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Nomad Trial Privileges - squidofsymphony - 07-08-2010

I have this idea...that nomad trial characters should have slightly more rights than they do at the moment. Of course the idea of the Nomad Morph is to learn and not kill everything in it's path, but surely it should be allowed to at least use the lesser nomad lasers (which aren't nearly as powerful as the Outcast weapons most are mounting on their Morphs) and be able to dock on it's own faction's bases. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the base restriction on Nomad trials for the sole purpose of them not being able to just go in and buy another proper nomad ship? (Which they couldn't do anyway because back then the "actual" Nomad bases were hostile.) I'm just suggesting that the ID equipment purchase restriction be lifted on the Nomad lesser lasers (and maaaaaaaaybe the torpedo) and that the trial characters may land on their own bases. This is because A.) It's extremely annoying when halfway to your destination system you find yourself being attacked by Corsair NPCs and have no weapons to defend yourself then BOOM! you're back at the (insert place where you buy such a license and ship here) and B.) Mounting Outcast and Civilian guns on a Nomad ship might as well be the equivalent of mounting Nomad guns on an Outcast or Civilian ship. Also the guns really don't look too pretty on the morph.

So please...if I'm lucky enough that someone who has half a say in this matter finds this post and agrees with me, please decide amongst yourselves. Thank you.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Korny - 07-08-2010

Simply, no. The trial ID is meant for RP, and only RP. And about the NPC's, you just need to avoid them, try it a little harder than with a normal ship, should be alright. And about the docking thing, a young nomad (as far as I know) isn't a fully developed Nomad, so it wouldn't make sense if they could land on those particular bases.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Dragonslayer - 07-08-2010

Nomad "trials" should:

-not use any human tech
Krakens and inferno is more powerful than the nomad stuff which a morph can mount anyway. Human tech on morphs looks horrible and is just stupid and oorp.

-be friendly or at least neutral with nomads and wilde
because the way it was before is jut stupid and oorp really

-stay in Iota, 99, 90, delta, minor, major, alaska
Because if an alien species is stupid enough to send its babies into human territory to learn there instead of helping them grow and learn in their own safe territory, that species would be extinct pretty fast. Right now morphs survive off the good will of other player who take pity on them and RP a bit. They were annoying and oorp flying around everywhere since the beginning of 85, and now its getting even worse. Its not like New YOrk is underpopulated, or like the omicrons are overpopulated.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Exile - 07-08-2010

' Wrote:-stay in Iota, 99, 90, delta, minor, major, alaska
Because if an alien species is stupid enough to send its babies into human territory to learn there instead of helping them grow and learn in their own safe territory, that species would be extinct pretty fast. Right now morphs survive off the good will of other player who take pity on them and RP a bit. They were annoying and oorp flying around everywhere since the beginning of 85, and now its getting even worse. Its not like New YOrk is underpopulated, or like the omicrons are overpopulated.
You sir, should read the Nomad lore. Thrice. And good.

[/official position]

Nomad Trial Privileges - Dragonslayer - 07-08-2010

I read it.

What's your point?

Nomad Trial Privileges - Alex. - 07-08-2010

' Wrote:Simply, no. The trial ID is meant for RP, and only RP. And about the NPC's, you just need to avoid them, try it a little harder than with a normal ship, should be alright. And about the docking thing, a young nomad (as far as I know) isn't a fully developed Nomad, so it wouldn't make sense if they could land on those particular bases.
I don't see what's so OORP about defending yourself.

Nomad Trial Privileges - squidofsymphony - 07-08-2010

All of Sirius space is considered Nomad territory to the Nomads. The young ones are sent forth to learn about the humans and their ways before they can become fully matured members of the mindshare.

Nomad Trial Privileges - FooFighter - 07-08-2010

Quote:be able to dock on it's own faction's bases.

Once you get the Trial ID you get a Nomad reputation that allows you to dock at our bases and prevents the NPCs from shooting you, but leaves you unable to buy any of our ships and gear.

Apart from that - the trial system is fine as it is. If you've got a problem with a specific Morph or a group of them, as said, take screenshots and forward them to me and I'll deal with them.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Korny - 07-08-2010

' Wrote:I don't see what's so OORP about defending yourself.

I never said defending would be OORP, but I simply don't think that a young nomad should have the "power" of a fully grown one. Trials aren't meant to be fighting anyway, young nomads are out there to learn, not to destroy. Letting them mount real lasers of grown up Nomads is as stupid as letting them mount human weapons, but well...Sure, sometimes (most of the time) you get shot by some guys, but those are mostly lolwutterish people around Liberty. I think you can hence my point.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Dragonslayer - 07-08-2010

Quote:And about the docking thing, a young nomad (as far as I know) isn't a fully developed Nomad, so it wouldn't make sense if they could land on those particular bases.

Now THAT doesnt make any sense at all.

Quote: All of Sirius space is considered Nomad territory to the Nomads. The young ones are sent forth to learn about the humans and their ways before they can become fully matured members of the mindshare.

Are you telling me that the nomads.. who even have a MINDSHARE.. are not able to teach their yound ones what they know about humans (did I just say Mindshare, anyone?), but have to send them into danger to learn about humans? That mindshare they have seems to be rather ineffective. More ineffective than what most mamals that cant even speak or conciously plan ahead do for their kids.


Just because somebody wrote it in the lore doesnt mean it makes sense.