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En Educated Gentleman - Printable Version

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En Educated Gentleman - jammi - 07-16-2010

1. Having undergone education: educated people.
2. Characterized by or displaying qualities of culture and learning.
3. Based on some information or experience: an educated estimate of next year's sales.

noun, plural -men.
1. A man of good family, breeding, or social position.
2. Gentlemen, (used as a form of address): Gentlemen, please come this way.
3. A civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.

The Educated Gentleman was claimed as an electronic ship registry with Liberty's Bureau of Interstellar Commerce in the later months of 781 A.S. Since then, the registry has bounced from owner to owner, without gaining any reputation of note, besides that of belonging to an assorted band of petty crooks, vagabonds and bastards.

Finally purchased by John Pasley as of the 14th of July, 818 A.S as a part of a deal on the Starflyer it was currently attached to, the Educated Gentlemen once again plies the lanes. Unfortunately, yet another roguish, swindling, cowardly sycophant has taken the helm. Never quite having the courage to take the plunge over to the outright piratical side of the fence, Pasley instead operates as a small time freighter captain cum opportunist vulture.

The Gentleman was last sighted as a Rhino class freighter. The funds for said upgrade were procured through some shady dealings with the helm officer of the LNS-Alabama, who Pasley is said to have extorted for "pocket change" in order to ensure his continued silence about a case of "drunk on duty" that could have permanently ruined the aspiring officer's career.

Once a ship's captain has realised that the Gentleman's namesake is nothing more than an oxymoron when juxtaposed against the helmsman himself, the ship is usually excluded or cast out; a sort of modern day pariah. This of course, is not aided by the fact that any ship registered to the name, rather than being haunted by vengeful spirits - is instead haunted by a chronic case of herpes.

Bafflingly, this 'aura' seems to affect the crews of ships around it, leading to the Gentleman acquiring ban after ban from the proximities of Cruise Liners, passenger transports and humanitarian ships. Understanding this phenomenon could probably lead to great scientific breakthrough in... Well... Something, but no-one is particularity keen on looking into it, or even approaching the subject in general.

Pasley has already learned to use this to his advantage, and lives the nomadic lifestyle of a wanderer, roaming around Sirius as he pleases. Fortunately, Pasley's abrasive nature (which he reverts to when not trying to sell something or swindle money out of someone) means no crew will ever sign on with him, thankfully limiting him to fighter and freighter class craft.