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Firestorm over Hamburg - Printable Version

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Firestorm over Hamburg - Drake_Forsyth - 08-15-2010

*transmission to Editor, Head Office, The Manhattan Post, Planet Manhattan, Liberty*
*standard encryption, EEO (editor's eyes only) PP (pre-publication)*
*message origin - "thesittingduck" / Hamburg public tachyon router*


"Moira, find attached RAW COMBAT FOOTAGE & HOLOS from Hamburg System dated today.
Liberty Navy & LSF Joint Taskforce engaged Rhineland Forces across Hamburg orbit. The Navy lost the Louisiana, the Assault and possibly the Eagle Eye. Opening shot EMP fried my camera systems, so I had to record on backups for the whole skirmish. The Rhineland Military won the day, repelling the taskforce with assistance from a wing of Hessians. Apparently they're willing to look the other way when there's bigger fish in system! The SCRA made an appearance too, but took their usual position of shooting EVERYTHING in sight.
Got press-pass from both navies before battle, images attached. Will be covering RH/LI war until further notice. Oh, and I got an embed offer from the Rhineland Regulars... can you draw up the paperwork? And this time, add a non-exclusivity clause... I don't want Liberty's Finest scragging me for kicks.
Cheers - Drake"

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