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The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Printable Version

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The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - HuggieSunrise - 07-21-2010

[Image: th_Cos.png]

Sometime before 720 a.s. there was a series of encounters between outcasts and nomads that led to an entire sub-sect of outcasts to willingly go over and be joined with nomads.

These first joinings were fatal or short lived and the cult effectively died out of popular practice... Though with the "survivors" prolonged use of Cardimine to levels which would kill a non native it continued privately. The CoS is mostly a group of liquid cardi users with the aim of apotheosis.

The Cult be leaves that their saints (nine of them) which were oddly the first nine to die from the early infection attempts, watch over them and give them glimpses of the mass mind of the nomads. They particularly grip the vision of the "Apocalypse".

Currently. The cult Is ran by a figure known as Master Teacher. Or Mar Sara. His age is unknown and he doesn't fly in space but he is apparently in tune with the prophecy laid forth by the angels/spirits and received their guidance regularly.


Orders of worship.

Exarch - The priests operate and do whatever is needed to spread the faith, they may dirty themselves with speaking to the unclean but only if necessary. The exarch promote initiates into their windcaller robes via a trial known as the three winds.

Windcaller - Primary executors of the faith. Warriors, Smugglers, and Pirates do everything an outcast does but with the added twist of not being able to speak to the unclean except by third person narration. or some other metaphorical mode of communication. Consumes Mana (liquid cardi) as part of ritual to speak to the Angels when called to.

Initiate - Has yet to consume enough of the sacred dust to withstand to potency of mana. Talks directly to the unclean and seeks to invite others into the fold. Only through bringing in another can the initiate be prepared for the trial of the three winds.

Unclean - the un initiated.


Unclean: Normal human / Non user of cardimine (anyone born of Malta obviously excluded fundamentalist cultists demand increased use but not everyone feels this way)

A cultist will offer a unit of thier "blessed" dust to an individual and thus can begin having speaking terms or speak "plainly" to that person regardless of faction.

Speaking plainly to the unitiated is seen as exchanging dirty or souless thought with something beneath you they view it as bestiality in a way and is extremely taboo. Thus Cultists will speak in the third person or narrate thier thoughts or actions to a group of individuals whom they think is unclean. Or.. sometimes not even that they may through the blessed dust have developed certain... extremely schizophrenic methods of communication with the unclean in the case of wind caller Shaka but he is not the only one driven seemingly insane by too much sacred dust.

being unclean isnt a sin, however, words without "knowing" or words from the mouth of someone who haven't experienced "sacred dust" is seen as unconscious and worthless.

-The Zenith of Faith

Joining - Becoming Wild -

The wild are known as transcendent or Apotheoses and while this is the goal of many in the cult it isn't for everyone. Anyone becoming joined would go to that group or faction.


Order - Killed/converted whenever possible..

Junkers - Gatherers. They are a mix of unclean and useful/necessary. Thier dedication to moving things to and fro amuses the Mar Sara, and due to the amount of scrap metal the gatherers bring in to Malta are essential. The Mar Sara often says "Anyone who wanders into the lions den to take the bones of their prey into the den of a bigger bear has some sort of insight into the divine."

Liberty Rogues / Mollys / Pirates - Seen as recruitment pools. Minions of orthodoxy.

TAZ/Zoners - Cute things to be admired for their hard work even if its nonsense. Their work against the divine (nomads) with the other zoner factions is seen as ignorant. The cult approves of Nomads assaulting and destroying whom they choose because they have infinite knowledge as to why who and what must be culled the zoners are thus ignorant and in defense of their "islands" in the divine space commence sins of ignorance. Mar Sara hopes to convert as many of the Vagrants as possible.


Taking of the sacred dust. The dust must be from malta and blessed by a Windcaller at least in order to be seen as an offering from the light/divine.

The overall worship of the nomad aliens is something they hold dearly to themselves at the highest levels. The cult doesn't hide this from anyone as a whole but the personal pursuit and divine understanding each individual cult member has is a private thing and thus in a vary masonic way, is kept within the confines of the CoS culture.

The cult instead keeps recruitment with the initiated. The initiated aren't given title by an Exsarch or Mar Sara until they show they have given sacred dust to and individual who looks as if they would be a strong candidate for initiation themselves.


"The vision was of a million minds thinking the same thought "Death~Culling...of the dark.." It was shared the vision of suns blinking out as if turned out by the hand of the divine itself, No screams just the ending of a nightmare that was dreamed a million years ago."

It is said that the highest order of the cult practice forms of telepathy between one another and spend the remainder of their lives in silent communion with Mar Sara, whom when speaks says nothing himself instead the voices of the Exsarchs around him relay his words to the faithful.

- Ships

Using anything larger then a gunboat is pretty much not in the directives of the faith. They are not a large military entity but the exarchs are sometimes converted from Commanders of Destroyers in the reserve fleet and abides by that fleets standards.

So far we have.
[CoS]Exarch.ThreeWinds -Me
[CoS]Shakawallsfells - Some dude i met on the internet whos REALLY into star trek
[CoS] ?

Message Dump?
Open to just about anyone. It will probably be a mess.

