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gaian GB revision - Printable Version

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gaian GB revision - Jinx - 07-22-2010

so - before anyone moans "oh - not another revision of a ship that doesn t need one..."

a word in advance, - i m totally sick of all the people comparing the gaian GB with a fallus - so thats why its a revision. ( in my opinion - people thinking of a penis when they see the gaian GB are somewhat unstable.... )

[Image: gaiangbmk2.png]
so - this model avoids the pronouncement at the nose of the ship - and adds a few more details ( to keep it kusari style as its intended to be - but still a very modern looking ship )

i have also changed the cockpit to the "orca" style - which means that its a "fightercockpit" instead of a window skin.

the ship goes well with the new VHF - and can use the same hitbox it uses right now ( which is a larger kusari GB hitbox ) - so while it may look larger - especially from the front - its not really larger ... same box.

edit: i do like the current one a little more - designwise - but after so many ppl complained about its shape - this one may satisfy more ppl - if you still see a fallus in it - i suggest mental care.

edit2: this is the ship submission section - not flood... its only there to inform you about an upcoming change - unless the NLH shows genuine concern about the design / replacement ( since they are the only official faction )

gaian GB revision - Akura - 07-22-2010

I like it, it's a grand improvement of the old Gunpenis.

I think the overall ship could do with shrinking though, a new hitbox or just scaling it down. If you look at the Claymore, it's massive, like, more than twice the size of the Kusari Gunboat.

I'd love it to be smaller (insert penis joke).

gaian GB revision - akka1000 - 07-22-2010

Needs moar phallus:P

Nice model, cockpit seems too small for what I understand is already a very small ship though

gaian GB revision - lukasz_r128a - 07-22-2010

Looks really nice exept those buttons on the bow/bump? And hmm old one wasn't look like a penis (but looks like it's only my opinion:P)

gaian GB revision - Araul - 07-22-2010

It's not cause people see a fallus in it that they don't like it.

gaian GB revision - Elven - 07-22-2010

while it's cool ship, it reminds me much more about Kusari. Gaians are still Bretonians, we shouldn't forget that.

gaian GB revision - Jinx - 07-22-2010

@akka: - its a medium sized gunboat even now - the cockpit may need to be a little larger though - yes
@Lukas: the heatsinks on the bow may be a little too much, indeed - i ll check how they look skinned - if its not satisfactory - i ll remove them.
@Araul: i don t care what people don t like it about the current one - its just annoying like hell to deal with people in their growing pains that giggle at the mention of a sexual organ - yet see it everywhere.
@Elven: they re bretonian - but their GB is kind of founded / jointly build with kusari engeneers ( thats less involvement than official involvement ( like converende and hathor ) - but still more than their bretonian roots ) - bretonia is unlikely to assist them in shipbuilding - kusari may be - cause the gaians offer very little threat to them - even when kusari gained bretonia ( or so it appears )

gaian GB revision - Seth Karlo - 07-22-2010

Firstly, it's Phallus, secondly, awesome job as always dude.

Thirdly, it's your ship, revise them as much as you want, and tell everyone else to get a life and leave you alone:)


gaian GB revision - Jinx - 07-22-2010

@seth : yes - but its still annoying sometimes - now the really good thing about this ship is - that the kusari GB box fits it - no more additional work to do.

gaian GB revision - Akura - 07-22-2010

Problems is, it's a large-medium GB with light stats, and medium turning. Thin profile is nice though..

If it's going to remain the same size, can you at least push for a rebalance?