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What's going on with my factions?! - Printable Version

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What's going on with my factions?! - sephff9 - 08-25-2010

Okay so I bribed Bowex and bought the Border Worlds Exports ID. The bribe said it would only make me hostile with rogues, outcasts, and another criminal faction who i cant remember. I buy the ID, then buy the ship I needed the ID for. Now all of a sudden Kusari is on hostile terms with me. The ID didn't say anything about changing my reputation with Kusari, and neither did the bribe. Now I can't trade the routes I used to because something got screwed up. Help?

What's going on with my factions?! - Ash - 08-25-2010

Bowex is Bretonian. Kusari is at war with Bretonia.

Might wanna take a day trip to the Taus some time soon. You'l see what I mean.

What's going on with my factions?! - Seraphin - 08-25-2010

There us a war between Bretonia and Kusari, so the ID turned your rep hostile to account for that.

What's going on with my factions?! - Coin - 08-25-2010

joo haz been repninja'd! pheer Cannon and all his mighty works!

What's going on with my factions?! - kersch_wasser - 08-25-2010

[Image: funnypicturesrulenumber.jpg]

What's going on with my factions?! - sephff9 - 08-26-2010

Yeah, but I didn't know the ID was going to do that. Universal is a Liberty company, but it's allowed in Rheinland. If I knew that I wouldn't have bought the ID. It doesn't say anywhere on the ID that it changes your factions. Is there any way for me to undo this and go with another corporation, preferably one that I can trade freely with and not get raped every time I go to a neighboring system?

What's going on with my factions?! - Tomtomrawr - 08-26-2010

' Wrote:Yeah, but I didn't know the ID was going to do that. Universal is a Liberty company, but it's allowed in Rheinland. If I knew that I wouldn't have bought the ID. It doesn't say anywhere on the ID that it changes your factions. Is there any way for me to undo this and go with another corporation, preferably one that I can trade freely with and not get raped every time I go to a neighboring system?
Why not just use Bowex trade routes? I'm a member of the Bowex) player faction and could give you my route if you want.

But it would take a lot of effort to fix that hostile reputation.

What's going on with my factions?! - Chase - 08-26-2010

' Wrote:Yeah, but I didn't know the ID was going to do that. Universal is a Liberty company, but it's allowed in Rheinland. If I knew that I wouldn't have bought the ID. It doesn't say anywhere on the ID that it changes your factions. Is there any way for me to undo this and go with another corporation, preferably one that I can trade freely with and not get raped every time I go to a neighboring system?
This seems to be a common consensus in the past few weeks. This is a roleplay server and therefore even when you're powertrading for your capwhoring battleship, you should be doing it within RP. It isn't that difficult to make money with RP routes such as Superconductors in and Super Alloy out of Bretonia.

If you're going to bother to be on the server at all, why not have fun interacting and making the world a more immersive place for everyone by trading in things and places that your faction SHOULD be trading in?

What's going on with my factions?! - Coin - 08-26-2010

become a snugglah.... most people like you, and the lawfuls tolerate you... somewhat. profits are less than mining (obv), but a lot more fun. you can have conversations with pirates (!) and police alike, and send them some bb's if they are low.... you can play both ends against the middle (tell the pirates where the police are and the police where the pirates are) and skip your way to manhatten, hull down with a bay full of goodies.

just stay outa t23 until the poo-storm has passed, mmmkay?

What's going on with my factions?! - AeternusDoleo - 08-27-2010

' Wrote:But it would take a lot of effort to fix that hostile reputation.
An hour or three (max) of IMG missions versus Outcast should do the trick. Java or Falkland base are good places to do that. Basically, shooting any unlawfuls fixes your rep for lawful factions right quick. And since your intended faction repninjas you hostile to those criminals anyway...

' Wrote:just stay outa t23 until the poo-storm has passed, mmmkay?
That goes for miner and smuggler alike. *sigh*