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To: Rochester Base, New York (Junkers) - Printable Version

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To: Rochester Base, New York (Junkers) - audiopulse - 08-21-2010

FROM: "Audiopulse(ADP)" Matthias Nagl
TO: Junkers, Rochester Base
SUBJECT: Seeking permission to use my fathers ol' CSF


Hey, Matt speaking.

My old Pa recently gifted me his old "Goosebumps". Thats his Junkers CSF. Back in the days he used to fly with his Pals from Rochester.
Pa said I should get my ass up and do some business on my own. Yeah right you are: He kicked me out and left me with his old Goosey and a bottle of Liberty beer. Damn. One might think a Parents should care for their kids - but no - "Learn a lesson, kid, see what life is like and get the hell off my couch!". Thats what he said. A fathers love. Didnt even leave a bottleopener in the cabin. God - *censored* - Damn!

Now. Mickey just back at Philly said I should send ya a word that id be flyin this thing. Said id need a permission or something. Well - here I am. Asking for permission to fly a CSF till I could earn a few bucks to get me something bigger. Something with a capopener.

*transmission end. No Attachments*


To: Rochester Base, New York (Junkers) - Hawk - 08-21-2010

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****Location: Yanagi****

Clear skies to you my friend, the CSF is a fine ship. Just one word of advice. I take our reputaion very seriously. Any misbehavior with that ship or abuse of our hospitality will be dealt with VERY severely.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****