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To: Liberty and Bretonian High Commands - Printable Version

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To: Liberty and Bretonian High Commands - exlibrismortis - 08-23-2010

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

> CommID: Admiral Gideon Ravenor
> Location: Gran Carnaria, Omega 49
> Encryption: High
> Destination: Libert Navy HC, Bretonian HC
> Subject: Private Discussions

***Initiating Video Feed***
[Image: GideonRavenor-1.jpg]

To whom it may concern:

This is Admiral Ravenor of the Zoner Defense Forces. I wish to speak with both the high commands of the Liberty Navy and the Bretonians in private. Both conversations will be independent of each other. S.K.Y.P.E. protocol is preferred, and that is exlibrismortis1. I await your replies.

Ravenor out!
***End Video Transmission***

>>>Transmission Terminated<<<

To: Liberty and Bretonian High Commands - Contaan - 08-23-2010

--Incomming Transmission--
--Transmission Encrypted--
--Transmission Decrypted--

Sender: Admiral Galen Anderson

Good day, Admiral Ravenor. Your message has been received and transmitted to other Liberty Navy High Command members.


Admiral Galen Anderson

--End Transmission--

To: Liberty and Bretonian High Commands - Deneth Aleski - 08-23-2010


ENCRYPTION: [color=#FF9900]Confidential (Protocol 4-TR)

IDENTIFICATION: Lieutenant D. Aleski (Office of the Fleet Admiral)
TARGET: Admiral Gideon Ravenor
SUBJECT: RE: Private discussions

Good evening, Admiral Ravenor.

This message serves to confirm reception of your request to engage in private discussions with the Admiralty Board of the Bretonian Armed Forces.

All pertinent parties will be notified of your request.

Lt. Deneth Aleski, Office of the Fleet Admiral