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To: the IMG - Printable Version

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To: the IMG - Lobster - 08-19-2010

::::Ankommende Ubertragung::::
::::Ubertragung von: Rheinland Militar Hauptfeldwebel Hans Putzkammer::::
::::Ubermittlung an: IMG::::
::::Verschlusselung Ebene: Low::::
My Dear Sirs,

I find myself on patrol in the Omega 7 system of my own volition, looking for those nasty pirates and corsairs that rob you miners. Yes it is a dangerous place and I prepare myself for anything, however, I am quite suppressed when the ones I aim to protect slander me as soon as I come in scanner range.


Please, watch your tongue when talking to those who are there to protect you.

P.S. This is a personal matter and has no bearing on the relationship between the [RM] and IMG|.

Your fascist warrior,

Hauptfeldwebel Hans Putzkammer.

::::Ubertragung endet::::

To: the IMG - hypermauler - 08-19-2010

[Image: transmissionopener.png]
Greeting ''Rheilander'',

So you claim we depend of your protection? We have all we need to deal with pirates, and we do not enjoy been judged by such an organization.

I am, Ian Desari, free to say the truth and opinion. There will be no law or code of honor that will stop me to do such a deed outside of your house space. You did not helped us when we were poor in Rheinland and Bretonia, when we needed your support. Instead you decided to support un-human mega corporation such as Dauman and Kruger forgetting the real average citizens of your space. Now don't expect us to open our arms and offer you a meal, No your not welcome in our mining operations.

You are the one who owe us excuses, to do such a corrupted patriotic figure. Just leave us alone in peace.

Regard, Ian Desari

[Image: transmissioncloser.png]

To: the IMG - darthbeck - 08-21-2010

---Incoming transmission---
ID: Ron Matterson , Independent Miners Guild.
Subject: A regrettable occurrence.

Herr Putzkammer, I'm deeply sorry for what Desari has said, and the rheinland millitary has been of great assistance many times to us, especially in the increasingly difficult fight against corsair, and pirate aggressions.

Anything that Desari says should be considered his own personal opinion unless otherwise endorsed by the guild.

Ron matterson.
Directer of Research, Development and Defense.
Independent Miners Guild

[color=#FFFF00]Secure SubTransmission.
Target: Ian Desari.

Watch what you say, to everyone. The only people I dont care if you mouth off to are the outcasts, everyone else can make life for the IMG difficult, so think before talking. Rheinland's economy is one of our largest consumers of raw and processed ore, and while they need it more then we need them, we've got vary few other places to safely sell our goods. Avoid talking about who has, or has not been wronged whenever possible. Besides that, You're doing well.

---Transmission ended, Channel open---