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To: BMM - Printable Version

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To: BMM - Avalanche - 08-12-2010

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[Image: dseheaderv.jpg]

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Esteemed Board Members of Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing. Today we present to you a problem but luckily also a solution. As you know our work on at the construction site of the Tau 31 <-> Tau 29 Gate is almost complete, and up until now we've been happy to turn over the supervision of the construction to BMM. You understand that we conduct monthly assessments on the progress by our Engineering supervisors. However we're regretful to report that the supervisor making this months check will not be making his return journey just yet.

As you know we informed you before the start of the project that we would have to create a time margin around the forecasted completion date. This was to compensate for potential human errors or miscalculations made by our construction team. We regret to inform you that for this very reason were required to extend the completion date of the project a number of months.

The problem lies in one of the final phases of the gate construction. The gate is fully functional as you know, however this final phase involves reinforcing the gate physically and electronically to filter out any faults that could occur in the long term. Our forecasters have underestimated the quantities of materials we would require to complete the project at this point, and have worked well to correct this error.

Stated in our contract, DSE will claim responsibility for errors made under DSE management, and cover any expenses not initially calculated by it's staff. The time it would take to manufacture the said materials into the components required for the gate usually takes several months for the quantities we need However instead of obtaining our components through other firms as we have done in the past; DSE has extracted and manufactured the raw materials itself to ensure they reach the construction site on time.

DSE is fully capable of obtaining the raw materials on time. However we have a shortage on one material in general, and a material your firm specializes in extracting well. We require a large quantity of Gold to complete a lot of the electric circuitry that monitors the Gate's stability and status. So DSE humbly requests to position a number of it's mining Rigs in Dublin to extract and manufacture the ore, so that we may ship it directly to Tau 23. Any expenses BMM may have due to the loss of quantities of ore from the Gold fields in Dublin will be repaid to you per shipment sent out to Tau 23.

We look forward to your swift and reasonable reply.

Yours faithfully,
Robert Jones
President of DSE,

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To: BMM - Husher - 08-14-2010

++Message rechieved++
++Sending reply++
++Sender id: J. Porter BMM office++
---Opening message---

Hello Mr Jones.
Well about time we see some progress on the gate again. This project is absorbing lots of our financial resources and i for myself would be happy to see it done and operational by the end of this year eh!? But i guess thats a fools man dream.

Well lets talk buisness than.
Its gold you need? We can provide that my best man. I'm a bit cleuless on what your intentions are? We should meet as soon as possible to make up the details. Here are some concerns myself and my staff have.

Do you want to send in your own miners?
I'm not sure iff this is a good idea. We have daily mining operations going on in those fields and sorry to say we don't need more miningships in there. Don't get me wrong we have no quarrels with your company but i can't have more miners strip us of raw materials not mined by my company. This war demands a lot of our own resourches go to the construction of new heavy warships these days or we sell it to stay profitable. But now worry there is always a way to arrange something.

You want to send transportships?
Well i think this could be done. Your skippers are welcome to moor at Graves to pick up the crates or arrange a meeting with our miners to do a space transfer. But be adviced you should take some security with you.

What do we need:
- Details on what you now really want.
- A full assesment of all materials needed.
- A estimated time plan of completion would be great, we talk months, years?
- A meeting between our staffs as soon as possible to work out the details like oreprices and coordinated
mining operations for gateconstruction.

-No more miners of a foreign company in our goldfields in Dublin.

Hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Jack Porter CEO Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing.

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