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HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - MarvinCZ - 07-13-2010

Suffolk was about to receive an unusual visit - two Order fighters. Nobody was sure what was going on.

Admiral Mark McKenna jumped out of his Templar and summoned guards before the Order ships landed. He quickly issued several orders and then the men spread out to receive the Order pilots.

Admiral McKenna was standing in front of the guards when the Order pilots emerged from their ships. When they landed, he surveyed the fighters and their pilots curiously. A Nephthys and the other ... similar, but then again slightly different. His sight lingered on the bag on Mr Dangen's back for several moments. He gave them both a nod and a slight smile.

"Welcome aboard the Suffolk."

The guards weren't exactly aiming their weapons at the visitors, but their stance suggested that it is an option. Several of them were also giving the bag wary glances.

"Welcome. Mr Ewing, Mr Dangen. You are my guests here on the Suffolk. Mr Dangen, I will agree with your request and not search your possessions, under one condition. All your weaponry stays in the bag. Should you try anything unconsidered ... let's just say these gentlemen won't wait for orders."

At that, one guard behind him leisurely tapped his rifle's safety ... it said ARMED. McKenna didn't appear to notice.

"I apologise for this inconvenience, but you give me little choice. Follow me into the guest quarters, please. This way."

He headed into a wide passage and the visitors followed. Half a dozen guards joined the procession, on either side and behind them.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Daerune - 07-13-2010

Christopher stepped from his ship with his bag over his back, he quickly looked at any one who got to close scornfully, having never liked being touched when he didn't allow him normally puts him in a bad mood and after being shot at twice, one right out side the Suffolk, he wasn't that much in a good mood to began with. As the Admiral offered his warm welcome with guards around his eye moved taking in his surroundings and accessing each of them men calculating them. As the man showed the indication the gun was armed he made out he was reaching into his pocket for something then produced a middle finger to the guard offering a little wicked smile, having been around guns all his life he was to use the them to be intimidated. He only looked eighteen but the way he held himself gave off that he had already been through a lot, his knuckles numbers of skin scaring. He followed watching every little thing

"So nice we are considered as guests with all theses guards someone would think we are dangerous, don't you agree monsieur Myles?"

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Ryummel - 07-13-2010

Myles only took his PDA, leaving his bag inside the hold of his Bastet. He also fitted two blue-coloured contact lenses and a thin fake beard around the chin. One of the guards made a signal, so he left the cabin, smiling at the 'welcoming comittee' and nodding at McKenna when he greeted him. Myles looked for a moment at Christopher, confirming his suspicions. Then, he started to follow the comittee through the corridors of the Suffolk.

Now I got the point... McKenna, good cop. Hans, bad cop... Isn't it? He chuckled.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - MarvinCZ - 07-13-2010

The Admiral led the Order pilots through several wide corridors. Several surprised officers had to step out of the way in face of the group.

When McKenna turned into a smaller corridor, two guards split from the group and positioned themselves in its mouth without a word. When they stepped through a door at the far end, another pair of guards stopped on each side of it. The remaining two followed into the long luxurious room beyond.

"This is our VIP room. We will be staying here for the time being. Make yourself comfortable."

The Admiral pointed at the sofa and opened a bar inside one of the cabinets.

"What can I offer you? Brandy? Whisky? We have some fine Wright single malt."

[Image: quarters.png]

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Daerune - 07-13-2010

Christopher watches the Admiral keenly as he was lead into the room seeing the room he would roll his eyes, 'Great way to blind side someone' he thought still standing up and refusing to sit down and relax having been offered drinks he would shake his head knowing he never like alcohol as it dulled the scenes.

"I'd rather have all me scenes about, kinda nifty isn't it Myles.... half a hour ago I was being shot at now being in a VIP room with all the beverages to blind side you into co-operation."

He gives a faint smile to the Admiral then nods as he slowly sits down at the far table with his back to the wall sitting on the purple chair maybe be a little disheartening but least this way no one would jump him from behind, he could keep a eye on them as well.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Ryummel - 07-13-2010

Myles glanced around the room, scanning every milimeter of the room they just walked into. He stared at a little point in the opposite wall of the room for a few seconds, then he nodded at the Admiral, smiling again.

Well, well... We aren't considered 'bloody terrorists' at all, huh?

He sat in the large sofa the Admiral pointed. Myles look around the room again on the new perspective.

Wright single malt you said? Not every day you can drink one of those one. Please?

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - MarvinCZ - 07-13-2010

McKenna poured two glasses of Whisky and put them on the small table by the sofa and then sat in one of the armchairs.

"The loss is yours, Mr Dangen."

He picked up his glass, nodded to Ewing and tasted the Whisky with a dreamy expression.

"We must wait a while. One more person will be joining us. This was rather on short notice, so not everything is ready. We have people much more qualified for this task than me. I invited one such man."

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Wolfs Ghost - 07-14-2010

Agent Redwood, smiling rather amused with recent events, walked in as soon as the doors opened in front of him. In his left hand, he was carrying a manila folder, with a glimpse at the folder the words Classified, Eyes Only could be seen in red.

He nodded to the Admiral and glanced briefly over at the two men. He smiled a bit wider and sat the folder down on the table, pushing it towards the Admiral. "Admiral McKenna, good for us to meet in person for once. Agent Redwood, Section Five. I see," He paused slightly, glancing over at the men again, "We have some visitors. I take it these two are them."

"Gentlemen, I'd suggest taking a seat. We'll be here for quite sometime. Now then, shall we begin?" He smiled once more and pulled over one of the chairs and sat down, purposely moving his jacket out of the way to show that he was armed.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Daerune - 07-14-2010

Christopher continued to sit detached from the others looking up from the book he had pulled out from his bag setting it back in, he looked over the new arrival with a keen eye seeing that he didn't have what he was searching for he would lighten up a little still in the purple chair at the very right side of the room he didn't like agents that much having spent most of his life around them having to weed out the doubles and the ones he couldn't trust. his eyes going to the document he suspected some information on him and Myles no doubt. after so long he decided to answer the Admiral. "I don't consume alcohol for a good reason." He said bluntly leaning back in his chair and keeping a eye on Redwood

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Ryummel - 07-14-2010

Myles was holding his glass of whisky in the right hand, staring at it. The glass was still filled. When Redwood walked into the room, Myles turned his gaze to the folder. He smiled again.

Bretonian Intelligence Service... Heh. I wondered what would happen if you all were Liberty Security Force agents. He winked at Christopher. Anyway, I'm quite sure you've lots of questions to ask us about the Order. I don't want to be rude, but we both Dangen and me have more things to do, so... if you start soon, I'd really appreciate it.

Myles put the filled glass back in the table.