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Minor Drama... forum is being odd - Printable Version

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Minor Drama... forum is being odd - Mickk - 08-04-2010

It's nothing of major seriousness, probably directly linked to how many people are on the forum at the time I'm guessing.

The problem is that the forum is taking a lot of time to come up, as in the browser will be loading for so long it spits the dummy and gives me a message saying that it can't connect (no 'insert number' error) and to have another go.

On 'retry' it normally comes up, probably having stashed a lot of it in the cache before hand.

Note that it is ONLY the Disco GC forum that is doing this.

At the time of this writing, I'd say it's around the 'peak' period for people to be on the forum, therefore it is slow for me.

Earlier today I came to the forum and it came up like I was sitting next to the server, it was that fast.

I'll 'test' a bit and see what happens, should be on about 10-11 am my time (GMT +8 hours Perth/Taipei), then post results here.

Oh yeah, fyi, browser is Firefox (most current version yet), OS is XP (sp3 updated).

Minor Drama... forum is being odd - Cannon - 08-05-2010

It sure is. I've changed a few more things. The forum should be adequate now but I won't know for sure until we pass over the next busy period.

Minor Drama... forum is being odd - Mickk - 08-05-2010

' Wrote:It sure is. I've changed a few more things. The forum should be adequate now but I won't know for sure until we pass over the next busy period.

Well, whatever you did, it seems to have worked... more or less.

The forum still has it's 'stupid' moments, but I'm getting the feeling it involves the 'Freelancer Community Network' dooby that runs along the top, as the forum 'hangs' on loading that from time to time.

Still, it's a *lot* better than no forum at all and it's better than it was. :yahoo:

Minor Drama... forum is being odd - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 08-05-2010

' Wrote:Still, it's a *lot* better than no forum at all and it's better than it was. :yahoo:
Do not jinx it.

A & L Guy

Minor Drama... forum is being odd - Fletcher - 08-05-2010

I take it I shouldn't get paranoid and not back up all my RP stories?

Minor Drama... forum is being odd - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 08-05-2010

' Wrote:I take it I shouldn't get paranoid and not back up all my RP stories?
"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you"
................................................... Joseph Heller

A & L Guy

Minor Drama... forum is being odd - Seth Karlo - 08-06-2010

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching you.

In shifts.

Of teams of two.

That change every four hours.