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Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - Printable Version

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Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - Elven - 08-14-2010

Target was met in atmosphere by agent Collins, Holms and Dust. They succesfully escorted him to one of Scotland Yard prisons, where his ship was left for our technicians. Deconstruction wasn't attempted so far. Target've shown no resistance. I arrived few minutes later to the yard.
<div align="right]- ...from report to MI5 Directorate
It was raining, as it often happens on New London. Lionel entered house of Victorian style, took his coat and hat down to leave them at living room.
- Bring him in, lads. - he was definately bored and tired in general. Another man, captured by three agents of military intellegence agency followed Lionel through halls. "After this flight, now this rain...Uh, I hate it."
By the way they met girl doing some paperwork and guarding keys.
- Good evening, mister Ross.. Got another one? Interrogatory room twenty four is free. - she smiled and passed him keys for that room.
- That's right, some gaian. Something I feel so sad when capturing them... They defend animals, you know. And polluted Leeds isn't good thing either. If majority of them'd not be dirty pirates, I'd think about joining Green Front. - he nodded, smiled back and started moving through labirynth of carridors. Gaian and his 'escorts' followed Lionel... There were some screams in some rooms, in other ones - sounds of coins.... Some were silent like melting ice. Gaian was looking around with some interest. He was looking like he gave himself up just out of curiousity. Soon they found door 24... It was contrasting with others - fully shaded and even more silent (or rather, dead).

Lionel entered room, opened window to breath some fresh air. There were some really good photoes on wall - many rich people'd pay huge money for those. Desk in the opposite corner to door was full of some paper, like somebody was working here hardly. Gaian was forced to enter room by guards, one of which left to another room. Suddenly telephone in the corner rang. That was call to Lionel Ross, military intellegence agent. While he was speaking about some farms on Camridge, slavery and future football round with New London champions, he offered prisoner to sit.

Once Lionel dealt with phone, he got a notepad and started asking questions....
- Today I'll need answers on few questions, lad. The easiest are - origin of your Kusarian ship, Corsair shield blusters and weapon codenamed 'Blue Blaze' (which was designed by Rheinlanders, as far as I know). Oh, maybe you wish cup of tea, or cigarette or two?

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - TehNoizeBox - 08-14-2010

'Leaf' sat down in the chair he was offered. He refused the cigarettes and the tea. He sat and thought for a moment as thoughts flooded through his mind. He sifted carefully through them to find the correct answer.

-Slow down a little bit, lad. Lets take the questions one at a time, shall we? Oh, and by the way, call me 'Leaf'.

'Leaf' grinned.

-Where did I acquire this Kusarian ship, you ask? I got it, where else, in Kusari!

'Leaf' chuckled at his own remark.

-As for my 'Sair shield busters? I don't think I can tell you that one, lad.

'Leaf' tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair.

-My weapon codenamed "BLUE BLAZE"? 'Twas given to me, by a friend.

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - Elven - 08-14-2010

Lionel felt a bit annoying. Usually prisoners weren't so relaxed, that let him read their minds through their expressions or moves. Yet... He definately wanted some tea. He took phone, pressed some numbers:"Connect me to Molly, please... Hello, Molly? May I get two or three cups of tea? Yes. Room 24. Allright."

- Well, gentleman. Don't forget, this place isn't your home. If your answers don't satisfy me, I'll have to use worse methods of gaining information... I think you heard some of them by the way to this room. Yet I have hope you'll change your mind and answer my questions seriously. You don't have real chance to get out alive unless you cooperate. - he turned to the window. - So, what's your name, 'Leaf'? You know, calling you Leaf is kinda... Not serious. And I need to fill out paperwork - it should include your real name. Wait, don't speak yet - I don't conisder your previous answers serious. So... think a bit more before answering.

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - TehNoizeBox - 08-14-2010

-Well now, lad, someone is a bit on the demanding side. For now, Call me Ted. As for my answers that you are 'unsatisfied' with, I may or may not elaborate more on them. Depends on whether you use those "worse methods" or not. But for now I can give you this...

Ted looked at the Agent directly in the eyes.

-My weapon codenamed "BLUE BLAZE" was given to me by a friend, a fellow Gaian actually. I'm not going to tell you who, but he is a Gaian. As for the Corsair shield busters? I got them on a Corsair base. Where else would I get them?

Ted scratched the back of his head and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. He paused for a moment, then leaned forward, looking at the Agent.

-As for my Kusarian ship, the "Black Dragon"... Consider it a gift from the Hogosha.

Ted sat there for a moment.

-On second thought...May I please have a cup of tea?

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - Elven - 08-14-2010

- Tea isn't problem. What's your full name, anyway, Ted? As for your weaponry, it's very unlikely corsairs will just 'sell' them to you - Tizona Del Cid guns are too powerful just to sell them to anyone. Black Dragon - as gift? Well, gifts are unlikely without some service. What did you do for them? Seems you're not just some tree-hugging hippie - not even close to that.

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - TehNoizeBox - 08-14-2010

-Our organization, Nature's Last Hope, has developed "friendships" with these groups. They are our allies, are they not? Therefore, we share "the wealth", you know? Tree-hugger? Yes. Hippie? Not really. Some Gaians are, some aren't. But we all believe in the same things. And Synth Weed, we believe in that too.

Ted paused.

-My last name? Its Davidson. There you have it. Go crazy, Agent.

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - Elven - 08-14-2010

Lionel took notepad to write down few things there... Then somebody knocked into the door softly. He opened the door to see beautifull Molly carrying three cups of tea. He bows and took cups with calm "Miss!". She looked with weak interest on gaian and turned around, back to her work. He left cups on the table in center of room.

- So Green Front is cooperating with those terrorists?! Oh, my God... - expression of agent's face was shocked. - Are you serious?! So tree-huggers are allied with those terrorists now? You want to destroy your homeland in the name of Nature?... - He calmed down a bit, taking cup of tea to sip and enjoy tasteful smell of earl grey tea, directly from Camridge. - I'm just curious how'd that come you allied with the Hogosha, at least... Or Farmers Alliance? They destroy Nature by using those chemical fertilirizers. Oh... And did you ever hear good old tale about planet Cork?...

He put cup back on the table to breath out with ease feeling.

Interrogation record 0062 (Agent Lionel Ross) - TehNoizeBox - 08-14-2010

-First of all, the Green Front is the political and lawful arm of the Gaian movement, not the whole Gaian collective. Second off, the Hogosha aren't terrorists, neither or the Farmer's Alliance. They are quasi-lawfuls. What the Hogosha does, I am not exactly sure. But the Farmer's Alliance appose Synth foods for whatever reason. Once again, they aren't terrorists, like we are. The Blood Dragons are terrorists, and the Golden Chrysanthemums.

Ted grabbed a cup of tea and sipped at it.

-The Farmer's Alliance doesn't destroy nature, like Planetform or OSC. They used the land that Mother Nature gave them to grow food. Synth Foods came in and took that all away. Bretonia shuns us, we shun back. We are friends with the Hogosha and the Farmer's Alliance, and they are friends with the KSPand KNF. Therefore, we help out a little bit I would guess. I just do what I am told.

Ted sips at the tea again.

-The glassing of Cork, eh? I say that the Mollys were asking fer it. They treated the Corsairs as extreme hostiles, therefore the two groups came to hate each other. Its the Molly's fault. They started it. They had that coming. I personally sort of resent this, but I won't argue with the Corsairs.