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Nevermind, - Printable Version

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Nevermind, - Oldum - 07-19-2010

' Wrote:This is a once in a lifetime fail from my part, but I bought a Miner ID on my ship unintended, which changed my rep to be hostile to all unlawfuls ... which I didn't notice. Then I bought the Pirate ID, which changed the reputation again, and now I ended up with being hostile to almost everyone ... except freelancers, cause I payed a triple bribe for them. And Zoners are friendly I think.

So at the moment I can't really go anywhere except for Zoner bases and Barrier Gate Station , due to being hostile to everyone else ...
Also, I know it's not the place to ask, but could something be done to have at least some unlawfulls at least neutral so then I can try and rep the ship out according to the RP I wanna start with it? Or should I just scrap it and start all over again ?
Edit: Results of repninja: Freelancers are +0.9 , Zoners are +0.4 , Junkers at -0.3 , Order at -0.3 , rest totally hostile

So the story is here, I'd like to ask if something could be done, cause right now, no matter where I go, I get shot at by every single NPC ...

Character name is : Dr.Edmund.Zed (in case someone could and wants to help)

Thanks in advance


Nevermind, - Anonymous User - 07-19-2010

' Wrote:So the story is here, I'd like to ask if something could be done, cause right now, no matter where I go, I get shot at by every single NPC ...

Character name is : Dr.Edmund.Zed (in case someone could and wants to help)

Thanks in advance


if admins dont help you... go in group with a friend and let him make missions for the faction you want to belong to...

but i think they will help...:D

Nevermind, - Oldum - 07-19-2010

Never mind, I decided to scrap the whole thing and start all over again ... and not screwing up thistime:P