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Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - BaconSoda - 07-29-2010

Let me start by saying this: Blizzard, you know how to balance an RTS. The game is fun in multiplayer, and I guess that's what you were aiming for.

That's no reason to piss on those of us who actually listened to the briefings of the first game. Before I even installed the game, I noticed so many inconsistencies with your own story. Raynor was none of those things you described. Raynor never went down to Tarsonis to save Kerrigan from the swarm; she fought them in orbit. Raynor never swore revenge on Mengsk; he blamed himself for letting Sarah go alone (He even saved Mengsk from the UED, if you remember Brood War). Raynor never led a band a rebels; he hung out with the Protoss to put his soul at ease.

Seriously, Blizzard? That's just what I saw from installing the game. I'm happy with the gameplay (it turned out a lot better than I expected), but what ever happened to, I don't know, being consistent with yourself? This isn't even close to forgivable. I know you want to sell your game but, c'mon, at least try and make it right.

Furthermore, Mar Sara? You do realize that it should be as molten as Char from your own canon, don't you, Blizzard? The Protoss kinda did the same thing to both planets. But, you know, that's only according to Blizzard and not Blizzard.

But, that's just from half a minute of campaign play experience. I can't handle anymore without trying to find some twine to tie a noose.

I guess when Blizzard picked up the unit director from EA's Command and Conquer they figured they'd find the same storyline guy to butcher every good RTS series ever. If I were to ever point at a conspiracy, I'd point to the conspiracy against PC Gaming, but, you know, it can't be. It's Blizzard.:dry:

So disappointed...

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Tenacity - 07-29-2010

The dialogue is horribly predictable too =/

Basically, blame it on WoW, like anything else blizzard does that's sub-par nowdays. Once they hit the monetary jackpot with their little MMO, anyone who actually cared about story or good game content was fired in place of peon workers that would screw over the gamers to make the company as much money as possible.

The cinematics are good, the shinies are good, but that's expected of all games on the modern market - what sets a game apart from the rest is a good story that pulls you in, which starcraft 2 sorely lacks (right along with nearly every other video game in stores right now, I think bioware may be the last good storytelling company in existence).

I dunno if I'd say multiplayer is balanced, either =P After several matches over the past couple nights, protoss still seem horribly underpowered in any map where rushing is a factor, zerg are still overpowered in the early game just as they were in sc1, and terran are still overpowered in the late game. Hell, tonight I found myself facing a literal wall of Thors, Vikings, and Battlecruisers, from a player that hadnt even made any expansions >.>

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - CzeReptile - 07-29-2010

Starcraft II utterly fails in my opinion, and im several years Starcraft player who got into the middle-style skill level on ICCUP.

Fact its 3D, too user friendly and ultimately made for even dumb folks to play, it fails in the action part and fun of the first one. Where used to be zerg expansions all over the map is now an unstoppable rush, or group of weird units, all for the sake of attempted balance of graphic shiny yet boring game.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Primitive - 07-29-2010

I played SC from 2001 till this year...I still play it from time to time, unfortunately I can't play SC2 on my old machine, but I had a feeling they will F it up. After the Blizzard made WoW all the standards from it's games became too plastic and retarded. My 2 coins.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Politus - 07-29-2010

I heard that the worst part is that you have to sync it with frequently just to play Singleplayer, and... NO LAN PARTIES.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Exile - 07-29-2010

It's "alright". SC1 was fun, this is ok-ish, for whenever you're bored and want to play an rts.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Vergil - 07-29-2010

Reptile, you are an idiot.

Raynor did NOT just hang back with the Protoss to sooth his soul. Remember the last Protoss mission in the original starcraft, the one with Raynor, and all his men? Also, the world that was burned to a crisp was Chau Sara. Also, he does hate Mengsk, he rescued him because he had to, they needed Mengsk. I will give you one thing though, kerrigan did fight the zerg in space, but really, it was a scenery change, so who gives a crap?

All I see here is people complaining about how the second game wasn't exactly like the first game so it's automatically crap. Also, if you recall from the first starcraft, it took an expansion pack and about a year of patches to get the mix evened out, so if you expect SC2 to be completely balanced after a couple days of being released, you are balls to the wall insane, and if you think the first StarCraft was moreso balanced when it came out, you are simply wrong. (And Tenacity, if you really say Blizzard did care at all why did they do so many delays and put in so many small details? They even bought the rights to "Sweet Home Alabama" for StarCraft II just to have it in a jukebox in Mission Briefings. EA would not do that. Activision would not do that.)

And there are guest keys for battlenet, which you can find in the box you got StarCraft II in, assuming you didn't pirate it. They can be used for LAN. (And you can play without being connected to BNet, you just have to log in to get to the main menu, then all the offline play you want)

If you think Bioware is the only gaming company to tell a good story you obviously don't like playing games, but watching them.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Fletcher - 07-29-2010

I really need to find a copy of the SC1:Brood Wars. I downloaded once and loved it, then got rid of it after a day. I never did find one in my shops:(

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - CzeReptile - 07-29-2010

' Wrote:I really need to find a copy of the SC1:Brood Wars. I downloaded once and loved it, then got rid of it after a day. I never did find one in my shops:(

I know of a place where you can get one.
I was lucky to get Blizzard oldies edition tho:Pif you want to know, PM me

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - BaconSoda - 07-29-2010

' Wrote:You all are idiots.

Raynor did NOT just hang back with the Protoss to sooth his soul. Remember the last Protoss mission in the original starcraft, the one with Raynor, and all his men? Also, the world that was burned to a crisp was Chau Sara. Also, he does hate Mengsk, he rescued him because he had to, they needed Mengsk. I will give you one thing though, Kerrigan did fight the zerg in space, but really, it was a scenery change, so who gives a crap?


Yes, Raynor went with the Protoss to sooth his soul because the Terrans were only bickering amongst themselves while the Zerg destroyed the sector. He went with them to actually fight the Zerg and stop their expansion instead of working for/against someone's petty motivations of power. But, you know, in Wings of Liberty, he forgot about all that. He forgot about leaving behind petty ambition and working to save the sector. Not to mention the last we saw of him, he was swearing revenge against Kerrigan for killing his best friend Fenix, not swearing revenge against Mengsk. Why would he ever go and start a rebellion against Mengsk? What is he doing on Mar Sara, a planet which has no relevance at all in the expansion of the Zerg?

And, uh, it says in the manual that they fried Mar Sara. You know, that manual that comes with Starcraft II? It's on the first page under First Contact. Mar Sara had the same treatment as Chau Sara and Char.

And I give a crap. Playing on this Roleplaying server, here, I give a crap about storyline consistency. I'm pretty sure a good 1/2 of the playerbase who is buying this gives a crap. It's about consistency, and no matter how shiny your game is, no matter how neat you think the gameplay it, the game must be consistent with itself and its own story. This is like, say, Tolkein saying that in the Two Towers, Isengard was flooded and kept dormant by the Ents, but in Return of the King, the forces of Isengard sweep into Gondor from behind and help in assaulting Minas Tirith. It's just completely inconsistent and absolutely awful.

Honestly, I don't care about the minor details of balance. It's a fun game online. What I care about is that the storyline is a piece of crap. It's not even grade A crap. It's just crap.

Also, I don't like Bioware games. I like games like The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Command and Conquer: Red Alert, Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, the Guild Wars Trilogy, Company of Heroes, Half-Life 2, and Warcraft III. If any of those are made by Bioware, then, please, tell me I like to watch games, but at least I don't like to watch games crap on themselves.