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Blue Lotus Position Open! RP Position Open! - Printable Version

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Blue Lotus Position Open! RP Position Open! - Praetyre - 11-01-2007

Greetings, my fellow Discoers. I have recently been playing Destroy All Humans! 2, and thus have been out of the in game loop somewhat, along with the BLS loop. But I would like to offer you fine folk an opportunity.

The Blue Lotus Syndicate is heavily based upon the opium cartel in the 2 part story arc comprising Tintin and the Cigars of the Pharaoh and Tintin and the Blue Lotus. My own RP character is named after and based upon the French comic Tintin's frequent villain, Roberto Rastapopoulos, king of drug smugglers.(

In the comics, Rastapopoulos apparent 2nd in command is a Japanese double agent working with Shanghai officials who also represents his boss (Who is referred to by rank as "We got him, Grand Master") in matters where it may be too dangerous to directly expose Rastapopoulos to possible treachery or discovery. The man's name is Mitsuhirato (, and he looks like this;
[Image: mitsuhirato.jpg]

So, you can become a Master of the BLS. The only conditions are this;
1. You must be a well respected member of the Disco community (people such as the admins, AC_Merc, Charlie, Malaclypse, Epyon, DBoy or indeed nearly any faction leader)
2. Your character's name must be Mitsuhirato
3. Your character must be a Kusari secret service agent involved in some form of double agent espionage.
4. Your character must be realistically aged (late thirties at youngest)

Other than that, feel free to write anything you like in the biography.

Simply ask me in the topic, and I will review your application. It must include Xfire and/or Teamspeak name (if you possess it), desired callsign (must be prefixed with [BLS]-) and then I shall review it. If you are accepted, I shall post as such and add you to our roster within no more than a day.

Blue Lotus Position Open! RP Position Open! - Zapp - 11-02-2007

I would be interested, but I guess I'm not a well respected member of Disco, as I haven't been here terribly long.

Blue Lotus Position Open! RP Position Open! - P*Funk - 11-04-2007

As per our conversation ingame I'd like to put on paper (or electrons perhaps) my interest in this possibility.

1. Am I well respected? Dunno, you tell me.

2. Mitsuhirato, hmm. Does this mean that the RP of the character means you call me that, but my ship name may be whatever I like? And also is it possibly inappropriate for my ship to in fact be named Mitsuhirato, and that I should have an assumed name at all times so that I might remain incognito? I have been reading a bit into the links provided and I think I can find a few possible names that suit him but would also be more discrete, depending on how you envision this character.

3. I can do that. I'll need to read up on some Kusari history though. Haven't spent much time in that part of space. I know, its a shame.

4. I'm thinking something like early 40s. I have an image of a man who is aged and wise but also not exhibiting too much age, but still not too much youth. I think perhaps a wisp of grey hair. Maybe he dyes it! We'll see.

I don't have an Xfire name (none that I use regularly anyway) though I just created a Teamspeak name for the Disco server. Surprisingly its 'P Funk'. I'm a part of RepEx Shipping, UOG, and the TAZ. If I should take on this role then I think that will fill up my time for Disco almost entirely. I look forward to your answer. In the meantime I'll do my best to research the possibilities for my character and his RP.


Blue Lotus Position Open! RP Position Open! - Praetyre - 11-04-2007

In response to your question, the name of your capital ship or individual pilot doesn't have to be Mitshurato. In fact, using a more discreet name is something I would not only approve of, but advise.

And heh, early forties is fine by me.

You are accepted, and I give you permission to create this char (though, please provide me the names for our roster) and give you membership and Mastership in BLS.

Blue Lotus Position Open! RP Position Open! - P*Funk - 11-04-2007

Excellent. I'm going to hold off on making the character until I select a good name. That should be by tomorrow night or the next afternoon (its 3am here and I got plans tomorrow so evening is when I'll do it).

I've never made a character with a Kusari background so I'll be learning some new RP skills along the way.