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To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Printable Version

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To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Zelot - 07-18-2010

In Reference to this thread:


RIGHT 2) Official factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official Factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.

I would like some clarification from the admins as to what led up to the actions that led up to this sanction, because it seems from the threads I have seen that the TCG are being faction right 5'ed for attacking Liberty and going into Alaska. I may be wrong, I dont have access to all the information you do, but on the surface it seems like its their actions against Liberty. The problem with that is that it is cannon RP for the Order to attack Liberty. It's cannon RP for the Order to operate in Alaska. So I think it would do the Community good to know the reasons behind this because it seems like a major action to be taken, especially since we have already been down this road before. I would think most of the Admins would remember the THC/BS issue some time ago, where the exact opposite stance was taken by the admin team, the Order official faction was sanctioned for trying to enforce non-cannon RP by trying to stop the THC from attacking Liberty.

So why the change, as I said, you probably have information that I do not, but I think this one might need to be clarified a bit more then what was posted in the Sanction thread.

By the way, Kudos to the TCG for handling it in RP. That doesn't mean it should have happened.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Alley - 07-18-2010

Read the good thread. is their RP reason. Now on the OOC side I don't know.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Waratah - 07-18-2010

// There is 2 sides to a story, and our side has not been allowed to be spoken because it will prove their story as fiction.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - darkxy - 07-18-2010

Quote:Now on the OOC side I don't know.

I'm sorry, but OOC reason for this should be considered as metagaming, IF there's any in which I don't doubt.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Alley - 07-18-2010

Then stop complaining and give some roleplay to this, just like the OHC did with their thread.

Make a RP communication, show your evidences. Complaining in OOC will get you nowhere except being frowned upon.
If you think there's metagaming abuse or anything OOC related, take it to the admins right now with your own evidences, don't wait that the sky falls on your head.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - darkxy - 07-18-2010

<strike>We won't accomplish anything by showing the evidences.

We know what we've done and what we were ment to do, now it's up to you to believe in what you want to believe.</strike>

I don't get it really, why can't we be such an co-oporative factions as the ones in Liberty and other houses who fends after each others.

Ego .. ?

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Zelot - 07-18-2010

' Wrote:Read the good thread. is their RP reason. Now on the OOC side I don't know.

Yes and from that thread it seems like the issue is the TCG going to alaska, which is cannon Order rp, they even have a base there.

Folks, rp or oorp reasons, this is an issue that needs to be clarified for the good of the server, so if appropreate, other people can avoid it in the future.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Akura - 07-18-2010

This could have been solved with Diplomacy.

In this right, the Order failed at something, it should have never come to this.

To be fair though, the TCG also made some mistakes, but the result was decided upon with the Order being official.

In other words, it's still no too late. The TCG were trying to reform, and the Order just took away thier chance.

Both sides are at fault, and it is fixable.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Dusty Lens - 07-18-2010


While I appreciate your hearty enthusiasm to defend The Order from its decisions this thread isn't here to address why The Order decided to do what it did. It's to request the admins clarify faction right 2 and when it does and does not apply. Or if it is in place at all anymore.

If everyone could please refrain from attempting to derail the conversation into a frenzy of finger pointing and accusations of self serving metagaming on either side of the fence that would be appreciated.

Persons who are unable to restrain themselves will be issued forum warnings and, if already under warning, will be met with repercussions for intentional off topic.

To The Admins: In Reference to the TCG Faction Right 5 - Zelot - 07-18-2010

I would just like to clarify, I have absolutely nothing to do with either faction involved here, my comments are not meant to support or disparage either side, they are to get clarification from that admins, on what is a confusing rules decision.