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Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - Printable Version

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Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - qwertypp7 - 08-23-2010

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: Captain Christopher Leigh, Order Primary Fleet
Subject: Tau 44

Greetings once again.

As you are aware already, the Order is conducting an ongoing operation in the Tau systems and although it does not directly involve the Colonial nation, your assistance in certain operations has been noted and is very much appreciated.

However, Order High Command has recently ordered the deployment of the Resheph cruiser OCV Neith II to the area to assist in certain aspects of our operations. The vessel will be under my command and its role in the operation will hopefully be a rather passive one. Although it is not essential to the vessels deployment, I ask that you allow the Neith II access to your home system of Tau 44 in order to prevent it falling victim to further attacks by the Outcasts. No access to stations will be nessessary as the Neith II will be stocked with enough provisions to keep it operational for the duration of the operation.

If you choose to deny this request (as you are well within your rights to do) rest assured that it will not have a negative impact on relations with the Order and we will simply seek a different location for the Neith II to be based in.

Captain Leigh out.
[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - qwertypp7 - 08-24-2010

---Signal retransmits---

Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - Slartibartfast - 08-24-2010

>>Incomming Transmission
>>Transmission Origin: Tau-44, Minato Harbour, MOFA offices.

Greetings to You as well, dear sir.

The word of your organisation's deeds has indeed reached our ears.

And so, I grant the Order cruiser OCV Neith II the permission to enter Tau-44 system and find its shelter in there. Also granted is the permission to moor with Minato Harbour should the crew of the said Cruiser need anything from our civilian Harbour.

However, we would urge the commanding officer to stay close to Minato Harbour as further exploration of the system is prohibited for now. I trust that that should be enough for now.


Standing-in Minister of foreign affairs,
Lee Boughtrop.

Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - qwertypp7 - 08-24-2010

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: Captain Christopher Leigh
Subject: Tau 44

Greetings Mr. Boughtrop.

Thank you for this access to your Minato facility. Although we will probably not find it neccessary to berth there it is always good to know we have a safe port if things go wrong.

I will transmit the order to move to the Neith II momentarily and it should arrive later today.

Thank you once again.

Captain Leigh out.

[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - Slartibartfast - 08-24-2010

>>Incomming Transmission
>>Transmission Origin: Tau-44, Minato Harbour, MOFA offices.
>>Encryption: [color=#CC0000]High

Greetings again.

I have talked about the agreement with our research and military departments and would first like to extend a helping hand and a possible deal as far as research goes. The Colonial Intelligence Service expressed a wish to cooperate in Order's research projects in the Tau region and to share the potential benefits. I'm sure you can see the prudence in such approach as any potential benefits of these researches would be sped-up with such cooperation and would of course, be mutual. The Intelligence Service is otherwise of course aware that The Order might not be prepared to share a certain kind of information to a faction not considered among its closest allies but urges The Order's Science Division to share info that might prove relevant to Colonial Republic's developments in the Tau region.

As well as this invitation, if you will, the Colonial Republic urges the captain of the aformentioned Cruiser to state its (very basic, no revealing of secrets necessary) intentions to Colonial pilots when visiting Tau-44 from time to time only to prevent any confusion and for our pilots to be made aware of the basic status of the vessel.


Stand-in Minister of foreign affairs,
Lee Boughtrop.

Encrypted transmission to the Colonial Remenant - qwertypp7 - 08-24-2010

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: Captain Christopher Leigh
Subject: Order operations in the Taus


Unfortunately I am not the one to talk to about establishing research and intelligence links. I would suggest contacting Order High Command if you wish to establish such links.
While we are in the Taus we will of course be willing to share any military intelligence that could lead to the prevention of the Outcast attacks that plauge both of our operations in the area. Other forms of intelligence are however much more closely guarded by the Order, as is our technology.

I am also not at liberty to reveal any details of our operations in the Taus but I will make sure to try and keep Colonial pilots as informed as possible to avoid misunderstandings.

Captain Leigh out.
[Image: 35bd02f.png]