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How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Printable Version

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How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - RNN-Ai - 07-09-2010

I often got hunted by pirates that catch up me while I'm on cruise speed, how can it be?

Are they use nitros?:(

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - NixOlympica - 07-09-2010

They are trying to cross your line as much as possible.

No nitros or etc ...

And request for moving this to tut&support

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Jolokia - 07-09-2010

message removed

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Laowai - 07-09-2010

' Wrote:I've been wondering about that as well...especially when flying in a straight line.....

Moved -

And Jolokia, i dont know if its just me, but your sig is way too wide... please shorten it.


How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - RNN-Ai - 07-09-2010

If You guys think I'm stupid - don't!

I'm talking about simple situation. I'm on cruise speed, flying strait line, the pirate is straight behind me and catching me fast, about 0.2km per sec - this is for 410-450 speed, but I'm only at 350. This situation was repeating systematically, so after many times of that I've posted here a question. What is it?

I can reach this speed only for cath up in a formation - there my speed will be about 410-420, but only while I'm catching the forward ship, after I reach it the speed is decreasing to normal 350.

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Mickk - 07-09-2010

' Wrote:If You guys think I'm stupid - don't!

I'm talking about simple situation. I'm on cruise speed, flying strait line, the pirate is straight behind me and catching me fast, about 0.2km per sec - this is for 410-450 speed, but I'm only at 350. This situation was repeating systematically, so after many times of that I've posted here a question. What is it?

I can reach this speed only for cath up in a formation - there my speed will be about 410-420, but only while I'm catching the forward ship, after I reach it the speed is decreasing to normal 350.

I don't think you are stupid, I've seen this in a few different circumstances before.

Does anyone know why this happens?

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Recovery - 07-09-2010

You wouldn't happen to fly a barge? Anyway, are you SURE that they're right behind you? 'Cause if they're coming in at an angle, they can catch up.

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Markus_Janus - 07-09-2010

Normally I will wait patiently behind them waiting for them to make any corrections in course, even small ones gain me ground.

The only other thing I can think off could be lag.

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - Akura - 07-09-2010

Either the person is overclocking their system, or cheating.

They shouldn't catch up to you if you're flying in a straight line.

How can pirate catch up ship on cruise engines? - the real dutch - 07-09-2010

or using f4