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Discovery Mod Suggestion - Printable Version

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Discovery Mod Suggestion - PinkydaBrain - 11-02-2007

Each gun or weapon has its own power requirement. The inferno and the antimatter cannons use alot of power i was wondering if a power plant add on to be made to increase a ships power output. An equippable item used to increase the power supply so guns use the same but have more to draw on. Say Nuclear Reactor,Gravimetic Drive,Quantum Reactor etc. It could be like the armor upgrades for the cap ships and fighters. The Rhienland battleship has 700000 power output say nulear reactor would increase 800000 and so on. :$

Discovery Mod Suggestion - Mr_3ppozz - 11-02-2007

know the idea, know its not gonna happen. it would completely outbalance the game as we know it

Discovery Mod Suggestion - Igiss - 11-02-2007

Was discussed many times before, and not gonna happen. I wonder how many more threads will be started about power upgrades in this forum. Could post a thread with "new topic guidelines", but I guess this won't help as well...

If you wish reasons for no power upgrades, please use help. That's what should've been done in the first place anyway.

Discovery Mod Suggestion - Unseelie - 11-02-2007

problem is, upgrades like that work on multiplying, and would destroy the balance, especially on cap would have people chain firing 14, its not going to happen....something that gets dragged up and discussed, and then shot down every couple of months.

Discovery Mod Suggestion - Fellow Hoodlum - 11-02-2007

Another for the 'Talked about for ever, not going to happen' forums. Please, lets have some research
before dragging these up once again. Discovery is the brainchild of Igiss, and therefore his vision, and
while we are lucky enough to be involved in its evolution, the overall concept remains his.
Lets just have some balance and suggestion tweaks, not 'they did this on the server I just left' changes


Discovery Mod Suggestion - PinkydaBrain - 11-02-2007

' Wrote:Was discussed many times before, and not gonna happen. I wonder how many more threads will be started about power upgrades in this forum. Could post a thread with "new topic guidelines", but I guess this won't help as well...

If you wish reasons for no power upgrades, please use help. That's what should've been done in the first place anyway.

Did not know it was discussed before. I didn't think about balance however before i post i will give more thought to things like that and the nature of the game. If you need any thing Igiss ill help. I don't know alot but ill help if you need anything.