bit better than me but I wasn`t doing too badly.
Next I got a warning from mission control, telling me to get back to the battle area. Fortunately, I was able to get back to the battle area without getting killed. (or my opponent let me go).
I suppose it must be in the rules but it seems to me that if my opponent had killed me I would have been punished twice - for not completing the mission and losing my ship. Also, it seemed a bit sneaky to slip into the fray like that.
I also think it`s a bit unfair that a human can slip into a mission battle without any real distinguishing marks to easily identify that he is clearly not an NPC.
I shall keep a better look out in future.

Still Confused About Rules - Ion - 10-26-2007

what does this have to do with rules...?

he has no way of knowing you are on a mission, the indicator of his presence is very obvious, and you can check to see who is in the system you are at any time... plus its unlikely his name is anything like what the npc names are

Still Confused About Rules - alance - 10-26-2007

' Wrote:the indicator of his presence is very obvious, and you can check to see who is in the system you are at any time...
That's really not the case when you have a horde of bogies on your scope and every trade lane gate and hazard cone is lit red. Often the human isn't even showing on the scanner when you start taking fire. Sure checking chat is possible, but again not something you do every minute when in a furball.

I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong, but noticing incoming players isn't as easy as you make it out of you're dogfighting already.

Oh, and thanks to those couple of RM who actually say things like "Die Hessian!" before engaging so as to give their targets a heads up that they are incoming.

Still Confused About Rules - davfra - 10-26-2007

Pardon my ignorance here, but if I`m being attacked by a horde of NPC, does the other human player not see these other ships?
If he does and they see him, why don`t they attack him as well as me?
I`m still getting used to multi-player and only gradually beginning to work these things out so information is gratefully received.

Still Confused About Rules - davfra - 10-26-2007

"If he does and they see him, why don`t they attack him as well as me?"

I managed to work this one out for myself!

Still Confused About Rules - Taffic - 10-26-2007

If your on a mission to kill Bounty Hunters then obviously they will be hostile to you. The more BH you kill the more they will hate you. The more you work for the Corsairs the more 80% of the factions will grow to hate you. My Junker is neutral or friendly to all bar Xeno & Hogosha so I could easily interfere with your mission without any payback from the NPCs.

Hope this helps:)

Still Confused About Rules - Monk - 10-26-2007

If I see an enemy or an unfriendly attacking ships I am allied with, whether they are doing a mission or not, b/c I can't tell, I attack them. Sometimes with warning and sometimes without. It is totally within RP to surprise your enemy. Here is a good tip though. I try to keep my contacts list at the distance where incoming player ships pop up. 14K with my scanner. You just got nipped in the butt there, buddy. It happens.

Still Confused About Rules - davfra - 10-26-2007

" You just got nipped in the butt there, buddy. It happens."
No - I was lucky this time - I managed to complete the mission and survive, but I`ll sure as hell keep a better look out behind me from now on.