Discovery Gaming Community
To Alice Ashland,[AM] - Printable Version

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To Alice Ashland,[AM] - darthbeck - 07-08-2010

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ID: Ron Matterson , Independent Miners Guild.

I've received a report that you were not only flying with, but also protecting a member of the order, something which should not be happening without my express approval.

Do you understand? I don't care if you are a new manufacturing branch of the guild, you still listen to me when it comes to security, and the order can be dangerous. They may mean well, but when a person feels that they're doing something right, they'll do things that shouldn't be done.

And there is a slight matter of you being quite disrespectful of another member of the guild, that's a side issue however.

Ron matterson.
[color=#FF0000]Directer of Research, Development and Defense.
Independent Miners Guild

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