Questions? Comments? Im trying to fill out this page as much as possible. call it a... project.
(cookie for anyone who find out where its name is from)

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Malenka - 07-21-2010

Wild ID IFF? If so, I don't think it will work.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - HuggieSunrise - 07-21-2010

no thier outcasts. thing is they talk wierd. next.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Fellow Hoodlum - 07-21-2010

' Wrote:no thier outcasts. thing is they talk wierd. next.
That's it is it ? Weird talking Outcasts, neutral to The Corsairs ? I think you have been smoking too much
of The TAZ's product, and not inhaling or drinking enough of your own.
Phantoms neutral to The Nomads ? That's a new one on me as well. Best lay off the hallucinogens, and get
back to the drawing board please.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Elven - 07-21-2010

' Wrote:Corsairs - Seen as horders of artifacts, this is a strange situation, While Corsair culture respects the nomads they do not consume the sacred dust and thus are unclean. Also the Cult beleaves one day that the light will unite both peoples again after the "Promised End".

Junkers - Gatherers. They are a mix of unclean and useful/necessary. Thier dedication to moving things to and fro amuses the Mar Sara, and due to the amount of scrap metal the gatherers bring in to Malta are essential. The Mar Sara often says "Anyone who wanders into the lions den to take the bones of their prey into the den of a bigger bear has some sort of insight into the divine."

Liberty Rogues / Mollys / Pirates - Seen as recruitment pools. Minions of orthodoxy.

TAZ/Zoners - Cute things to be admired for their hard work even if its nonsense. Their work against the divine (nomads) with the other zoner factions is seen as ignorant. The cult approves of Nomads assaulting and destroying whom they choose because they have infinite knowledge as to why who and what must be culled the zoners are thus ignorant and in defense of their "islands" in the divine space commence sins of ignorance. Mar Sara hopes to convert as many of the Vagrants as possible.
Corsairs are clearly your enemies. They don't respect or tolerate nomads in any way. They also steal their technology (artifacts).

Junkers trade in artifacts, as well as liberty rogues and some ind. pirates. The same applies to them.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Treewyrm - 07-21-2010

Cults or whatever there to be would have to be clandestine, discreet in their actions and maintain minimal exposure to the world. Certainly not this type.

Doomsday callers? Don't like that to be honest. I preferred Oracles cult, now that was interesting concept.

Quote:Phantoms neutral to The Nomads ? That's a new one on me as well.
For as long as I've been here this always been an ambiguous matter. I'd say someone still owes me a good explanation for nomads present in Phantom's guard system, they're not hostile to phantom NPCs and same holds true the other way. I also suspect player reputation is similar to that of faction settings. Me, well, last time the subject came up on the forums here, and that was quite a while ago (I think it was a convo with Virus, may be a year and a half ago, may be more), I kept open minded perspective to it, but as far as I can tell things haven't moved into any direction at all since then, so I suspect the relation between them still stands empty.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - sovereign - 07-21-2010

There's a wide gulf between "not actively attacking Phantoms" and "being able to dock on Phantom bases". The Outcasts, as a group, do not hunt the Phantoms. You could say they are "neutral" to the Phantoms. This does not mean that they have white rep with the Phantoms on their repsheets, only that when they encounter Phantom players they don't go "ZOMGPHANTOM" and open up. Well, usually.

Anyway. Phantom-Nomad relations are... weird. Any previous "decisions", like how there are Nomads in the Phantom guard system, or how at one point the Hellbound was partly "crewed" by Nomads (though that was back before RP was serious), is pretty much nonsensical. To be honest I don't think anyone has any strong feelings on how that interaction should work- and it gets even more complicated now that the Phantoms have been abandoned by the Crathgyan.

However, your Cult is unlikely to know of the alien-assisted nature of the Phantoms unless either the Phantoms or the Nomads told you. The Phantoms don't exactly go around proclaiming themselves as slaves of the Crathgyan, after all, and "faction of well-equipped psychopaths intent on destroying the Houses" can be applied to a wide range of other groups that didn't have alien backing.

As such, I'd say it's best to treat them with the normal wariness and occasional cautious cooperation unless one of them tells you about their Crathgyan benefactors.

As for the Corsairs... when I'm on my Das Wilde Scorpion drone, I don't say "Corsair". I say "murderer", "desecrator", "trespasser", "graverobber", you get the idea. They are NOT to be considered friends of the Nomads. Kill them all.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Zelot - 07-21-2010

I could have sworn the Nomads and Phantoms NPC's in 82 were hostile, I guess I could be wrong there, but I know for sure that the Phantoms ID is ninja repped hostile to the Nomads, I assume it is the same the other way around.

edit: but yes, we have been asking for the nomads to be taken out of there for quite some time.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Treewyrm - 07-21-2010

' Wrote:I could have sworn the Nomads and Phantoms NPC's in 82 were hostile, I guess I could be wrong there, but I know for sure that the Phantoms ID is ninja repped hostile to the Nomads, I assume it is the same the other way around.
Regarding NPCs, here is excerpt from game files for NPC reputation sheet (DATA\initialworld.ini):
nickname = fc_phantom
rep = 0, fc_n_grp
rep = 0, fc_n_guardian

nickname = fc_n_grp
rep = 0, fc_phantom
rep = 0.91, fc_n_guardian
As you can see it's non-negative rep value, means it's neutral, NPCs don't shoot each other.

ID however does repfix players to be hostile with everything bar Nomads, Wilde, Outcasts and misc. Neutral faction.

The Cult of Sirius - An idea I intend to develop. - Zelot - 07-21-2010

So really all that needs being done is to take the nommies out of 82, not like we have Phantom NPC's anywhere else.