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Shield Running - davfra - 11-01-2007

Could somebody please explain why this is illega?
You quote strongly that this is a RPG server. This no shield run ban seems to go against RPG.
If you were down to your bare hull and under heavy fire, why wouldn`t you run for a while?
I used to box and If someone was getting the better of me, I had a few tricks up my sleeve which reqiured
So, as a very green noobie, could you explain the whys and wherefores of this rule, please?

Shield Running - Monk - 11-01-2007

fighter v fighter fights are long enough as it is between decent pilots. shield running just prolongs it...or thats what i think anyway

Shield Running - Taffic - 11-01-2007

I agree with you erinsy but the majority think its wrong, which is why its a big:nono:. Admin are with that majority which I guess is the critical point here. Yes your right, this is a poor RP rule but as Monk points out it has been adopted for practicality sake.

Like death & taxes it is something you'll just need to accept.

Shield Running - unicorn - 11-01-2007

' Wrote:Could somebody please explain why this is illega?
You quote strongly that this is a RPG server. This no shield run ban seems to go against RPG.
If you were down to your bare hull and under heavy fire, why wouldn`t you run for a while?
I used to box and If someone was getting the better of me, I had a few tricks up my sleeve which reqiured
So, as a very green noobie, could you explain the whys and wherefores of this rule, please?

If I know well, shield running is when you fly from the combat for safe distance (when more than two players are in PVP fight) until your shields regenerating and then you come back to fight.

In PVP when you flee from a combat, you cannot reengage, except when you discussed before the pvp lives.

So if your shields are down and you start to maneuvre your opponent, but you dont use cruise and you dont go away more than about 1,5-2 K from your opponent, than it is not shield running. It is a natural step for a pilot, who cares his life.

but you should search for this term in forum threads, there are some "official" explaining about this.

Nice playtime

Shield Running - Unseelie - 11-01-2007

I do Agree with erinsy on that one....but, you know, its not that hard to get really slipery....I generaly spend about, 30%, of my own fights with less than 3 bars of help....just get slipery at the end, hope for reinforcements,
but, also, how much sense does it make to return to battle after your ship is nearly did?
risk it all?
why would your character do that?

Shield Running - P*Funk - 11-01-2007

Frankly the practicality of many rules that smack as odd with new players really makes the other clear cut rules very muddy. What you have is common sense followed by a rule that is adopted because of a community consensus that it makes sense from experience. Its like saying 1+1=2. Thats logical. And then saying but also 2-1=27 because in practice it just makes sense. This not only makes learning the rules daunting it also makes it so that conservative play is called for since nobody is ever truly sure of the limits of these rules since they are born out of a 'feeling' had through hours of play.

The same thing happens with character swapping. What is the cut off for when you can do that? Is it when the enemy enters the system? Visual range? Sensor range? When combat begins? I recently swapped my character when I saw a hostile enter visual range BEFORE he declared a fight and he said he'd report me for helping my buddy after I switched to my gunboat. Well I was sitting at the dock ready to dock and only undocked since I didn't want to get kicked... its all very messy. Hard to parse the correct action in each situation, especially since there isn't a consensus in game and since sanctions happen without much discussion or defense of the accused. Not only that but lots of people seem to be anal about people wanting to get involved. "Don't you dare join this fight! This might be the only PvP I have all week but you better not make it hard for me to win! I'm going to milk the rules as much as I can!" Most of these weird rules say that agreeing to let people break them and join the fight is alright. So its as much about people's frantic need to PvP under ideal circumstances that helps this be weird.

It can actually put you off to RP in situations involving these rules.

So whats the answer? I don't think there is one. This is like a supreme court decision where everyone is on the fence.

Shield Running - Skyelius - 11-01-2007

I agree with the rule, although it should be adopted as a PvP rule instead of Roleplay in most cases, since the 'runner' doesn't cruise away as a fleeing target would. Although this rule stands, there is not yet a rule that can hinder a pilot's common sense, such as "shield evading". Simply evade when your shields are down and your hull is taking a pounding, without breaking off the engagement. It's much more realistic, useful and doesn't go againt any rules that I'm aware of. If you're in a big furball, with weapons fire all over the place, get a very small distance away (1 and a half K probably from the fight and retarget your enemy). This perfectly suits real-life situations and doesn't conflict with RP.

Shield Running - caylith - 11-01-2007

Funny thing is, when you're shield running to shield is coming up just as quick. The benefit of your shield coming back up is kinda cancelled out when you turn to see your opponent's shield nice and full.

You don't have to run away from the enemy. Use dodging and strafing techniques while still getting hits on them. If you dodge/strafe well enough, they won't be able to land their shots.

There's no point in shield running, in my oh so humble opinion.

Shield Running - ghostcat - 11-01-2007

' Wrote:Funny thing is, when you're shield running to shield is coming up just as quick. The benefit of your shield coming back up is kinda cancelled out when you turn to see your opponent's shield nice and full.

You don't have to run away from the enemy. Use dodging and strafing techniques while still getting hits on them. If you dodge/strafe well enough, they won't be able to land their shots.

There's no point in shield running, in my oh so humble opinion.

The issue is with the rule is multiple ship fights, the other ships can continue attacking while the running ship regains shields and weapon power. This is especially bad when Cap-ships are the offenders.

Shield Running - Archelon - 11-01-2007

Yes - and keep in mind, since this is RP and not PVP, you don't have to fight to the death. If you are losing and don't wanna die, just fly away. If they chase you and continue to fire on you, they have refused to disengage and are fair game for you to defend yourself. If they do not chase you, the fight is over and you need to go find something else to do.

My 2 cents.