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Radar Update Speed - Printable Version

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Radar Update Speed - Horon - 07-17-2010

I've been wondering for a long time if its possible to change the rate at which the radar updates new targets and the distances to old ones. When I enter a trade lane, I just click the hell out of the ALL button so I can tell almost immediately if someones ahead of me, but I was wondering if the regular speed could be upped.

TL;DR - Radar updates slowly on its own, can we speed it up?

EDIT: Opinions on this are welcome.

Radar Update Speed - Soul Reaper - 07-17-2010

Well, maybe it could, though I don't really see the point in doing it. It's fine the way it is.

Radar Update Speed - Etaphreven - 07-17-2010

' Wrote:It's fine the way it is.

Did you even read his post? It's obviously not fine. Not for him at least, since this is a matter of opinion. :dry:

In fact, I'd like to see the refresh rate increased as well.

Radar Update Speed - Amalia - 07-17-2010

Yeah me too. For a trader, it is important to detect pirates on their lane camping at the maximum range possible; sometimes the low radar refresh eats 3-4ks away before you can see them, thus increasing the chance of getting CDed as you get out of the lane and fly around/away.

Radar Update Speed - Prysin - 07-17-2010

most likely possible, but would increase server load, would it not?

Radar Update Speed - Asgardian - 07-17-2010


The radar doesn't update instantly? o.O

All this time I've been living in a sheltered Freelancer, not knowing the true potential of my radar.

Radar Update Speed - Frazzer. - 07-17-2010

As far as I know that is client side (saw it on a trainer somewhere). So I guess it's considered cheating?

Radar Update Speed - McNeo - 07-17-2010

If we up the regular update speed, how will we target people using the radar in large battles? Their names will be springing all over the radar screen.

Radar Update Speed - Amalia - 07-17-2010

' Wrote:If we up the regular update speed, how will we target people using the radar in large battles? Their names will be springing all over the radar screen.

Uhm yeah, I didn't think about it...