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The Queen's Court - bluntpencil2001 - 11-13-2007

Planet New London, Nouveau Buckingham Court

This is a most opulent hall if ever there was one, filled with aristocrats, businessmen, courtiers, ranking military officials and all of the associated hangers-on. Here, the elite of Bretonia come for their politicking and intrigue, along with foreign dignitaries and wealthy merchants.

The Queen, for the most part is either not present or ignoring the petty squabbles of her lessers, being too busy with more important matters regarding public policy or the war effort.

Here, all sorts of deals, alliances and friendships are made and almost as many are broken by these fickle bluebloods and dandies. The military officials and their aides have a strong presence here in their bright uniforms, as likely to be mingling with the nobility, fitting in like upper-class ladies and gents, as they are to be set apart, like the jumped-up commoners that they are.

High-ranking Bretonians, foreign ambassadors and wealthy traders may post here...

The Queen's Court - bluntpencil2001 - 11-15-2007

There is much shuffling as a dashing young man in BAF uniform, sans-helmet, his coat unbuttoned, enters with several Kusari men at his side. They guard a graceful Kusari lady, who looks roughly nineteen, wearing a long gown and elbow-length, silk gloves.

Whispers start and fingers begin to not-so-subtly point at the eccentric Commodore Stuart, the Lady Juno Kietan and her guardians.

"Ah, you fine gentlefolk haven't met the heroes of Harris yet, have ye?" asks Stuart of the rather stuck-up observers.

Eyes dart side-to-side before he adds,

"You didn't see the news?! I give ye... the Lady Kietan, Countess of Harris, who nobly earned the title from Her Majesty, unlike some folks that I could mention..."

Stuart bows as she passes, heading into the throng of bluebloods. The darting eyes lower, embarassed, and sip at expensive wines as the newcomers, jumped-up peasants that they are, begin to mingle with various Armed Forces types, the Commodore cheerfully helping himself to plenty of the free food and drink...

The Queen's Court - Unseelie - 11-15-2007

Juno slides up, placing a gloved hand on Stuart's shoulder.
"Are you trying to provoke them? The last thing we, let alone the admiral, needs is one of these gaijin challenging you or myself to a can barely use that needle, and my second will decapitate someone."
She smiled at a servant, handing him her coat, then shivering, as she pulled up her gloves before anyone got a good look at her forearms.
"We're here to make the Admiralty look bad, not to cause an incident, so behave."

The Queen's Court - bluntpencil2001 - 11-15-2007

He laughs,

"Start a duel? Haha! Over what? The fact that they're intolerant? Pfft!"

He shakes his head, still smiling and says,

"Besides, if I'm challenged to a duel, I get to choose the weapons, don't I? 'Hussar Light Fighters at dawn' is always an unpopular one with these liner-passengers, partially because they can't fly to save themselves but mostly because there's no dawn out there in the void..."

He stops speaking as he grabs a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, then stuffs a slice of cake, from yet another serving-man, into his mouth and quickly swallows it down,

"You know, the food is rather delicious. Want a slice?"

The Queen's Court - Unseelie - 12-11-2007

Juno rolled her eyes, "Of course the food is delicious....please, act like you have some class, especially when the Queen talks to you."
Stuart opened his mouth, about to say something, when Juno cut him off: "no, no, shut it. Just stay quiet, unless you absolutely have to say something. You are here to get yourself Knighted, not make an ass of you, me, or the Queen, who is so graciously championing you in front of all these city fops."

The Queen's Court - bluntpencil2001 - 12-11-2007

Andrew quickly licks the icing off his fingers before raising his hands in a defensive manner,

"Hey hey! Come on now, I almost bought a suit of chainmail when the word 'Knight' was mentioned! And about me looking silly, I still have that sword I picked up because of you..."

In spite of the jokes, however, he still straightens his jacket and sorts out his buttons with something of a blush. He sniggers at the absurdity of it all, curiously looking around at all the folks around him, counting how many that he remembered from the Academy that only passed their exams thanks to their daddy's cash. Funny that an orphan like himself ended up a commissioned officer(and a Commodore) with degrees in Economic Theory, really.

"So, do I look presentable sans chainmail, milady?"

The Queen's Court - Unseelie - 06-23-2008

Though the event was not private, only a small crowd had gathered, mostly Royal Fleet men and woman, a handful of BMM dignitaries, and a few loved ones. There was, of course, the regular detachment of scheming courtiers and a detachment from Carina's Guard, but the crowd could still have been much larger. Corporate interests, for once, were not interested, nor were many of the Admiralty's men.

On the dias, one Michael William Brown knelt in front of Carina I, who would speak about his dedication to the house of bretonia, his worth as a human being, and then gently place an old sword on either of his shoulders, then his head, and proclaim:

"Sir Michael William Brown, I, Carina, knight you in the name of the Great House of Bretonia. Rise, Knight of the Realm"

The Queen's Court - Shadow2336 - 06-23-2008

I cannot believe this is happening... Michael thought to himself as the sword was lowered to his shoulders.

As Queen Carina went on about his service, all he could think about was getting back to his ship, away from the luxury of this party, and on with his job. I shouldn't be here. I'm just the son of a miner.

He hears the words of the Queen in his ear, pronouncing him as a knight of the realm, and stands. He locks eyes with the queen, then lowers his head in a half-bow, before turning to the rest of the court. He looks severely out of place, with his hand-me-down suit and tie, against the opulent royalty and nobility around him. I think I'm having a panic attack

Michael steps off the dais, and tries to head calmly to the side of the room, before breaking out in a sprint for the door.