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The most noob post in the history of ever. - Printable Version

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The most noob post in the history of ever. - Osilon - 08-10-2010

I need a modeling program such as Milkshape. I've been told it sucks for modeling, but i have yet to find anything wrong with it, and every other program i've tried, i've lacked to find one simple function.

Most of them don't have the simple ability to place SINGLE verticies.

If anyone knows one which can,
Or knows how to make single verticies in metaseq (Or any verticies or shapes for that matter)
I could use the help.

The most noob post in the history of ever. - ryeguy146 - 08-10-2010

I've heard wonderful things about blender, but I personally know little about it. I'm looking to get into modeling as well, so if you find a good one, I'd love to hear about it.

Edit: Sounds like blender can do it (link)

Quote:I've disvovered how to add a single unconnectred vertex.

LMB-CTRL - (Edit mode - no Obj selected) - PLACES A SINGLE VERTEX AT THE 3D-CURSOR.

The most noob post in the history of ever. - Osilon - 08-10-2010

Ah, thanks, Blender might be able to help me. I'm just looking for a simple interface right now, and Milkshape seems to be working for me so far...any other suggestions would be nice.

On another note, still trying to learn single verticies in Metaseq, if this is actually possible.

The most noob post in the history of ever. - Seth Karlo - 08-10-2010

Google Sketchup.
Autodesk 3DS Max.
Autodesk Maya.
Lightwave 3d.

Just a few to get you started.

The most noob post in the history of ever. - Osilon - 08-10-2010

Thanks, though I doubt Sketchup is an option:P

The most noob post in the history of ever. - Seth Karlo - 08-11-2010

It is actually, if you want it for Freelancer you mean. There is a way to get the models ingame.